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Worthing & Adur Chamber

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Regular news and updates from the Chamber, our members, local Councils and other relevant business news will be posted regularly here. 

Don't forget, as a member one of your many benefits is being able to submit your press releases and news for inclusion here as well as on either the members or business news emails and social media, for guidelines please click here. Please submit to 

  • 12 April 2017 11:05 AM | Deleted user

    National Careers week at Worthing High School

    National Careers Week which also coincided with the National Apprenticeship Week was held at Worthing High School and students took part in this initiative to help, guide and support their Career choices, they also looked at employability skills essential to the World of Work. Students were given a Career booklet to complete throughout the week, helping them focus on gaining the information needed included. This included details of websites for their research, points about how to find career pathways and information about specific employability skills.

    Assemblies were held throughout the week which were supported by local business representatives and industry professionals. Assemblies included a live mock interview involving Mr Dean the Careers Advisor. Two interviews were showcased back to back, one showing how a candidate can impress a panel and the other was a little less polished. The students watched as the business representatives put Mr Dean through some tough questioning resulting in a positive outcome. Also during the assembly the students were guided through Apprenticeships and alternative pathways that many had not thought about. . Joyanne Williamson from Worthing Speech Therapies said:  ‘It was an honour to engage with so many interesting and enquiring teenagers. Helping them to see their potential and start their ground work as soon as possible’

    At lunch time more business leaders and professionals joined students to chat informally about choices they could make and provided information about their own career pathways. The Police, Armed Services, HMRC and local entrepreneurs were in attendance and really helped to inspire the students.

    Rebecca Groome from Free Your Mind Therpies said ‘Thank you I think this is such a wonderful idea to get the students thinking about careers early on in high school. I never had the opportunity to meet any business leaders when I was at school, which I think is so beneficial in terms of motivation and 'making it real' for the students. I had the fortune to meet a student who wanted to follow a career in therapeutic work and it was lovely to see her enthusiasm and feel I could offer her some valuable insight and share my enthusiasm for the job I do.’ 

    Sameer Miah a Student in Year 10 said 'I found out that entrepreneurs tend to need a well-rounded portfolio of skills as they frequently only have themselves to depend on'.

    Pan Panayiotou  Head teacher at Worthing High School said, 'Worthing High School is very proud of its Careers and Employability provision and the National Careers Week has been a fantastic opportunity to increase our students aspirations for future employability.   Involving local, global business and industry professionals is essential to the support and encouragement of our students. It helps them understand the real world of work and puts into context so much of their academic and non-academic learning. Worthing High School is looking forward to continuing its' close links with the local and global business community’.

  • 12 April 2017 11:00 AM | Deleted user

    Acas 2017 Employment Law Update 

    Keeping up-to-date with employment law changes is essential.

    April 2017 changes include:

    NMW/NLW rates - click to read more

    Gender pay reporting - click to read more

    It's also important that businesses and organisations check in on employment law updates throughout the year so they don't get caught out. 

    Employment law updates timetable - click to read more

  • 12 April 2017 10:55 AM | Deleted user

    Join Basepoint Shoreham at their next Networking Hub, 27th April

    Basepoint Shoreham's popular Networking Hub with guest speaker and networking will be held on 27th April from 12.00pm until 2.00pm.
    The event is largely informal and will feature guest speaker Gerry Thompson of Positive Comedy Training.
    Gerry will be using his background as a stand-up comedian to help attendees learn how to present confidently and effectively. This session will provide plenty of practical pointers which will enable you to go about presenting yourself with more confidence, impact and audience engagement – and enjoy it more!
    This is a bookable event which is free to attend and includes lunch and refreshments. Spaces are limited and a waiting list will be used when spaces are filled.

     Please book your place by responding to 

  • 12 April 2017 10:51 AM | Deleted user

    MHA Carpenter Box Shortlisted in Prestigious Regional Awards

    Sussex-based chartered accountants, tax and business advisers, MHA Carpenter Box, have been named as one of just three finalists in the Business of the Year category of the Gatwick Diamond Business Awards 2017.

    MHA Carpenter Box Practice Director, Chris Coopey, is understandably thrilled with the news, commenting: “Being shortlisted for this prestigious award is very much a recognition of the way in which the team at MHA Carpenter Box is willing to go that extra mile - be that for our clients, for business in general and also in terms of the charitable work we do for the communities in which our offices are based.”

    The Business of the Year category recognises companies that can demonstrate an exceptional track-record of achievement, particularly high performing organisations that do the right thing for their clients, staff and the Gatwick Diamond Community.

    The Gatwick Diamond is a key economic area, not just for the South East, but for the whole of the UK and the business awards celebrate those who have shown innovation and inspiration in their work, as well as real commitment to the region. The awards have become one of the regions premier business occasions recognising the ‘best of the best’.

    MHA Carpenter Box now has to wait until 16 March to find out the results, which will be presented by comedian and actor Stephen Mangan at a glittering ceremony at the Effingham Park Hotel, Gatwick.

