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  • 24 April 2019 3:51 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

    METALL #10 searches for the Solutions to the Skills Chasm

    A recent meeting of the Manufacturing, Engineering and Technology Alliance (METALL #10) saw some lively debate between manufacturing businesses, education professionals from FE and HE and local business support organisations as they searched for solutions to the long-standing difficulty of recruiting into the engineering sector nationally

    In the South, the recent MHA Manufacturing & Engineering Report revealed that 89% of companies were finding it difficult to recruit enough people with the right talent and skills to fill existing job vacancies.

    Guests were welcomed to the event at the University of Chichester’s new Engineering and Technology Campus in Bognor by former engineer Chris Coopey, who is a Partner and Practice Director at MHA Carpenter Box. Chris then handed over to the event facilitator, Richard Freeman, CEO of East Sussex-based company, always possible.

    Richard highlighted that the speed of technological change is starting to challenge our ability to keep up with it, with big data, AI, robotics and a whole host of other technology currently reshaping our lives at tremendous speed as we move forward in the 4th Industrial Revolution.

    One in five jobs in the UK are linked to the sector and despite the fact that our region is not nationally recognised as a hotbed of manufacturing and engineering, West Sussex manufacturing and engineering companies added £307.4m to the UK economy, which may come as a surprise to many.

    So, what’s the answer?

    Delegates at the METALL #10 event were quick to raise ideas and suggestions. One of the conclusions was that business and education needs to work more closely together to help students realise the many rewarding careers that the sector offers. In particular, more work needs to be done to attract many more female students to take STEM A levels and to go on to take degree apprenticeships or undergraduate degrees in Engineering.   

    More work needs to be undertaken with schools, possibly through school governors, to encourage wider interest in STEM subjects from an earlier age. Head teachers from junior, primary and secondary schools also need to be involved and school leavers should be made aware that the manufacturing industry offers a career path and not just a job. T-Levels may help in this, but they are some way off.

    One particularly interesting fact to emerge was the potential to retrain older workers from other sectors (such as retail) to take some of the many roles available. This is something that bears further research and action at national level.

    Chris Coopey commented: “As I expected, there was some very lively debate at the event, and I was delighted to see the level of participation from the audience. It was very clear from the discussions that there are many issues to overcome. My view is that the Government still has no real idea about the value and potential of the sector, which means that local action has to be taken.

    We will be organising a focus group off the back of this METALL meeting to take some of the ideas forward which we hope will help businesses to meet their skills needs.”

    METALL is supported by MHA Carpenter Box chartered accountants, solicitors asb law and sector recruitment professionals, CBSbutler.  It was launched in 2016 with the primary aim of sharing best practice across Manufacturing, Engineering and Technology businesses.

  • 23 April 2019 2:49 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

    Manufacturers remain Optimistic & Confident despite Brexit uncertainties

    SME manufacturers and engineers remain broadly optimistic and confident about future growth, despite the uncertainties around Brexit, rising production costs and skill shortages. These are the findings of the recently published 2018/19 MHA Manufacturing and Engineering Report.

    The findings of this year’s survey were gathered by Sussex and Gatwick-based chartered accountants, tax and business advisers, MHA Carpenter Box along with their national association MHA. The report draws on the national and regional insights from over 200 clients and contacts. It identifies opportunities and concerns facing UK manufacturing and engineering businesses and, despite uncertainties over Brexit, 71% reported that they achieved revenue growth over the last 12 months and 78% predict business growth over the next 12 months; for the South Coast, this figure is slightly lower at 60%.

    The Report highlights that 58% of respondents export products and all of them export to the Eurozone but, interestingly, only 30% of respondents nationally cite Brexit uncertainty and trading tariff concerns as their main barrier to future success. Only 34% of respondents have a post-Brexit strategy in place and 66% report that they cannot plan for the impact of Brexit until they know the Government’s strategy and EU response.

    92% of respondents expect their production costs to rise over the next 12 months, but 67% intend to absorb any price increases through improved productivity and efficiency, rather than pass them onto customers.   

