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Worthing & Adur Chamber

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01903 203484

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Regular news and updates from the Chamber, our members, local Councils and other relevant business news will be posted regularly here. 

Don't forget, as a member one of your many benefits is being able to submit your press releases and news for inclusion here as well as on either the members or business news emails and social media, for guidelines please click here. Please submit to 

  • 30 September 2016 11:25 AM | Deleted user

    New Ideas for New Technologies

    A Hitch-Hikers Guide to Innovation

     Following on from the Opinions Debate: Innovate or Fail – your choice, Prof. Seamus Higson will be giving a public lecture with New Ideas for New Technologies: A Hitch-Hikers Guide to Innovation. He will share a personal account of how his research and commercialisation has led or contributed to the development of ‘smart’ wound dressings, technologies for sensors for use within the water sector, and biosensors for the early screening and detection of a number of life threatening conditions, including a number of cancers and strokes. 

    Join us for this free event on the 13th October 2016 at 6.30pm in The ShowRoom, Bishop Otter Campus, PO19 6PE. Click here to book.

    Full details about the talk can be found here. 

  • 28 September 2016 10:28 AM | Deleted user

    Highdown Gardens wins Gold at South & South East in Bloom awards 2016

    The team at Highdown Gardens have been awarded their third award of the year, Gold winner at the South & South East in Bloom ceremony 2016.

    Nestled amongst the idyllic South Downs, Highdown Gardens is spread over 8.5 acres of land, It’s a highly recommended place to visit particularly in spring or early summer, where the garden offer a succession of colour and variety.  Situated between Ferring and Goring, these stunningly beautiful chalk gardens on Downland countryside, overlook the sea and are a tranquil haven for all to enjoy.

    The gardens are also home to The National Plant Collection of the Plant Introductions of Sir Fredrick Stern - a unique collection of plants and trees, with many unusual plants to be discovered all year round.

    South & South East in Bloom judge remarked "From one's arrival at the entrance it is clear that here is a little hidden horticultural gem, tucked away on its chalky south facing slope. The garden established by Sir F Stern VMH in 1909, is a wonder. is, without a doubt, one of the most important gardens in the region."  

    Jo Hooper, Head Gardener Highdown Gardens adds  “All of the team at Highdown are thrilled to have won a gold award at South & South East in Bloom this year, the first in the Garden’s history.  It was only made possible by the hard work and dedication of all of the staff and our wonderful volunteers.   I would also like to personally thank everyone for their efforts in making Highdown Gardens the beautiful place that it is and many congratulations to you all."

    Councillor Clive Roberts, Worthing Borough Council Executive Member for Environment said “I am delighted, that once again, the hard work, expertise and commitment of the talented team at Highdown, along with the dedicated volunteers who together lavish such great care and attention at Highdown, has once again been recognised at such a high level.  Many congratulations to all involved.”

    Photo: Great British Gardens

  • 26 September 2016 12:02 PM | Deleted user

    Indigo Restaurant's Sumptuous Autumn Menu is Waiting For You

    Some delicious new dishes and divine treats

    Our head chef Richard Wood has been very busy in creating some fabulous dishes for your consumption. Equally, he has retained some of your favourites, because otherwise, we get grumpy clients, who just know what they like!

    Take a look at our fantastic fixed menu, and try not to dribble too much.

    Put your pinky here!

    Check our events calendar

    We take great pride in bringing you a wide range of events and special evenings.

    Click through to our website to see all the events.

    Coming Soon

    See Events Calendar

  • 26 September 2016 11:54 AM | Deleted user

    Michael Jones Autumn Property Update

    As we wave goodbye to Summer, the kids are back at school and we are getting back into our daily routines, this is the time of year when many people consider their property options. But what kind of shape is the market currently in? 

    The property market has experienced some significant challenges over the last year...New stamp duty legislation introduced at the beginning of April led to a

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     stampede of investment buyers looking to secure purchases before the new rules of an extra 3% on top of the existing tax kicked in. Then the market was shaken again when the UK voted to leave the European Union in June which led to some understandable uncertainty.

    Our latest results have revealed though that it is reassuringly business as usual within our sales teams and record low interest rates together with an ongoing increase in rental incomes and demand means that business is booming in all of our Lettings departments.

