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Worthing & Adur Chamber

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01903 203484

News & updates 

Regular news and updates from the Chamber, our members, local Councils and other relevant business news will be posted regularly here. 

Don't forget, as a member one of your many benefits is being able to submit your press releases and news for inclusion here as well as on either the members or business news emails and social media, for guidelines please click here. Please submit to 

  • 07 October 2015 3:20 PM | Deleted user

    Tickets are now on sale for The Adur and Worthing Business Awards 2015.

    Please see the link below to purchase your ticket!


    • Recognise, reward and celebrate the success of local businesses
    • A glitzy and glamorous evening with awards ceremony, music and dancing
    • Includes welcome drink, three course meal, wine and more!

    The Details

    The Adur and Worthing Business Awards 2015 provides a platform to recognise, reward and celebrate all the successful businesses and professional individuals we have in our area.

    This year’s black tie awards evening will take place at The Worthing Pavilion, Worthing on 13 November.

    Tickets are £78 and include the following:

    • Drinks receptions (6:30pm)
    • Three course dinner and half a bottle of wine per person (7:30pm)
    • Awards Ceremony (9pm)
    • After party (10:30pm)
    • Carriages Midnight


    Teriyaki marinated salmon fillet, noodle and shoestring vegetable salad with a hoi sin, soy and lime dressing

    Teriyaki marinated vegetable tian, noodle and shoestring vegetable salad with a hoi sin, soy and lime dressing (v)


    Pressed English lamb shoulder, creamed potatoes, chantenay carrots and savoy cabbage with a rich port jus

    Leek, mushroom and herb tart, creamed potatoes, chantenay carrots and savoy cabbage with a cream sauce (v)


    Crisp lemon tart, lemon curd sauce and raspberry cream

    What happens next?
    Once purchased, you will receive an email which contains your voucher.
    A pre-booking is required for this offer - view your voucher to see what you need to do to make your booking.
    Not received your voucher? Take a look at our FAQs which may help you locate it.

    The Small Print


    • Valid on Friday 13th November 2015 only

    Further Information

    • Venue: The Pavilion, Marine Parade, Worthing, West Sussex, BN11 3PX
    • For more information on the venue, please visit:
    • Doors and welcome drinks, 6:30pm
    • Dinner, ceremony and entertainment, from 7:30pm
    • Tickets cancelled after 23rd October will not be refunded
    • Please note dietary requirements must be advised in advance. Please contact if you have any questions or call on 07841 800 40


  • 07 October 2015 12:03 PM | Deleted user

    THRIVING COMMUNITIES: The sum of their parts
    Voluntary Action Worthing Annual General Meeting
    2.30pm, 21st October 2015
    Worthing Town Hall

    If you would like to see how it all fits together, and what a difference it makes, join us for the AGM and hear about how our members are making a difference to people’s lives.
    Book now

    Also includes…a Voluntary Group Showcase

    • ·        Hear from and experience the work of local community groups, with special showcases from Esteem, Men In Sheds and Circus Seen
    • ·        Network with other groups, funders and stakeholders, and find out about local groups and services in the Town Hall display area
    • ·        Hear more about the work of Voluntary Action Worthing - and how we can support you

    This event is free and open to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations (members of VAW and non-members)

    You can book your free space online
    by 16th October:

    or call 01903 528620

    If your group would like a display at the Town Hall from 19th - 23rd October, let us know on the website booking form, or give us a call






  • 06 October 2015 4:49 PM | Deleted user

    A new and exciting event will be welcomed to Worthing on Sunday 14th February 2016.

    During the race, participants can expect to explore the most scenic parts of Worthing beginning in Marine Parade, navigating around the town before returning along the seafront for several miles.

    Richard Xerri, Race Director says: “We are excited to organise the inaugural Worthing Half Marathon. Worthing lends itself to a flat fast course which makes the event fantastic for beginners and fast times. Being Valentine’s Day we want people to enter and run their valentine off their feet. I am excited to be assisting Guild Care in their fundraising efforts and supporting the local community with this event”

    Katie Banister, Community Relationship Officer at Guild Care, says: “We are thrilled to be involved with Worthing’s new half-marathon as the event’s chosen charity. Worthing is our hometown – Guild Care created the first Citizens Advice Bureau in our town in the 1930s and 40s, and today, we help more people than ever before, aged 5 to 105. 

