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Worthing & Adur Chamber

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01903 203484

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Regular news and updates from the Chamber, our members, local Councils and other relevant business news will be posted regularly here. 

Don't forget, as a member one of your many benefits is being able to submit your press releases and news for inclusion here as well as on either the members or business news emails and social media, for guidelines please click here. Please submit to 

  • 30 March 2016 9:53 AM | Deleted user

    After two years of hard graft, supported by investment from Worthing Borough Council and the Department for Communities & Local Government, Colonnade House is about to be transformed from building site into a thriving small business hub in the heart of the town.


    The penultimate part of the Colonnade House transformation jigsaw will slot into place when the specifically manufactured windows - designed to fit into the heritage architecture - are installed by early April. Once the windows are in place, the building will be completely weather tight and the final part of the internal fit out can start before it takes on a new life as an incubator for small and medium sized arts enterprises, launching early Summer.


    Councillor Bryan Turner, Executive Member for Regeneration at Worthing Borough Council, says:


    “This is a great moment for the town, its economy and the entrepreneurs who are looking at Worthing as a prime place to found their businesses.  


    “Colonnade House will offer a unique incubation space focused on the needs of the arts and culture sector - something that the town has lacked until now. We’re building on the successful precedent set by our decision to open up the beach front chalets as artists’ studios/gallery spaces, where demand outstrips available supply.  


    “Worthing’s cultural sector is a significant contributor to the town’s economy and we clearly have the potential - and now the space - to punch above our weight in the coastal arts and business scenes.”


    His sentiments are echoed by Cllr Daniel Humphreys, Leader of the Council, who adds:


    “This is another example of our Council looking at what the town needs, and then actively pursuing all opportunities to turn a great idea into reality.


    “In regenerating Colonnade House, we’re not just opening up new space for cultural entrepreneurs, we’re also restoring part of our architectural heritage for future generations - and I’m proud to see the works nearing completion.  It will be a great day when the scaffolding finally comes down and Colonnade House is revealed in all of its newly restored glory.”


    Once completed, Colonnade House will support twenty or more jobs in the heart of the town, complementing the offer presented by the Sphere at Northbrook College. Individually, the two business incubators open up a wealth of opportunities to diverse business sectors but together, they reflect the growing confidence of the local economy and its entrepreneurial spirit.


    An advert for a Manager to oversee the Creative Hub will be published before Easter and terms of reference for the Hub’s Management Board are being drawn up in partnership with the Adur & Worthing Trust, without whose support the project would not have come into being.  


    To be among the first to find out about the business incubator opportunities on offer, contact Joanna Malandain - or 01903 221305.


  • 30 March 2016 9:51 AM | Deleted user

    The Worthing Wordies Spring Collection

    Old Roots and New Shoots

    Sunday 10th April 2016

    6:00pm followed by dinner at 7:15pm

    Our resident literary luvvies are back with an exciting new programme guaranteed to leave you feeling full of the joys of spring.
    Past and present meet in a zingy mix of literary antics. There's plenty of fictional fun on a range of topics - from school days to socks; from marriage to mayhem!
    The ticket price is £19.85 per person.
    including a glass of wine and coffee
    More info and the menu will be in our restaurant website by the end of today.

    Fawlty Towers ~ May 12th

    Basil is back to entertain you with his little nest of Vipers and his “Torquay Matador”- Manuel

     Mr Fawlty has had cause to mention that yet again there was a disturbing level of riff raff in the restaurant!

    You know who you are so please don’t come back ! This is a quality establishment with views overlooking the hanging gardens of Babylon so completely wasted on your type! Ker!
    More here

  • 30 March 2016 9:50 AM | Deleted user

    Fishersgate Residents Association will receive £10,000 towards improving green space, through the Tesco Bags of Help initiative.


    The supermarket teamed up with Groundwork to launch its Bags of Help initiative, in aid of environmental projects. Successful nominations were put to public vote at local Tesco stores to determine the amount of funding they will receive.


    The project to improve outdoor green areas in Fishersgate came second and will now benefit from the grant, which has been raised from the 5p bag levy.


    Cllr David Simmons, Executive Member for Health & Wellbeing at Adur District Council, commented:

    "This is welcomed news, and reflects the enormous amount of work that local residents have been putting in to improve their local area. While Adur District Council have been supporting local organisations through the 'Action Eastbrook Partnership' for some time, the community members involved are to be congratulated on their success. This adds to their other successes which include raising funds for the recreation ground through the 'Friends of Fishersgate Rec.' and the Fishersgate Voice Newspaper.  Well done Fishersgate!"


    Voting ran in store from 27 February until 6 March – with customers choosing which group they’d like to get the top award using a token given to them at the check-out in store.


    Caroline Silke, Head of Community at Tesco, said: “Bags of Help has been a fantastic success. We have been overwhelmed by the response of our customers and the feedback has been brilliant. We can’t wait to see the money being put to use bringing these projects to life.”


    Groundwork’s national chief executive, Graham Duxbury, said: “We have been delighted to have been involved in the Bags of Help project. It has been wonderful to follow the projects through the application process to the final announcement.


    “This initiative is really putting something back into the local environment, transforming green spaces and helping the community at a grass-roots level.”

