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Airports Commission backs Heathrow expansion

01 July 2015 11:18 AM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)

Airports Commission backs Heathrow expansion

A third runway should be built at Heathrow, the Airports Commission has this morning recommended in its long-awaited final report. But Gatwick's chief executive has insisted the airport is "still very much in the race".

The shortlisted options considered were a third runway at Heathrow, extending an existing one or building a second runway at Gatwick.

While each of the three schemes shortlisted was considered a "credible option" for expansion, the Sir Howard Davies' commission said it has unanimously concluded that the proposal for a new northwest runway at Heathrow Airport presents the strongest case and offers the greatest strategic and economic benefits  - providing around 40 new destinations from the airport and more than 70,000 new jobs by 2050.

The report added that the Gatwick scheme is "feasible", but that the additional capacity would be more focused on short-haul intra-European routes and the economic benefits "considerably smaller".

Sir Howard Davies said: "Over the past two and a half years, the Airports Commission has reviewed the evidence without preconceptions, consulted widely, and followed an inclusive and integrated process. At the end of this extensive work programme our conclusions are clear and unanimous: the best answer is to expand Heathrow’s capacity through a new northwest runway."

John Holland-Kaye, chief executive of Heathrow Airport, said: "This debate has never been about a runway, it's been about the future we want for Britain. Expanding Heathrow will keep Britain as one of the world's great trading nations, right at the heart of the global economy."

He added: "We will create the world's best connected, most efficient and most environmentally responsible hub airport at the heart of an integrated transport system.

"The commission has backed a positive and ambitious vision for Britain. We will now work with government to deliver it."

But Gatwick chief executive Stewart Wingate insisted that the airport is still very much in the race and that the commission's report makes clear that expansion at Gatwick is deliverable.

He added: "It is for the commission to make a recommendation but it is of course for the government to decide. So we now enter the most important stage of the process.

"We are confident that when the government makes that decision they will choose Gatwick as the only deliverable option. For instance, this report highlights the very significant environmental challenges at Heathrow such as air quality and noise impact.

"Gatwick will give the country the economic benefits it needs and at the same time impact far less people. It is quicker simpler and quieter. Above all - after decades of delay - it can actually happen."

Worthing and Adur Chamber of Commerce will actively continue to support the Gatwick expansion plans.

Daniel Humphreys, Leader of Worthing Borough Council, says:

"In common with West Sussex County Council, we recognise the significant volume of work undertaken by the Davies Commission and will await the Government's response to their recommendations with interest.

"We must continue to be bold and to press for improvements to our transport infrastructure, ensuring that the Worthing Borough has what it needs to become a world-class business destination, with or without more planes landing in the County."

Neil Parkin, Leader of Adur District Council, comments:

"While the expansion of Gatwick Airport may have brought direct benefits to the Adur District, it isn't something that we've been banking on to provide future growth in our local economy or communities.

"We will continue to work for the benefit of our residents, businesses and visitors to protect what's special about our District while planning for a vibrant, prosperous future."

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