Hemiko give notice of works outside High Street Multi-Storey Car Park from 23-28 March
We will shortly be commencing works which will affect the High Street Multi-Storey Car Park in Worthing, resulting in a temporary traffic management system to allow vehicles to continue using the car park.
To receive regular updates on upcoming works in Worthing, please sign up to our mailing list by emailing worthing@hemiko.com, and a member of our team will add you to our distribution.
What works are taking place?
Over the coming weeks, Hemiko will be working to install the low carbon energy centre on High Street. From 23-28 March, we will install the steel framework of the energy centre using a crane. As a result, the existing entrance to High Street Multi-Storey Car Park will be inaccessible, and there will be a partial lane closure on High Street where we our staff will be at work.

We want to make sure that residents and businesses who need to use the car park over these dates are not impacted. As a result, we are introducing a temporary traffic management plan over 23-28 March to enable traffic to enter and exit the car park via the current exit onto Chatsworth Road.
The updated routes for northbound and southbound traffic on High Street, along with the routes to enter and exit the car park, are illustrated in the diagram above. Please note that Hemiko will need to put in place temporary traffic management measures for a second time later this spring. The dates for these works will be confirmed in due course.
What do these works mean for residents and businesses on the road, and those nearby?
Hemiko staff will operate stop-and-go traffic controls to facilitate the flow of traffic in and out of the High Street Multi-Storey Car Park, and along High Street. There will also be officers on hand inside the car park to direct vehicles and enable them to park safely.
Traffic wishing to enter High Street Multi-Storey Car Park will need to travel eastbound along Chatsworth Road. Due to the southbound closure of Chapel Road, vehicles are advised to follow a diversion route via Richmond Road, Salisbury Road, Shelley Road, Liverpool Gardens, and Liverpool Road. As part of this new route, the direction of travel on Liverpool Road has been switched, with traffic now travelling north to south. This diversion route will be clearly signposted.
By the time this temporary traffic management system takes effect, the Chatsworth Road junction closure and the temporary traffic light system on High Street will have both come to an end, ensuring that potential disruption to drivers is kept to a minimum. We are working closely with West Sussex County Council and Worthing Borough Council to coordinate our works.
Health, safety and accessibility
The health and safety of local residents and our staff is a top priority. We will be installing safety fencing around the site, to keep everyone safe. We have undertaken health and safety assessments of the works and will continue to do these throughout.
If you are a resident of the road with accessibility requirements or vulnerability, please let us know on 01903 337364 or by emailing us and we would be happy to meet with you to discuss your needs, and ensure safe access is always available to your property or place of work.
Thank you – and who to talk to if you’d like more information or to provide feedback
We know that no one likes disruption on their streets. We will be working very hard to minimise the disruption as much as possible. Thank you for your cooperation whilst we complete these essential works.
If you have any concerns and would like to speak to one of the local team, you can reach us on 01903 337364 or by emailing worthing@hemiko.com. Further details on how to contact us are accessible on our website, https://hemiko.com/contact-us.
You can also feel free to speak to staff when you see them on site.