  • 30 March 2016 9:45 AM | Deleted user

  • 21 March 2016 12:45 PM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)

    Sussex Learning Solutions



    Getting Started with Excel
    19th April, 3rd May 10.00—13.00 £45 pp

    Getting More from Excel
    10th May, 24th May 10.00—13.00 £45 pp

    Exceptional Excel
    7th June 10.00—13.00 £45 pp

    Preparing to use Power Point

    26th April 10.00—13.00 £45 pp

    Effective File Management (PC)
    26th April 10.00—13.00 £45 pp

    Food Safety

    How to Book
    For more information, and to book online visit our website

    To speak to us call 01903 204931 or email

    For companies interested in running any of these courses either on your own premises, or using our onsite training room, please contact
    Sussex Learning Solutions on 01903 204931

    Click here to download further information

  • 21 March 2016 12:10 PM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)

    Sphere Business Centre Officially Opened

    The new Sphere Business Centre was officially opened on Friday 11th March by local MP Tim Loughton. Billed as ‘Worthing’s most flexible business space’ the Centre offers a variety of serviced space options for smaller local companies alongside business development.

    The Centre is also the new home to Worthing and Adur Chamber of Commerce who has been instrumental in developing the offer for local companies. It was funded by a grant from Worthing and Adur Borough Council and is based within the Broadwater Campus of Northbrook College who has also fully supported the Sphere.

    “Small businesses looking to take those first steps into growth face many challenges,” says Chamber Chief Exec, Tina Tilley. “Going into your first office can be prohibitively expensive and dealing with all the factors of renting commercial property can be daunting. The Sphere has been set up to offer local companies a secure first step into growth and increased success. We’ve had so much interest already, there was obviously a gap to be filled.”

    The Sphere offers a variety of fully serviced office space including hot desking, part-time open plan desks and small private offices. The office space has been designed and fitted out by local award winning firms, Mocha Furniture, Warnes Projects and Subway.

    Prices start from just £12 a day and include all rates and rent, Wi-Fi, cleaning and tea and coffee.

    “I know it sounds strange but the minute companies take an office with us, we will be planning for when they leave,” says Tina. “The whole ethos of the Sphere is to help all those who join us become too big to stay. We will help them with targeted planning and business advice and look forward to seeing great success come from the Sphere over the next few years.

    Councillor Daniel Humphreys, Leader of Worthing Borough Council, attended the official opening.  He said:

    “Worthing Borough Council’s decision to invest £70,000 of section 106 money in this superb new facility has been well rewarded.  The town has lacked top grade space for start-ups and small businesses - and I’m certain that the Sphere will fill this niche perfectly.

    “The town’s economy is growing, and the SME sector is a key part of its increasing prosperity.  Through working in partnership with Northbrook College and the Chamber of Commerce, I’m delighted that we’ve been able to help provide a supportive platform for innovative, high-potential, businesses to take the next steps on their growth plans.”

  • 18 March 2016 11:23 AM | Deleted user

    For more information contact:

    Mags Bradley
    Festival Coordinator / Adur Festival


    Like us on Facebook Festival

    Follow us on Twitter @AdurFestival

    Adur Festival is run by The Ropetackle Trust, registered charity number 1109381 and a company limited by guarantee 05124613

  • 18 March 2016 11:12 AM | Deleted user

    West Sussex superfast connection gap-funding opportunity extended

    West Sussex business estates and clusters of business have until 17 April 2016

    to apply for a grant to enable superfast broadband connection

    Potential applicants are also invited to find out more about the Digital Connectivity Grant programme at a workshop to be held at the South Downs Centre in Midhurst in early March.


    To be eligible for the grant, businesses must not have access to superfast broadband and are not included in any commercial or publicly-funded rollout.

    The application can be made by a lead business representing a group of businesses in a common location, or by landowners, land agents, estate managers and facility managers, for example.

    Eligible groups of business include business parks, trading or industrial estates, farm diversification schemes, clusters of businesses in a common location and single business locations with high economic impact. The programme is not open to residential applicants, but clusters of home-based businesses in a common location potentially could apply.


    The maximum grant is 40% of the total project cost, with grant funding of between £10k and £25k. This can only be used for capital purchases. The applicant provides a minimum of 60% of the total cost, however this can include revenue costs. Full project costs must be incurred by 31 December 2016.

    Generally the applicant will select the best technology for their location. Fibre, wireless and hybrid solutions will be considered, but it must provide certified speeds of a minimum 30Mbps.


    Business estates or clusters in West Sussex have until midnight on 17 April 2016 to apply to second round of the Digital Connectivity Grant Programme. 

    To find out if your business is in an eligible location and to book a place at the Digital Connectivity Grant workshop, or if you have any questions, please email

    Find out more at                                                                                                   

    MORE About the grant

    £225,000 is being made available as part of a pilot grant project to improve connectivity for groups of businesses in West Sussex. 

    To be eligible, businesses must not have access to superfast broadband and are not included in the planned delivery of the publicly funded roll out by Better Connected, a partnership of West Sussex County Council, BT and BDUK (the government department responsible for broadband delivery).

    The funding comes from the Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership Local Growth Deal under their ‘Growth is Digital’ project.

    The programme has been developed by Rural West Sussex, Gatwick Diamond, Coastal West Sussex, West Sussex County Council and the South Downs National Park Authority.

    Grant applications will be assessed by the programme panel, who will assess value-for-money, economic impact and deliverability. 

  • 18 March 2016 11:08 AM | Deleted user

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