News & updates 

Regular news and updates from the Chamber, our members, local Councils and other relevant business news will be posted regularly here. 

Don't forget, as a member one of your many benefits is being able to submit your press releases and news for inclusion here as well as on either the members or business news emails and social media, for guidelines please click here. Please submit to 

  • 26 May 2020 1:05 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

    Clouds and Claws Exhibition

    Tuesday 26 May to Sunday 7 June

    Artists Diane Bailey and Alison Tyldesley are looking forward to exhibiting their work after having to cancel in April. Their show is our first step back into the gallery and to help you get to know the artists and their work we have put filmed interviews, along with plenty of information and images on our website. The exhibition itself will be in the gallery, and we hope to be able to open the doors to visitors in a limited way after the 1st June. Until then, why not make a detour on your daily walk and enjoy their vibrant wildlife and landscape work through our windows. 

    Diane's wildlife paintings sizzle with colour and create a close sense of connection with the creatures she depicts - which range from rabbits and rats to polar bears and monitor lizards - and most of which she has met in real life!

    Alison's dreamy landscapes enfold you in colour and remind you of mountains, moors, sand dunes or lakesides. At a time when being outdoors has even more significance than usual, these paintings bring a real sense of joy. 

  • 26 May 2020 12:06 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

    Virtual Run Raises £1,800 for Worthing Veterans’ Charity

    On Friday 8 May, 122 people took part in the Victory for Veterans VE Day virtual race in aid of Worthing-based charity, Care for Veterans, and raised £1,800. 

    The participants walked, ran or cycled either 5km or 10km in their own time on VE Day, ensuring they followed the guidelines around social distancing. The virtual race had an incredible community spirit with many of the runners choosing to run past Care for Veterans on Boundary Road, where a refreshment station was set up for them.
    The charity, which provides care and rehabilitation to physically disabled ex-Service personnel, has seen many events that were planned for this year either postponed or cancelled. Care for Veterans relies on these important events to fund the work they do. 
    Head of Fundraising and Marketing, James Bacharew, said, “We truly appreciate that these are frightening and uncertain times for everyone, but at Care for Veterans we must continue to provide the very best care and rehabilitation for our disabled veterans, and we can only do so with the kind and continued support of our community. On behalf of our residents and staff, I’d like to thank everyone who took part in the virtual race and helped to raise these vital funds to support our veterans. If anyone has any ideas on how they would like to support us, we would love to hear from you, as we need your help now more than ever.” 
    To support Care for Veterans, contact the fundraising team on 01903 218444 or visit the website

  • 26 May 2020 11:45 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

    Sussex Sport & Leisure Club Competition – Win a Free Storage Container

    It is testing times for many right now but as lockdown begins to ease and sport and leisure slowly comes back to life across the county we wanted to thank the clubs for hanging on in there and waiting for recreation to return.

    Sussex Transport have decided to give away a NEW 20′ Shipping and Storage container to one lucky Sussex based club.  The value of the container, lock, delivery and positioning puts this prize up at over £2000.  Something not to be missed!

    If you are an owner, on the committee, member or visitor of a local sports or leisure club then please let your club know about this wonderful chance to win a superb, secure storage container for your site.  With no planning permission* needed these containers provide sports and leisure facilities countrywide with storage for all sorts of items.

    All your club has to do is head over to social media where we have pinned this competition to our feeds.  Like the post and follow us on the social media channel.  All our Social feeds are linked below and if you have all 4 social media feeds for your club then why not follow all channels for even more chances to win.  Your club could be in the hat 8 times

    ST Containers Socials

    Sussex Transport Socials

  • 26 May 2020 11:34 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

    RE-DEFINED Virtual Conference

    Date: Friday 29th May 
    10:00am - 1:30pm

    RE-DEFINED is a new, virtual conference that celebrates and cultivates the resilience of female founders and women in business in the UK.

    Born in Brighton, it exclusively features the successes of women in business and everyone is welcome.

    With an emphasis on practical learning, this digital conference is designed to give delegates the inspiration, knowledge and connections they need to make bold steps to improve and grow their businesses - especially during this time of unprecedented change where the actual way we do business has been, and continues to be, re-defined.

    This is a call to action for female entrepreneurs across the UK to lead the way in building a brighter future.

    What will you learn?

    During the conference, you will hear from inspirational speakers and workshop facilitators around the themes of ‘My Voice: Re-defined’‘My Business: Re-defined’‘My Wealth: Re-defined’ and ‘My Mindset: Re-defined’.

    Each theme will be explored and presented to you through carefully curated talks, practical workshops and a panel session led by a diverse range of female founders and women in business.

    From our inspirational talks and workshops, you will learn how to improve your marketing strategy, innovate new business models, price yourself more effectively and overcome self-limiting belief.

    You will also have the opportunity to make new connections with other founders and business supporters during our networking session and our (optional) peer support session during the afternoon.

    Once you have purchased your ticket, we will contact you to find out which workshop you would like to attend.

    Please note, all ticket holders will have exclusive access to the recordings of all four workshops - so you don't miss out!