    For a more in depth analysis of the current UK investment market, click HERE.

  • 23 September 2016 10:50 AM | Deleted user

    Business Solutions Apprenticeship Levy NewsletterApprenticeship Levy Newsletter - September 2016

    Developments this Month

    Who can the Apprenticeship Levy be Spent on?

     There are rules governing what an apprenticeship is. The main ones are: 

    • The apprentice must be employed in a real job.
    • They may be an existing employee or a new hire.
    •  The apprentice must work towards achieving an approved apprenticeships standard or framework. 
    • The apprenticeship training must last at least 12 months. 
    • The apprentice must spend at least 20% of their time on off-the-job training.

    What can the Apprenticeship Levy be Spent on?

     Digital funds & government funding can be used for:

    • Apprenticeship training & assessment.
    •  Against an approved framework or standard.
    •  With an approved training provider & assessment organisation. 
    • Up to the funding band maximum for that apprenticeship.

    Digital funds & government funding can not be used for 

    • Wages. 
    • Travel & subsistence costs. 
    • Managerial costs. 
    • Traineeships. 
    • Work placement programmes.
    • The costs of setting up an apprenticeship programme.

    New Funding Information Released 

    • 16-18 year old incentive payment (£1000 to employer, £1000 to provider).
    • Highest level of qualification held by the individual no longer a barrier.
    • 15 funding bands for frameworks & standards.
    • Reduced funding for frameworks. 
    • Government pay for English & Maths training.
  • 21 September 2016 12:06 PM | Deleted user

    How Technology is changing the role of Accountants

    Recent developments in online software are transforming how accountants are recommending products to their clients as business owners can now automate every aspect of their workflow across their business and benefit from real-time office-to-field connectivity. 

    For a number of years, West Sussex and Gatwick-based chartered accountants, Carpenter Box, has been one of the leaders in promoting and

     distributing cloud based software to their clients. They are, in fact, UK Accounting Partner of the Year and the second largest distributor of Xero accounting software, behind only KPMG. However, as Carpenter Box Partner, Nathan Keeley explains:

    “For progressive businesses Xero is just a starting point, the foundation if you like of an efficient and deployable accounting system. Over the years a number of ‘add-ons’ have been developed which enables Xero to be tuned to a business’ unique needs.  Clients need us to understand what these ‘add-ons’ do and to recommend the best of breed to them. 

    As such, in our view, accountants now need to have a wide knowledge of what cloud accounting is and how it can be tailored to help businesses understand and manage their finances in a way that was not possible, even a few years ago.” 

    In our view the role of the accountant should very much be around being the trusted business adviser, rather than end-of-year number cruncher. In our case, in retail for instance, by using software such as Xero with Vend point of sale software as an ‘add-on’, all a retailer needs is an iPad, a lockable cash drawer and a blue tooth scanner.  There is therefore no capital spend on items such as tills, instead just an easy to use and responsive cloud based system with stock control and management tools as standard for a manageable monthly fee.

    Nathan concludes: “The add-ons and specialist software now available have enabled us to understand more about our clients and recommend suitable solutions whilst allowing our clients to operate more efficiently in terms of time spent on business administration. They see savings in terms of both time and money, so it’s a real ‘Win-Win’ situation all round!”

  • 20 September 2016 12:41 PM | Deleted user

    Adur & Worthing Councils Joint Overview & Scrutiny Committee (JOSC) meeting on Thursday 22nd September

    At this public meeting, agenda item 6, will review Southern Rail ticket office closures and general levels of service, with representatives from Southern Rail / Govia Thameslink Railway (GTR),  RMT Trade Union and Brighton Line Commuters group present.

    The Committee also wish to discuss the recent problems with the general level of rail services being provided by Southern Rail which are adversely affecting local residents, businesses and visitors to the area.

    JOSC have the ability to review public services and make recommendations only with a view to influencing outcomes. JOSC, however, does not have the power to make the rail company act in a particular way. As part of its fact finding/investigative role, JOSC will have the opportunity to put questions to GTR/Southern Rail representatives and to the RMT representatives.

    The meeting is open to the public without prior arrangement but places are only available on a first come basis.  Doors open to the public at 6pm, with the meeting starting promptly at 6.30pm.

