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Worthing & Adur Chamber

Welcome to Worthing & Adur Chamber

Members area

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01903 203484

Thinking of joining?
Here's a few good reasons why you should...

We are here to promote, support and connect our members,
who are a diverse mix of large and small businesses all with the same aim – to succeed.

There are so many benefits to being a member, whether you want to raise your profile, accelerate your business growth, connect with your business community or simply just be part of it. The Chamber's purpose is to support businesses, big or small to ensure and encourage success. 

We can't wait to welcome you on board! 

    • A full programme of short training courses all year round
    • Free regular 'Ask the Expert' sessions with local business owners
    • Opportunity to deliver training sessions in your specialist area

    • Quick access to information on grants & funding opportunities 
    • Quarterly Chamber Connect magazine;
    • Monthly e-news covering current topical issues
    • Updates from local MP's and the Council

  • Social coverage across all digital channels
  • Editorial & digital opportunities on Chamber website, Connect & e-news
  • Promotion of your business offers
  • Sponsorship opportunities for events, website and business enews
  • Member listing on the Chamber website and SEO opportunities 
  • Yearly listing in Chamber Connect Magazine

  • Regular updates on business support available
  • Signposting & guidance from the Chamber Team
  • Save money with member to member offers
  • Chamber member logo to download and display
  • Get involved as an AmbassadorExecutive Committee member or on a working group
  • Corporate rate for FIT4 membership to all chamber members details here

    • Be part of the local business community
    • Representing the interest of local business on many committees, Councils and working groups
    • Access to local authorities and Government
    • Share your views on local & current issues

Join here by completing the form below.
We look forward to getting to know you and your business

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Get in touch

Tel: 01903 203484   


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