    In the South, staff retention and recruitment are even bigger issues this year than last year with 89% of respondents finding it difficult to recruit staff; this figure is 81% nationally. In addition, 27% of respondents in the South are already losing staff to the Brexit effect, with the national figure standing at 20%. Although not covered in the survey, there is also anecdotally a growing concern in the South around the lack of availability of commercial/factory space for both new and expanding businesses. It is also disappointing to see the survey’s finding regarding R&D tax credits as many businesses fail to make a claim despite the scope of the relief available.

    MHA Carpenter Box Partner Chris Coopey, Head of Manufacturing at the firm, commented: “It is good to see that our manufacturers and engineers are remaining positive and optimistic about the future despite the uncertainties of the last two years around Brexit. That uncertainty is unlikely to dissipate any time soon, but I have no doubt that the sector will cope with whatever barriers appear.

    “Without doubt, the long-standing issue of skill shortages in the sector has been made worse by Brexit and this is an issue we will be looking to address at our next meeting of the Manufacturing Engineering and Technology Alliance (METALL #10) on Thursday 11 April. At this meeting we will be bringing business and education professionals together to discuss the important role that schools and colleges can play in raising awareness of the great career opportunities there are in manufacturing and engineering for students wishing to pursue STEM subjects.”

    You can review the full Manufacturing & Engineering report at:

    If you would like to find out more information and attend METALL #10, please click on the following link:

  • 23 April 2019 2:47 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

    Tax Team shortlisted for prestigious national awards

    The Tax Services Group at Sussex and Gatwick-based chartered accountants MHA Carpenter Box has been shortlisted in the prestigious Tolley’s Taxation Awards 2019 for Best Tax Practice in a Regional Firm.

    The awards are recognised as a mark of national excellence in the tax sector, so MHA Carpenter Box is delighted to have been shortlisted. With a headcount of 25 including 14 Chartered Tax Advisers the Tax Services Group has grown year-on-year reflecting the expertise it brings to corporate and personal tax planning work.  

    With specialists covering everything from Income Tax, Capital Gains Tax and Inheritance Tax, to VAT, Partnership Taxation, Employment Tax, Corporation Tax and corporate restructuring, the team provides comprehensive and strategic tax planning advice to businesses and individuals.  Add to this other areas such as Research & Development Tax Credits and Patent Box and it’s easy to conclude that the breadth and depth of knowledge available to the firm’s clients is clearly impressive.

    Stuart Noakes, Partner & Head of Tax Services at MHA Carpenter Box commented:

    “Each year we continue to grow to meet the many tax challenges faced by our clients. I think a mark of all we have accomplished in recent times is that much of our high-level work and achievements, which would have really stood out some years ago, now seem like every day business as we bring the benefit of our expertise to bear for many more of our clients.

    We continue to be excited and motivated by the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead, so I’m extremely proud that our efforts have been recognised and the team has been nominated for this accolade.

    The Tax Services Group at MHA Carpenter Box now must wait until 16 May to find out the results, which will be presented at a glittering black-tie ceremony at the London Hilton, Park Lane in London.

  • 18 April 2019 12:51 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

    Brooklands park about to enter redevelopment phase two

    Almost 20 companies have expressed interest in redeveloping Brooklands Park as the next stage of its revival kicks into gear.

    The companies are looking to help Worthing Borough Council return the famous landmark to its iconic ‘jewel in the crown’ status to create a new £2m Science Adventure Park with the emphasis on learning through fun, play and exploration.

    Key features and benefits of the regeneration will include a new cafe and lakeside picnicking area at the heart of the park along with improved walks and fitness trails, areas for outdoor events and community activities, community gardens and an adventure play area.

    An indoor leisure activity centre in the south west corner of the park is also outlined to ensure it remains an attractive destination all year round.

    The deadline for submissions for the redevelopment has not yet passed and council officials are expecting more interest to emerge.

    In the meantime remedial work is set to begin to clear the park of all remaining structures and materials left from its previous incarnation. Within the next two months buildings are to be removed as is the red railway bridge. Wildflower sowing will take place to return the park to a natural state ahead of the development works which should start early next year.