  • 12 April 2017 9:16 AM | Deleted user

    Coast to Capital Industrial Strategy Response 

    The Government has recently consulted on its Industrial Strategy Green Paper, it invited feedback from every part of the country, every sector of industry, businesses of every size, and all types of local organisations.

    Coast to Capital, in partnership with local businesses, organisations, and experts, has led a strategic response to Government for the region, setting out our vision of the region, how best growth can be supported locally by the policies set out in the Government’s Industrial Strategy, and how Coast to Capital and its partners are best positioned to support Government deliver local growth. 

    This response is now available for download - please click here

  • 07 April 2017 1:21 PM | Deleted user

    Think like a shark at BITE

    From Shark Tank to BITE…South Africa’s best known entrepreneur will be helping local business people think their way to success when he delivers a keynote address in Sussex later this month.

    Marnus Broodryk is a shark in ‘Shark Tank’ - the South African equivalent of Dragon’s Den - and will talk about ‘The Mind of a Successful Entrepreneur’ at the BITE 2017 (Business, Innovation, Technology & Efficiency) event hosted by MHA Carpenter Box on Thursday 27 April at the Amex Stadium, Brighton.

    He started his first business at the age of 14, which helped pay for his own school fees, and by the age of 24 had become became a self-made millionaire, building one of the most valued and successful accounting firms in South Africa – ‘The Beancounter’.

    He’s also actively involved in many other business projects and dedicates much of his time to helping entrepreneurs reach their dreams by providing seed capital and mentoring.

    Drawing on his own experience, Marnus’ presentation at BITE will focus in on three common characteristics of a successful entrepreneur: how to conquer the mind to conquer anything; embracing change whenever it’s needed and being happy in business – the last principle based on the fact that everyone dies in the end, so best enjoy life on the way!

    Marnus commented: “To be successful, entrepreneurs need to have a positive outlook, plenty of get-up and go and be ready for a lot of hard work.

    “BITE brings together all types of businesses run by like-minded people eager to learn. It’s also an event which looks ahead and responds to emerging trends in business – and one of the big requirements in the future will be the need for everyone to switch to an entrepreneurial mind-set to succeed.” 

    Another theme of the free one-day conference is Alternative Funding and the afternoon keynote session will see a panel of industry experts taking questions from the audience around funding in general and alternative funding in particular.

    In addition to the keynotes, there will be six breakout sessions covering key business themes, as well as an exhibition featuring companies offering services and advice to help businesses to become more productive and stand out from the crowd.

    To register your interest or book a stand at the event, please visit

  • 07 April 2017 12:36 PM | Deleted user

    “Help us keep building”: Adur & Worthing Councils urge the government to keep on supporting south coast growth

    The Government is being urged to continue supporting economic growth in Adur and Worthing to ease pressures on roads, housing and services.

    Adur and Worthing Councils say Whitehall must also continue to back their bold agenda to ensure areas of deprivation in the communities are not left behind.

    In a joint statement, the local authorities remind government that upgrading the A27 between Worthing and Lancing is of critical importance to the ongoing and sustainable growth of their communities.

    The strong messages comes in a joint response to a government Green Paper, Building Our Industrial Strategy, which aims to address the long term challenges to the UK economy and drive growth across the country, particularly outside London and the South East.

    The councils accept the government's wish to improve economic conditions elsewhere but urges it to continue to support communities, such as Adur and Worthing, which have demonstrated success so it can be built upon.

    Today the leaders of both councils welcomed the Green Paper but urged government not to forget there was still work to be done on the south coast.

    Leader of Worthing Council Cllr Daniel Humphreys said:

    "This is an important document and echoes much of the work we have been doing here.

    “We urge the government to continue to help us build on the successes we have been having as drive forward a programme of regeneration and growth while taking care of taxpayers’ money.

    “It is important that government is aware that despite the considerable progress we have made there are still pressing issues facing us.

    “There are stubborn pockets of deprivation that must not be left behind as we continue to grow."

    Leader of Adur Council Cllr Neil Parkin said:

    "There are a lot of good things in this Green Paper which I wholeheartedly support.

    “Adur has taken a lead role in encouraging strong investment and development from key industrial partners as we look to provide a platform for those who work and live here to thrive.

    “We will continue this work but urge the government not to forget there is still much to do here."

    In the joint response the councils point out that their new strategic plan Platforms for our Places sets out commitments to contribute to the prosperity and well being of our places that align with proposals in the Green Paper.

    The plan commits the Councils to provide platforms on which future prosperity and well being can be developed together with partners.

    The joint response also points out:

    ·         the proactive lead the Councils have taken to deliver Gigabit West Sussex, providing end-to-end fibre optic Ultrafast broadband (I000mb/s) across West Sussex;

    ·         the importance of working with regional partners, such as the Greater Brighton Economic Board, to pull in investment from national and international bodies for the wider benefit of the area;

    ·         the ongoing work of the council to cultivate existing industries, such as engineering and health sciences, as well as emerging sectors, such as the creative and digital media groups;

    ·         local government’s role in regeneration, supporting strong social and cultural networks, and working with partners to convey a strong sense of place are important in a competitive and global marketplace​. 

