Janet Webb Consulting - Member Case Study
What do you do?
Janet is an independent learning & development consultant, working in the secular and in the spiritual arena. She supports staff by developing their management and personal effectiveness skills and helps them tackle things that they would usually avoid. She particularly specialises in working with new managers, helping them discover how to transfer their excellent technical skills into the skills of managing a team.
Her thing is to help people understand their own brains and emotions, so that they can do the scary stuff, such as managing people or giving presentations. She tries to help people find poise - that characteristic of being knowledgeable, balanced, secure, sure-footed. It comes from having confidence in self, mastery of skill and inner strength.
Janet can be a bit kooky at times – and she likes it that way.
Why did you join the chamber?
As a sole trader it is really easy to feel isolated and out of touch with other businesses. I joined the chamber to surround myself with like-minded people, who understood what it is like to run a business. I value the opportunities that the chamber offers to members in terms of training and key-note speakers, as well as the variety of networking events.
What’s your favourite thing about being a member?
The supportive atmosphere means that you can really get to know people. People I have met through the monthly hub and other events have become trusted associates and friends. I am a better resource to my clients because of who I know well through the chamber.