    Also, Five Rivers Environmental Contracting Ltd, which revived the lake last year, is returning next month for stage two of the works, strengthening mid lake islands, planting reed beds and reviewing boardwalks and defences. Wildfowl are returning to the lake which has been thoroughly dredged and redesigned but another two periods of work from Five Rivers is needed to set the lake up to self sustain into the future.

    Worthing Borough Council’s Brooklands Project Manager Gary Prescod said; ‘We’ve had to let things settle down a bit and I understand why people might think nothing has happened since we launched the masterplan. However I want to assure people they we are just about to go to phase two and start clearing up the park while we assess the proposals to build us a beautiful park for future generations to enjoy.’

    It is hoped work will begin on new features next year. The masterplan also envisages an adventure playground, community gardens, outdoor education and den building area, enhanced planting of shrubs and flowers and pond life exploration. An iconic vertical feature, such as a sculpture or wind turbine, has also been suggested.

  • 16 April 2019 12:27 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

    LEAP Chichester showcases first-class creative and digital work for regional and international clients.

    The Sussex-based team of one of the UK’s leading creative services agency, Loveurope and Partners (LEAP), have launched a new website to reveal their first-class creative and digital expertise.  

    Housing a hotbed of talent, LEAP Chichester is perfectly placed to help navigate businesses through the ever-changing landscape of communication channels and technical advances.

    Roger Cayless, Partner and Creative Director, said, “We work with many different clients that all have a story to tell, each wanting to connect their brand to their audience. Whether it’s a full-service offering, or specific elements across creative, digital or employer branding, our team is there to deliver exceptional and successful campaigns.”

    We have the passion, technology and know-how to jump in and confidently deliver outstanding work that genuinely adds to a client’s business.”

    Working with their colleagues in London, LEAP Chichester offers access to an integrated team of 120+ creatives and designers across both sites, including language and culture experts, film and image makers, digital technologists, content producers and production specialists.

    The creative team uses research, insight and experience to bring ideas and brand identities to life with strategic development, creative thinking and eye-catching design.

    David Kimmer, Partner and Managing Director adds, “With over two decades of experience, we can confidently step into the comms process at any stage and deliver an innovative solution from the depth of expertise across the LEAP group of companies.

    “From local businesses and start-ups to household names and global brands, we relish taking an initial brief and turning it into a beautifully crafted, effective campaign.”

    In addition to creative thinking, design and digital and technology expertise, LEAP Chichester is also renowned for employer branding work, helping businesses to differentiate themselves in a fiercely competitive job market.

    LEAP is trusted by some of the biggest brands and agencies to deliver outstanding multi-channel, international campaigns. Clients range from high street stalwarts, John Lewis and Wagamama, to premium brands such as LVMH and Lotus, Fortune 500s such as Salesforce and JP Morgan, and creative and media agencies such as adam&eveddb and Total Media.

    For more information on LEAP Chichester check out the brand new site at, call to discuss your project on 01243 215800 or pop in for a cuppa and a chat.

    Connect with LEAP on LinkedIn and follow them on Twitter.

  • 16 April 2019 12:14 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

    Mary Portas draws on her decades of business experience to share how to be happier, more productive and more collaborative
    Mary Portas – retail expert, business woman and ‘Queen of Shops' – comes to Worthing’s Pavilion Theatre on tour on 23 May to discuss her life, her career, and her new book. Brought to Worthing by Penguin Live, this event will see Mary drawing on decades of business experience, it’s packed with top tips, honest advice and lively tales from a woman on a mission to make the world of work a better place, for everyone. As part of the event, ticket holders will receive a free copy of her latest book Work Like A Woman, and are also invited to have their copy signed by Mary post-show.

    Known to the nation as Mary, Queen of Shops, from her award-winning series for the BBC, Mary Portas has made an indelible mark on British retail. Starting her career with Harrods and then Top Shop she made her name as the Creative Director of Harvey Nichols, transforming the department store into London’s sexiest fashion destination. She has written columns for national media on retail and consumerism, published two books, advised Government on the future of High Streets, launched her own fashion label, as well as kickstarting the return of British manufacturing with her brand Kinky Knickers. Her proudest achievement to date, she says, is the creation of Mary’s Living and Giving shops for Save The Children.