    Public question time is limited to 30 minutes only and all public questions must be submitted in writing no later than two days before the meeting to

  • 20 September 2016 11:53 AM | Deleted user

    Adur District Council public consultation on future of Adur Outdoor Activity Centre

    Adur District Council are running a public consultation to seek residents views, thoughts and suggestions (via a short simple survey) about what types of activities they would like to see taking place at the Adur Outdoor Activity Centre in the future.

    The Council are committed to getting the centre up and running again and make it a vibrant, multi-purpose activity centre for the community.

    Every single response, request, comment and idea will greatly inform the centre's future and their new owners.

    Adur Outdoor Activity Centre has been closed since November 2015, when it was forced into voluntary liquidation.  A process is underway to select a new management team and the reopening of the centre in the new year.

    The closing dates for all completed surveys is Monday 10th October 2016 and can be found on the Adur & Worthing Councils website

    Councillor Emma Evans, Executive Member for Environment Adur District Council adds “It is vitally important that the local community fill out this survey, so we can best reflect their needs for a vibrant, busy and well used activity centre.  I know that the closure of the AOAC for the past year has been a huge loss to the local community, however the Council are fully committed to opening it as soon as possible, with the best team in place to run it and with a programme of activities the community has asked for.”  

  • 09 September 2016 3:40 PM | Deleted user

    Spofforths Kreston Reeves Extends October Finance Focus Seminars


    Further seminars provided on recent business, tax and wealth developments for company directors and financial controllers  

    Accountants and financial advisers Kreston Reeves has extended its programme of popular Finance Focus updates, with six seminars taking place across the South East during the month of October.

    Finance Focus has become well-established within the business community as a valuable source of information to help businesses grow and plan for the future. Finance Focus seminars will take place between 4th and 20th October with each half-day session covering a range of topics. 2016 topics include tax efficient profit extraction, updates on VAT and financial reporting changes, raising business finance and pension developments all of which will be referenced to the likely impact of Brexit on SME businesses. , Partner, comments, "Kreston Reeves has been running Finance Focus successfully across Kent, London and Sussex for two decades and feedback gathered during this time shows how much those attending value the expertise and experience shared by our speakers. We very much look forward to another series of well-attended events as the uncertain economic climate continues to grow." or contact Rachel Pritchard at or call +44 (0)330 124 1399.

  • 09 September 2016 2:53 PM | Deleted user

    It’s time to celebrate with Adur & Worthing Business Awards – Nominations Now Open

    The Adur and Worthing Business Awards provides a platform to recognise, reward and celebrate all the successful businesses and professional individuals we have in our area. It will enhance your business, encourage your customers and your clients, and energise you to do better. It doesn't cost you anything – except your time and your efforts. 

    The awards are now in their ninth year and we are looking for entries from those who can prove business achievement and excellence in their field. Whether that be in growth, innovation or contribution to the community we want to hear from you. You may have a high achiever or team of excellence within your company – why not put them forward for an extra special award?

    Nominations close on Friday 30th September
    You can nominate your own business or another business you would like to shout about. The winners will be announced at a gala black tie dinner held at the Worthing Pavilion on 11th November 2016.

    What makes a good entry?

    Some top tips to consider when submitting your entry including:

    ·         Read the rules – carefully

    ·         Choose your category - carefully

    ·         Why you should ask for testimonials

    ·         Nominate others

    ·         Involve your staff

    At our recent breakfast a panel of experts shared their experiences of the Business Awards and their top tips. They all agreed the application process alone makes you look at your business, your performance and involves all your staff. David Carter of ETI said “one of the proudest moments was when one of our employee’s won the young achiever award. The effect this had on the team was immeasurable”. Steve Hobbs of Warnes Project commented “it changed everybody in the company after looking at testimonials from clients and looking back on work achieved. They were all re-energised” Karen Simporis of Henry House agreed the enthusiasm you have for your business is pushed forwards by involving your customers. Phil Duckett from Southern Pavilion said “winning is like eating 5 of your favourite sweets all at the same time!” Use the nomination process to shout about your business and your achievements. Winner or not you should be there to celebrate the night.

    Go ahead and do it. Good luck!

    If you would like to book for the event or want more details on the Business Awards please visit

Get in touch

Tel: 01903 203484   


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