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Worthing & Adur Chamber

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01903 203484

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Regular news and updates from the Chamber, our members, local Councils and other relevant business news will be posted regularly here. 

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  • 16 May 2017 11:51 AM | Deleted user

    Greater Brighton building a bright new future for the construction trade

    Screen Shot 2017-05-10 at 10.41.22.png

    The next generation of construction workers are set for a bright future thanks to the work of the Greater Brighton Economic Board (GBEB).

    Electricians, plumbers, carpenters, decorators and plasterers are among the trades to be taught at the new £9 million Trades and Construction Centre in east Brighton.

    The building has been made possible by local growth deal funding, secured by Greater Brighton through the Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership, as part of a drive to boost skills in the wider area.

    Ahead of the hub being opened to students in September, GBEB chairman Dan Humphreys was given a tour of the site in Wilson Avenue by Nick Juba, CEO of Greater Brighton Metropolitan College (the MET).

    Speaking after the visit, Cllr Humphreys, who is also leader of Worthing Borough Council, said:

    “Greater Brighton was formed three years ago as local authorities, businesses and education providers realised we could do more by working together.

    “We want to combine our skills and resources to boost the local economy, boost jobs, boost productivity and boost quality of life for people living across the region.

    “This amazing new centre is a perfect example of what difference Greater Brighton can make, giving people the skills to thrive in the 21st century economy.”

    The centre is just one of a number of projects which has received support from the GBEB.

    Cllr Humphreys heard how trades were previously taught on three different sites at City College Brighton & Hove before the further education college merged with Northbrook in Worthing and Shoreham to form the MET.

    The £9 million of funding secured from the LEP allowed the construction of a new hub in east Brighton to expand the college’s courses in construction and trades.

    The hub will be a base for 500 students a year across the Greater Brighton area, which stretches from Worthing across to Newhaven, Brighton up to East Grinstead. Students and apprentices from Worthing will continue to be able to access local construction courses at other MET campuses in the Greater Brighton region.

    External construction work was completed in April, a week ahead of schedule.

    Those at the college are now working with students and staff to develop a kit list to ensure it is fully kitted out in time for the new autumn intake.

    Cllr Humphreys also heard how the development was one that was literally created in the Greater Brighton region: Sussex-based HNW Architects designed the new building, while property consultancy practice NorthGates, which work from an office just outside Shoreham, oversaw the project management.

    Mr Juba, CEO of the MET, said:

    “I want to say thank you to the Greater Brighton Economic Board and the local enterprise partnership for all their support.

    “I am a board member of both and being involved in both of those organisations has given the MET a chance to thrive while thinking about how we organise our courses and provision to support local communities

    “That investment that both organisations have made in this facility is very much appreciated and I know our students will be saying the same thing.”

  • 15 May 2017 9:20 AM | Deleted user

    Ransom attacks - what should you do? - Active IT 

    You will no doubt have seen or heard of the high-profile attack that has affected the NHS and tens of thousands of organisations globally. It’s a ransom attack by malware called WannaCry which encrypts all the files on a computer and demands a ransom payment before allowing access again.

    This particular attack has been carried by a worm, which means that once you have an infected machine within an organisation it will hunt for other machines to infect on the same network, rapidly spreading itself to bring a whole network to a halt.

    The threat of attack is real for all of us, no-one is 100% safe. There are steps that can be taken to minimise the risk though; we urge you to be aware and ensure that you are as protected as possible.

    1.     Backup – when did you last actually check everything was backed up and could be restored?

    2.     Anti-virus software is not enough – the sophisticated attacks now occurring require additional security software to protect against some types of ransomware attack.

    3.     Software Updates – ensure your software is updated, this applies to all software, not just Windows! Older computers are especially vulnerable if they have out of date software such as Windows XP.

    4.     Firewall – block network based attacks by refusing entry onto your computer, don’t rely on a network firewall.

    5.     Vigilance – don’t just click on links in emails without checking they are genuine first, if you get an instruction or request to do something in an email then verify it first, don’t trust anything!

    6.     Mobile devices – all devices are at risk of either being infected or acting as carriers of infection, minimise the risk by protecting mobile devices and ensuring that non-protected (personal) devices are segregated and not allowed onto a business network.

    By Active IT - Professional IT and Broadcast giving peace of mind to you and your business

  • 09 May 2017 2:39 PM | Deleted user

    Guide to Kahoot!

    We're looking forward to our fun-packed Kahoot evening with Freedom Works & Tipton Marketing next week, Wednesday 17th May.

    What on earth is Kahoot?

    Kahoot is an interactive quiz that groups of people can play collectively via their tablet or phone.  The quiz’s will be pre-prepared and each question is shown on a large screen. Players then connect into Kahoot using the App and answer each question either individually or as part of a team through their individual devices.  The Quiz’s are all multiple choice but speed counts for everything!

    I’m not very technical – will I be able to play?

    Yes! It’s very simple once you have downloaded the App and we will give full instructions on the night.  Kahoot does not affect any other programs or App’s on your device.