    Click here to book your ticket

  • 21 May 2020 11:46 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

    IR Forehead Thermometer - member offer

    The Electronic Temperature Instruments Ltd (ETI) R & D team have been, and still are, very busy developing a RayTemp Forehead IR Thermometer.  It was our aim for this product to be in production by now however, due to technical issues and applying for the necessary Government approvals, this hasn’t been possible and we are now, looking to release this product in late June/early July.  In the meantime, due to unprecedented demand, we’ve been able to source a quality IR Forehead Thermometer from a well-established existing supplier which is CE1639 approved (manufactured in accordance with Class II EU Medical Device Directives 93/42 EEC) and is suitable for measuring the body temperature of adults and children of all ages.  As lockdown restrictions begin to relax, many businesses will be looking at temperature technology to help keep their employees and customers safe.  The IR Forehead thermometer is ideal for checking the temperature of employees and customers in offices, shops, warehouses, schools, restaurants etc., and can also be used at home for family members.  We have limited stocks of this product arriving in early June which we will be offering exclusively on our website (maximum five units per customer) with a further shipment scheduled to follow in late June.  Please help us to spread the word by sharing our social media posts relating to this.  If any member would like to buy a IR Forehead Thermometer you can via the ETI website, and you can get a 25% discount using this members special discount code CHAM-25

  • 21 May 2020 11:33 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

    Little Big Sleep Out - 16th May 2020 at Chatsmore Catholic High School.

    Chatsmore Catholic High School students, parents and staff slept out in the most unusual places on Saturday night all for a good cause. "I slept in a plastic bag and a cat (not ours) joined me" - Tom Scott (student). The Chatsmore community set their sites to raise as much money as possible in support of our local homeless support charities Stone Pillow and Turning Tides. 

    Lots of students got involved right from the start. The introduction meeting went live and everyone joined to hear a lovely prayer read out by Mr Byrne’s daughter, Hope. This was followed by a talk by Sarah Dakin from Stone Pillow, so the participants could find out where their money was going.  "The whole thing was emotionally warming.  Seeing all the families (and teachers) engaged, virtually together having fun and laughing for a good cause lifted my spirits no end" - Liz Angioini (Parent organiser). 

    At 8pm the student ‘Dream Team’ including Theo Angioni, Molly England and Ellena Meakins set up some challenges, games and a quiz which was hotly contested by all. "It was so well organised, with such a range of nice interactive activities. My daughter loved it, she enjoyed seeing teachers and friends, who she’d missed. Staff went above and beyond, letting Lily read her story out" - Steffie Boulding (Lily’s mum) 

    At 9pm there was a scary story meet up, where we heard a very scary story told by Elliot Meakins about a rather unscrupulous butcher! It was getting dark and everyone was getting ready to settle into their unusual bed and sleeping places. "It was very fun and we had a great time listening to the stories and attempting the challenges, even though it was very cold it was a great night and a great experience" - Bryony Frogley (Student). 

    Students and staff and parents/carers spent the night in a wide array of locations and shelters including, roof tops, garages, sheds, tents, under the stars and stairs. In plastic bags and on trampolines. "I slept on a trampoline but made sure I had decorated it with pretty lights. My cats joined me too. They thought I was bonkers and were looking at me as if to say why are you out here? It got very cold and I now know why quite a few homeless people choose to sleep in the day because they are probably awake and very cold at night" - Molly Gunner (Student) 

    Mr Byrne the Head Teacher said "I am incredibly proud of what our students have achieved. Not only did they raise an amazing sum of money, over £1100 so far, for the most vulnerable people in society, but they also provided a wonderful opportunity for our community to come together, albeit online, as we played games and heard our students read their scary stories before bed. I would like to say a particular thanks to Mr Dean and Liz Angioni, who alongside our team of student leaders, organised the event and made it happen." 

    Mellisa Cooper was watching the stars and satellites and Max their dog was guarding them and barking .  They were very cold and didn't make the night but it made them think how cold the homeless must be every night.

    If you would like to find out more about Chatsmore Catholic High School fundraising for a variety of causes please follow this link
  • 21 May 2020 11:26 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

    Discretionary Grant Fund Update

    A discretionary fund has been set up to accommodate certain small businesses previously outside the scope of the business grant funds scheme. Adur and Worthing Councils are currently working with local partners to agree the framework. More details are due to be released early June. Worthing and Adur Chamber will share the information with members as soon as it is received.

    The government guidelines can be found here

  • 21 May 2020 11:19 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

    Apprenticeship Levy Transfer

    West Sussex County Council will shortly be launching phase three of its apprenticeship levy transfer application process. This will give  small to medium organisations an opportunity to fund current staff to develop their skills and encourage retention. The levy transfer funding available from the County Council gives businesses in West Sussex a financial incentive to access apprenticeships and the benefits they bring. For more information about the apprenticeship standards available please click on the link:   Apprenticeship Standards

    To send an expression of interest please contact Karen Pirks, Partnership Officer West Sussex County Council via email: you will then be informed when the process goes live very soon.

  • 21 May 2020 11:14 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

    Coronavirus & Network Rail

    As the country enters the next phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, we wanted to update you on how Network Rail will continue to play its part in supporting the national response.
    Keeping our frontline staff, passengers and the public safe is our first priority, and we have been working closely with Government, public health authorities, colleagues across the rail industry and the trades unions since the beginning of the outbreak to put the right guidance and protection in place.

    Read more here.

  • 21 May 2020 10:59 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

    Business Recovery Support Sessions

    The Coast to Capital Growth Hub is providing, through their network of experts, FREE and impartial one hour 1-2-1 advice on topics to support businesses as you return to work and implement recovery plans.

    To access this support please complete their Request Form including the topic you want to discuss in order that we can organise your advice sessions.  Topics can include:

    • Developing a safe working environment
    • Supporting teams back to work
    • Supporting leadership resilience
    • Funding
    • Repurposing the business and introducing innovation
    • Remote team building
    • Recovery planning
    • Developing and online presence

    For more details