    “If you’d like to support children with special needs, older people living alone, carers and people living with the debilitating effects of dementia, please run for Guild Care and help make a difference today. We can’t wait to cheer everyone on at the Worthing Half Marathon – good luck to everyone who takes part!”.

    1,000 local children between the ages of 5 and 17 will also be able to take part in a children’s specific race .The aim of this race is to help build an Olympic legacy in the area and encourage more children to take up running and join local clubs.

    Friends and families will be encouraged to come along and support the participants on the day taking in all that Worthing has to offer - both at the seaside and in the towns.   

    Daniel Humphreys, Leader of Worthing Borough Council, says: “This half marathon is going to be an excellent addition to Worthing’s rapidly growing sporting events programme, and I’m pleased to see that it will cater to everyone - regardless of age or ability. I’m even going to give it a go myself!

    “The town is rapidly making a name for itself as a place to come and get motivated - whether to train for a half-marathon, take up watersports or get a new business off the ground.  These are exciting times for Worthing and I’m delighted that events such as these are giving us opportunities to really show our area off to its best.” 

    To enter your place in the Worthing Half Marathon or Mini Mile visit

  • 06 October 2015 1:29 PM | Deleted user

    Lancing Village Market returns!

    On Saturday 19th September this year, Adur District Council launched the very first Lancing  Village Market, as part of their ongoing regeneration plans.

    The Village Market turned out to be a huge success, far more popular than anticipated, with many stallholders having to pack up early as all of their goods were sold out before finishing time at 2pm!

    David Steadman, Adur Town Centre and Street Scene Coordinator adds “The market was a huge success, with stallholders selling a whole range of locally sourced fresh produce and many original arts & crafts items.  All  of the traders I spoke to were delighted, not only with the brisk trade and the large crowds of customers, but also the very happy and relaxed atmosphere.  

    Many have told me they are really looking forward to coming back again on Saturday 17th October, Saturday 21st November and due to popular demand, we have just added another one for Saturday 19th December.  We have room for a few more stalls, so anyone interested should please email or call me directly. or call 01273 263152.”

    Cllr Pat Beresford, Adur Executive Member for Regeneration adds “The Lancing Village Market has proved to be a great success for the stall holders and residents alike.  The first one  back in September was very popular and perfectly reflects our ongoing regeneration plans and ambitions for Lancing.    

    A lot of work has already been done in the centre of the village, especially in smartening up some of the more tired shop fronts.  We continue to work towards transforming the heart of Lancing into a vibrant 21st Century village, as laid out in our Lancing Village Vision paper in 2012.  I really do  encourage everyone to come along on Saturday 17th October, Saturday 21st November and Saturday 19th December to experience a smarter new Lancing and to enjoy the market.”

    Lancing Village Market returns to Littlecroft Car Park, Queensway, North Road, Lancing on:

    Saturday 17th October 10.00am - 2.00pm

    Saturday 21st November 10.00am - 2.00pm

    Saturday 19th December 10.00am - 2.00pm

    To book a stall please call David Steadman on 01273 263152 or email

    Cllr Pat Beresford, Adur Executive Member for Regeneration is available to be interviewed.  Please contact Ann Graville,  Interim Communications Officer at Adur & Worthing Councils on 0190322 1323 or 07850 760040.  Alternatively email

  • 06 October 2015 1:02 PM | Deleted user

    What is Crowdfunding?

    Crowdfunding (also known as crowd financing or crowd-sourced capital) involves a number of people each investing, lending or contributing smaller amounts of money to your business or idea. This money will then be pooled to reach your funding target.

    Your idea will usually be showcased through a crowdfunding website.


    Advantages of crowdfunding include:

    • it provides an alternative to funding from conventional means, eg bank loan
    • you can raise finance relatively quickly, often without upfront fees
    • it can raise awareness of your new business


    Disadvantages of crowdfunding include:

    • your idea could be copied if you haven’t protected it with a patent or copyright
    • any money you raise will normally be returned to investors or contributors if you don’t reach your funding target
    • crowdfunding is mostly unregulated (but from 1 April 2014, loan-based and investment-based crowdfunding will be regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority)

    Find funding

    You can look for either:

    private finance providers (eg banks)

    public funding (eg government schemes).

    For more information please see here -

     See you next Tuesday for another #StartUpTuesday!

  • 06 October 2015 12:34 PM | Deleted user

    The trend of the past 10 years that has seen many companies relocating their manufacturing and distribution operations to lower-cost countries or regions of the world.