    Is this a business event or just a social?

    Both!  There will be the opportunity for networking throughout the whole evening and we already have a large guest list confirmed.  We will start with networking and time for everyone to get Kahoot organised on their devices, then will host a trial quiz before the actual quiz begins.  We will break throughout the evening for more networking and our friends at Fernando’s will be supplying a light supper.  We’ll be providing the wine and beer, and of course some good prizes!

    Can I bring a guest?

    Please do, the more the merrier.  The world record is over 1000 people playing at once, we’re just planning on filling the room.

    For more information and to book please visit the event listing page here

  • 09 May 2017 10:06 AM | Deleted user

    Worthing leaders working hard to bring forward town centre redevelopment

    Worthing Borough Council leaders are pledging to keep on doing all they can to bring forward a major redevelopment of a town centre site.

    Teville Gate is a major gateway site within a few minutes walk of the central train station and just off the A24.

    Despite a number of attempts by developers to take proposals forward on the privately-owned plot, it remains a brownfield site in need of regeneration.

    It was bought by Mosaique Global Investments Ltd in December 2015 with those behind the firm promising to deliver a “world-class development’ with both residential and business use.

    After the firm delayed a proposed consultation with the local community, Worthing Borough Council says it is doing all it can to work with the developer to ensure firm plans are brought forward.

    As part of the local authority’s commitment to the site, the council has secured a £5.6 million Local Growth Fund grant distributed through the Coast To Capital LEP towards the redevelopment of the centre of Worthing. This includes the Teville site.

    It is now up to the owner of the site to draw up and submit detailed plans.

    Cllr Bryan Turner, Worthing Borough Council’s executive member for regeneration, said:

    “The Council is working closely with the owner of Teville Gate to ensure that its draft plans for the site are progressed and a detailed planning application is submitted as soon as possible.  

    “The public consultation exercise originally planned for February has been delayed by the site owner as further negotiations are underway between the landowner and prospective occupiers of the proposed mixed use scheme.”

    Teville Gate is one of the sites listed on the InvestAW website, which has been created by Adur & Worthing Councils to be the dedicated portal to bring investment into the area.

    According to the website, Teville Gate offers potential to create a new mixed-use neighbourhood comprising residential, retail, leisure and other commercial uses.

    It could also support a new public space creating new pedestrian walkways between the town centre and railway station.

    A detailed planning application will have to be submitted which will include a further public consultation.

    Cllr Turner made the comments in response to a written question from councillor Edward Crouch at at a recent full council meeting of the local authority.

    Cllr Turner said:

    “The developer has already undertaken a number of detailed site investigations and is keen to progress with the development on the basis that planning permission can be secured later in the year.

    “At the same time negotiations are continuing with the owner of Teville Gate House to ensure that this is developed, ideally simultaneously with the main site, to secure the wider regeneration benefits of an enhanced route from the railway station to the town centre.  

    “The award of over £5.5 million from the local growth fund to progress the redevelopment of brownfield sites in Worthing Town Centre has helped these negotiations to secure a more comprehensive redevelopment of the site.”

  • 09 May 2017 10:01 AM | Deleted user

    The ‘Shark’ focuses the mind at BITE!

    Who better to speak at the BITE 2017 event in Brighton than one of the world’s most famous ‘sharks’?

    Marnus Broodryk stars in ‘Shark Tank’ - the South African equivalent of Dragon’s Den – and took centre stage at BITE 2017, hosted by Sussex-based MHA Carpenter Box at the Amex Stadium, and provided a fascinating insight into the mind of a highly successful entrepreneur.

    Marnus started his first business at the age of 14 and became a self-made millionaire by the age of 24, building one of the most valued and successful accounting firms in South Africa – ‘The Beancounter’. He explained how adopting a positive mind-set every day is fundamental to spotting new opportunities…and he urged both the delegates and exhibitors to enjoy the daily challenge of developing their businesses.

    The event also provided insight from a panel of experts into the growing range of alternative funding options available for businesses of every size – from crowdfunding and business angel finance through to single invoice discounting.

    Nathan Keeley, Partner at MHA Carpenter Box and the driving force behind the BITE (Business, Information, Technology & Efficiency) event, commented: “Marnus was an inspirational speaker and his involvement, together with some very practical advice from break-out sessions and exhibitors, created a real buzz throughout the day.”

    Our picture shows Marnus Broodryk (centre), with MHA Carpenter Box Practice Director Chris Coopey (left), and the inspiration behind BITE, MHA Carpenter Box Partner Nathan Keeley.

  • 09 May 2017 10:00 AM | Deleted user

    Colourful way to help visitors discover a new side of Worthing

    Visitors to Worthing are being urged to try out something new in the the town this summer.

    With more than four million tourists a year, the south coast borough is already one of the most popular places to be in Sussex.

    In a drive to help those visitors do more during their stay, Adur & Worthing Councils have produced a new leaflet packed full of events and useful information.