    She will be joined on stage by journalist, presenter and broadcaster Sali Hughes who specialises in beauty, women’s issues and film. A former magazine editor, she has written extensively for Grazia, The Observer, Vogue, Elle, Stylist, Marie Claire, Cosmopolitan and Glamour. She is Contributing Editor on Red magazine and popular resident columnist on The Pool and Empire magazine (both of which have seen her twice-nominated for Columnist of The Year). Sali is also Beauty Editor for The Guardian, where she is known for her intelligent, straight-talking advice and honest product recommendations that are recognised across the beauty industry.

    Don’t miss this chance to hear Mary’s advice on how to be happier, more productive and more collaborative, whoever you are and wherever you work. 

    Tickets for Mary Portas: The Work It Like A Women Tour are priced from £22.50 and are available to purchase from the Worthing Theatres box office on 01903 206 206 and online at

  • 05 April 2019 2:38 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

    Whytemead Primary School: Growing Minds 

    Whytemead Primary School currently has a vacancy for a co-opted governor and would welcome any interest from people in the community who are interested in joining our vibrant and inclusive governing body - even if this is just to find out a bit more information initially.

    Our current governing body has a range of different backgrounds, skills and experience but we all share a common interest of wanting the best possible education and experience for the children in our school.   We would be delighted to hear from anyone who:-

    ·         Is interested in children’s education and the performance of the school

    ·         Is community spirited and would like to represent the community

    ·         Has time and energy to give to the role

    ·         Is able to work well as part of a team

    ·         Has an enquiring mind and the confidence to ask questions and debate issues that affect the school

    ·         Can consider matters objectively and make informed judgements

    We recognise that being a school governor is a voluntary position but it is also very rewarding, particularly given the challenges facing schools at this time.  Skills acquired as a school governor can provide a great experience and be transferable to  the ‘day job’.  Support, guidance and training  will be provided along the way.  

    If you are interested or would like to find out more information, please contact or visit our website to find out more about the school

  • 02 April 2019 11:03 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

    Worthing hospice asks“Who would you walk on hot coals for?”

    St Barnabas House is offering supporters the chance to take on a 20ft firewalk on 15 June 2019 as part of an Epic Games Day in partnership with Worthing Rugby Club.

    Taking place at Worthing Rugby Club, the hospice hopes that the adrenalin fuelled evening will help transform people’s fears and inspire them to do something they didn’t think possible.

    Many of those taking part will be walking on hot embers in memory of a loved one, whilst raising vital funds for the hospice at the same time.

    Jo Bacon, Community Fundraiser Officer at St Barnabas House said: “We’re really excited to be bringing back the event for a second time in June. With the support of Worthing Rugby Club, last year’s firewalk raised £5,040. This is enough to fund the cost of a 24 hour stay on our In-patient Unit for eight of our patients.

    “We’re looking forward to welcoming lots of new firewalkers this year and together we hope we can beat last year’s total!”

    Helena Juric, age 25, faced her fears and completed the last firewalk challenge in March 2018, raising over £600 for the charity. She was motivated to take part after witnessing the care that St Barnabas House gave to her mother, Nadine Byrnes.

    Helena said: “When my mum was diagnosed with cancer, St Barnabas were remarkable with their end of life care. The firewalk was an amazing experience. It pushed me to come out of my comfort zone and made me try something new. I would recommend it to anyone - it’s so much fun and for such a great cause.”

    St Barnabas House ambassador and Worthing Ruby Club Minis coach, Paddy Hooper is looking forward to hosting the event again this year.

    Paddy said: “One of the best things about the firewalk is that you can turn up and have a fantastic experience without having to spend 6 months beforehand doing fitness work.

    “On the evening we have a world class ’Fire Master’ instructor who has undergone a minimum of 200 separate firewalking events at different locations.

    “By getting the community involved, we can improve the quality of life for people receiving hospice care and have loads of fun at the same time.”