  • 04 April 2017 9:55 AM | Deleted user

    Grants Research - University of Chichester Business School

    The University of Chichester Business School are carrying out some basic research on the uptake of grants in the Coast to Capital region. We are not collecting any personal data, but you can choose to leave a name and email address if you want to be added to marketing emails form the University of Chichester regarding grant availability.

    There are only two questions. The grants will be for 40% of project costs. The projects can be for capital expenditure or revenue expenditure. For example; product development, consultancy, graduate placements, market research, new equipment, new asset development.

    Please click here to complete the survey 

  • 04 April 2017 9:47 AM | Deleted user

    New gateway for Shoreham Beach opens just in time for summer

    Visitors to Shoreham Beach will get a fresh new welcome this summer as Adur District Council's work to redevelop a major gateway nears completion.

    Plans have been afoot to regenerate the area to the south of the £11.5 million Adur Ferry Bridge since it opened in 2013.

    After much input from community groups, partner organisations and West Sussex County Council, teams from Adur began work on the Riverside car park site last year.

    In just a few months the area in Lower Beach Road has been transformed - and, with summer just around the corner, the revamped car park and walkway is now complete and open to all.

    Councillor Emma Evans, Adur District Council's lead member for environment, said: "Having lived in the town for many years I know how special and unique Shoreham Beach is.

    "This redeveloped gateway gives people yet another reason to visit, which is great news, not only for those who live and work on the beach, but for the tens of thousands of people who flock here from all over on foot, bikes and in cars.

    "This is yet another example of how as a council we can provide a platform to boost business and tourism while celebrating and protecting our unique environment."

    The £650,000 plans were first drawn up and went out to public consultation in 2012.

    The aim was to create a more welcoming entrance to the beach for pedestrians and cyclists who cross the bridge from the town centre, while improving the existing car park.

    New benches overlooking the river have also been installed as part of the project.

    With much of the building work now complete, teams from Adur & Worthing councils parks team have been planting a variety of trees and shrubs.

    Council contractors will then stop to allow the Environment Agency to complete parts of the on-going £25 million tidal walls scheme.

    But those representing the area were delighted the area had become functional in time for the summer.

    Joss Loader, Marine ward councillor and Chair of Shoreham Beach Residents' Association, said: "It's excellent news that the bulk of the project has been completed in time for the busy Spring and Summer months and we've had some very positive feedback from local people.

    "This area is the main gateway to the beach for pedestrians and cyclists and it now creates an attractive, welcoming area that does our community proud.  The car park and public realm have been vastly improved - and the riverside seating area plus the new trees and shrubs have given the area a huge boost.

    "Our thanks to the contractors, who have worked hard to keep disruption to a minimum and to the Ferry Road traders who have been extremely understanding and patient."

    The car park will be open 24 hours a day with charges in place between 9am and 6pm.

    Tariffs start from 50p for 30 minutes to £2.50 to four hours and £4 all day.

    For more details on the project visit this page.

  • 04 April 2017 9:28 AM | Deleted user
    Hole new future for Adur Civic Centre

    One of Shoreham's most recognised landmarks will soon be no more as Adur District Council's plans to regenerate the town centre take another step forward

    For years the red-bricked Adur Civic Centre was the municipal heartbeat of the area.

    But with council staff now relocated to the revamped Shoreham Centre, demolition teams have moved into the Ham Road site.

    In just a few weeks, a hole can be seen in the side of the building as a large section has already been dismantled - with the cost being paid for by the Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).

    Adur District Council leader Neil Parkin said: "I'm delighted to see the progress being made to dismantle this landmark building.

    "This is a triple win situation for us. We are not paying for the demolition, which takes the risk out of it; and once it's gone we will save more than £100,000 a year in business rates.

    "But it also means we are able to move forward in redeveloping the wider site as part of our exciting plans to regenerate this part of the town centre.

    "It is yet another example of how we can offer a platform for developers to create a high-quality scheme which will benefit the taxpayer and the wider area."

    Council staff vacated the civic centre in 2013. Since then, Adur District Council has considered a number of options for the site.

    A preferred developer was identified in 2015 to create a high-quality mixed use proposal but this deal didn't proceed for a variety of reasons.

    To make the site more attractive to investors and developers, the council decided to push ahead with the demolition of the building.

    This is scheduled to finish in autumn 2017.

    During the demolition phase, the council's internal experts will be working out the next steps in how to maximise the potential of the key site. Any development is likely to include up to 150 homes and commercial space.

    Across the road from the Civic Centre, the council is already pushing forward with plans to create a £10 million office development on the Ham Road car park.

    A planning application is expected later in the year. The current pay and display facility will remain until work starts on site.

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