    Music festivals, farmers markets and top-notch theatre all feature in the seasonal showcase, which is a one-stop shop for everyone who wants to know what’s going on in the Worthing.

    Judy Fox, Visitor Experience & Marketing Officer of Adur & Worthing Councils’ tourism team, said:

    “There really is something for everyone and this guide will ensure visitors don't miss out on key events.

    “For those who haven’t visited the area in a while, they may be in for a pleasant surprise - there is a growing number of quirky independent shops, a thriving arts and cultural scene and top quality cafes and restaurants.”

    The colourful new events leaflet, which opens out to become an easy-to-read A3 size calendar, will be made available at various venues throughout the town in the coming weeks.

    It features a range of events, including food and drink markets in the town centre; music festivals and shows; urban arts trails, such as Worthing Artists’ Open Houses; and family friendly events, such as the children’s parade.

    Summer will also see an emphasis on sporting extravaganzas, with the StreetVelodrome, Beat The Tide and Worthing 10k among the headline events.

    The Events Calendar also forms part of plans to boost tourism in Worthing and is part of the new Discover Worthing campaign to encourage new visitors to the town.

    The leaflet, which also includes events in Adur, will be distributed into neighbouring areas as part of a wider plan by the Council to boost visitor numbers from those living within an hour and a half of the area.

    It will also form part of the events section of the new Discover Worthing website, which is due to launch at the end of this month.

  • 26 April 2017 3:51 PM | Deleted user

    Let's Do Business B2B Exhibitions 2017

    - Guest Speaker Rob Law MBE, CEO of Trunki

    Rob’s rise to business success hasn’t been without challenges and rejection, but his inspirational story charts the highs and the lows of getting a new business venture off the ground.

    - 5 Free Mini Seminars:

    ·         Making the Most of Facebook for Your Business, run by Kerry Watkins

    ·         Marketing to the SME Sector, run by Norman Mayhew

    ·         Making LinkedIn work for Your Business, run by James Dempster

    ·         Ten Point Twitter Health Check for Businesses, run by Alice Reeves

    ·         Critically, People Make Innovation Work, run by John Berry

    - Wine Tasting with Ridgeview

    - 2 Free Google Digital Garage Workshops:

    ·         Know your Business with Google Analytics

    ·         Reach New Customers Online

    - Free Shuttle Bus to and from the venue

    Pre-registering as a visitor will speed up your entry into the show!

    Visiting is FREE, we will just need a few details and will have your badge ready for collection at the reception area.

    Click here to per-register for the show as a visitor.

    The Expo opens 10am-4pm on Thursday 11th May 2017, Brighton Racecourse.

    There is lots of free parking available on site or you can use our free shuttle bus service operated by The Big Lemon.

    Want to exhibit? It's not too late to book a stand

    There are still a few stands available in the Grandstand Hall, prices from £185 + VAT.

    Take a look at the floor plan for availability and pricing, or give us a call if you have any questions on 01424 205500.

    The Sussex Sign Company - Brighton Expo 2017 Show Sponsor

    With more than two decades of experience in the signage industry, The Sussex Sign Company has a long and distinguished record of providing some of the most innovative, creative and beautiful signage solutions to be found anywhere in the United Kingdom.    01273 769659

  • 26 April 2017 2:03 PM | Deleted user

    Mental Health Awareness Week 8 – 14 May 

    Coastal West Sussex Mind will be based at Colonnade House in Warwick street From 8- 14 May. This is Mental Health Awareness Week

    There will be free creative and crafting workshops from 11.00 – 2.30 each day.

    We are working with many artists and local people to explore our senses and how we look after these as individuals and as part of our community.

    Our recovery workers will be on hand to give out information on the support we can offer to our local community.

    Mental health awareness week serves as a good reminder of how important it is to think about how we take care of our mental health as well as our physical health.

    It’s an opportunity to find out more and to take some time out to think about our friends, family and community who have experienced problems with their mental health.

    1 in 4 of us at any one time will experience a mental health problem our Open Minds project aims to raise awareness around mental health and help us understand how stigma can be so isolating to people with a mental health condition.


    Virtual Taste Book

    During Mental Health Awareness Week 8 – 14 May Coastal West Sussex Mind will be creating a virtual book where your favourite recipes or popular meals can be shared to thousands of people in Worthing and the surrounding areas.

    Click here for Information for Restaurant and cafés participating 

  • 26 April 2017 11:35 AM | Deleted user

    Members Blog: Patrick Woodward Voiceovers and Audio

    Patrick Woodward is one of our Chamber members offering Voiceovers, Radio and Audio Production.

    It's always a pleasure to offer voiceover services to Chamber members. The examples of my work below are particularly special as they are for charities, on issues I believe in. 

    I am happy to offer voiceovers for your promotional video, to your business or favourite cause.  I can also offer a professional phone answering message to give your callers a great first impression of your business

    See my website at or call me on 07947028970 for more information.

Get in touch

Tel: 01903 203484   


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