    Think you can handle the heat? Register to firewalk before 15 May 2019 and take advantage of the early bird offer for just £20 at

    For more information, contact the St Barnabas House Fundraising Team on 01903 25477 or email

  • 02 April 2019 10:54 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

    College merger to create a bright future for West Sussex region

    Chichester College Group and Worthing College have formally merged, in a move which will bring significant benefits to the region.
    The merger means the Chichester College Group (CCG) will now provide high quality learning opportunities for around 25,000 students across four colleges – Chichester College, Crawley College, Brinsbury College and now Worthing College.

    Shelagh Legrave OBE, Chief Executive of the Chichester College Group, said: “We are delighted to welcome Worthing College to our family of colleges.

    “There are many similarities between the Group and Worthing College, not least a commitment to delivering high quality A-level provision.

    “We look forward to working in partnership with local businesses and organisations to ensure we are able to deliver a diverse and employer-led curriculum that meets their requirements.”

    Paul Riley will continue in his role as Principal at Worthing College and will join the Group’s leadership team. He added: “
    I am delighted that our merger has finally come to fruition.

    “I believe it is in the very best interests of staff, students and the wider community we serve. It will enable us to enhance our existing student support services to provide wrap around pastoral care for all of our students.

    “We recognise and welcome CCG's strengths in ‘Student Voice’ to enrich experiences and maintain an unrelenting focus on the quality of teaching, learning and assessment. Our staff will also benefit from a richness of opportunity for sharing best practice with colleagues from across the group.

    “The merger will also ensure the continuation of high quality teaching and learning and the extensive curriculum offer at Worthing College with a wealth of progression opportunities for students, helping shape the skills agenda both regionally and nationally".

  • 27 March 2019 10:09 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

    Greater Brighton looks to expand as more want to join success story

    Greater Brighton is set to take another step forward after an invite to join was sent to Arun District Council bringing even more economic strength, jobs and investment potential into the region.

    Members of the Greater Brighton Economic Board have agreed to ask Arun to join after a formal request was received from the District Council last year.

    Arun will join six other local authorities, business partnerships, two universities, Gatwick Airport and the South Downs National Park Authority working together in the region to attract inward investment through Government and private investment. Greater Brighton has so far attracted more than £160m for infrastructure projects within the last  four years.

    In a report to the board, officers say Arun, which includes the towns of Arundel, Bognor Regis and Littlehampton, would ‘add much to the critical mass and economic diversity of the Greater Brighton City Region economy’.

    In addition Arun, which supports 55,000 jobs would take Greater Brighton’s employment base to more than half a million which the report describes as ‘a significant milestone’. The region’s economic worth was currently around £23bn which would be increased by 10 per cent should Arun join.

    The report also points out with pressure growing in Greater Brighton for commercial property Arun has the potential to help relocation of some businesses and expansion of others where a significant amount for employment opportunity has been identified . In addition the report points out that the economies of Greater Brighton and Arun are closely linked with 1,900 people moving from the region into Arun in 2016. The district also has a significant  contribution to make to the overall housing stock in the Greater Brighton area supplying much-needed homes for local residents and new workers to the region.

    According to data contained in the 2011 Census, Arun provides jobs for around 4,500 Greater Brighton residents while 9,000 of its residents were employed in the region.

    Chairman of Greater Brighton, Cllr Garry Wall, said, ‘Obviously both Arun and the members of the Greater Brighton region will need to individually support this proposal but the report makes clear what a good fit Arun is with us, helping us to grow and become even more attractive to investors.

    ‘Since we began in 2014 we have now had Crawley District Council and Gatwick Airport joining us making a very powerful region indeed. It goes without saying that the more of us sharing a common aim to improve the lives of citizens by working together for the good of the whole Greater Brighton region can only be a good thing.’

    Chief Executive of Adur District Council, Nigel Lynn, said, “We look forward to working more closely with partners within the Greater Brighton Economic Board area for the benefit of residents not only in Arun, but across the whole of this important economic zone”

    After supporting the recommendations that Arun join the region at a meeting of the Economic Board this week the District Council and all other existing members of the Greater Brighton region will now need to individually approve the plan.