    However, manufacturers are beginning to recognise that many of the factors they previously based their offshore manufacturing and supply decisions on most heavily, such as component price and transportation costs, have dramatically increased over the past few years - and those seemingly initial cost savings are no longer so big. They are, in fact, diminishing as transportation, commodity costs and labour rates rise around the world. These cost pressure issues are arising at a time when customer requirements for agility, speed and capability are becoming increasingly more challenging. 

    One local company Electronic Temperature Instruments Ltd., (ETI) have always had a strong UK based manufacturing ethos. Peter Webb ETI’s Managing Director said “I am not sure whether it was good forethought and planning or just luck, but we have always looked locally in preference to moving our production overseas”.

    The changing economics of production and distribution, along with shifts in customer demand and the emergence of smart products, are pushing manufacturers like ETI to explore new ways of working.  Peter Webb went on to say “Buying local is not just about buying produce at the farmers market, many businesses like my own are increasingly looking for more local suppliers, it never ceases to amaze me how many very capable manufacturers and suppliers there are locally on our door step”.


  • 06 October 2015 12:25 PM | Deleted user

    Worthing and Adur Chamber of Commerce, in conjunction with The Adur and Worthing Business Partnership, are set to host a whole day programme dedicated to business growth, local success along with local exhibitors in late January.

    This event will build on the success of our previous showcases and will highlight the success stories of the locality, and, encourage those from the larger businesses such as ETI Limited, Southern Water and Fresh Egg to get involved with their business community.   In addition this year there will be an opportunity for an expansion of the area for exhibitors with a strong focus on the “Buy Local” offer.

    The feedback from previous years of our showcase has been really positive and the event this year will have a new twist! This will once again be held at Worthing Town Hall along with a new opportunity to expand into the Assembly Rooms There will be keynote speakers and workshops throughout the day covering topics such as starting a business, crowdfunding, social media, the future of business, success story panels and specialist one 2 one clinics. There will be the opportunity to meet the buyers of the local council procurement team. You will be able to book onto a speed networking event taking pace over lunch which will be fun, fast & furious!

    This event will be a great way for new, growing and established businesses to network and connect, to reinforce relationships and build new ones.  Tina Tilley, CEO, Worthing and Adur Chamber said “Last year the Showcase had a great buzz and the atmosphere was amazing.  This year we hope to top that and encourage even more local businesses to take part”.

    Chris Coopey, from Carpenter Box, commented last year “It was great to meet so many of Worthing’s premier businesses and particularly good that some sectors you rarely see at events were represented.”

    For further information  to book your exhibition stand and to get your ticket for the day please contact Worthing and Adur Chamber of Commerce.

  • 06 October 2015 12:23 PM | Deleted user

    Know what you need to know; before you start your business

    • ·         Are you thinking of starting a business and already have an idea?
    • ·         Have you just started a business?
    • ·         Are you in your first 12 months of trading?

    If so this could be just what you need to help you along the way……

    Worthing and Adur Chamber of Commerce are launching a new programme of workshops which will be a fast paced guide through the skills and knowledge that anyone new to running their own business needs to be aware of. From understanding the common character traits of successful entrepreneurs through to the mechanics of marketing, the cut and thrust of sales and the conquering of the numbers, this course will not supply all the answers but it will make you ask the right questions.

    These sessions are sponsored by The Let’s Do Business Group who are one of the delivery partners of the Governments Start-Up funding scheme to help newly trading businesses access funds to get them started where the high street banks have declined.

    Following on from this programme membership to Worthing and Adur Chamber of Commerce will offer further support and practical help on the journey through self-employment along with a discounted package of support via the popular Wiseup2 workshops on many specific business related subjects.

    So if you need to know what you don’t know about how to start a business including:-

    • Ø  Finance
    • Ø  Marketing
    • Ø  Selling
    • Ø  The legal bits

    Don’t delay, email Worthing and Adur Chamber  to secure YOUR place. The first 3 hour course will be on Tuesday 17th November. The cost per delegate is just £25.00 payable in advance. 

  • 06 October 2015 12:16 PM | Deleted user

    It’s always good to hear of a local entrepreneur who decides to build a successful business in Worthing. This is exactly what Lauren Roffey, owner of coffee and cake shop – Baked, has done.

    Brought up around Worthing, and a student of Worthing High School and Worthing College, Lauren graduated from the University of Sussex with a master’s degree in geography. Lauren then went to Norwich to study at the University of East Anglia for her PhD in Environmental and Social Sciences.

    While Lauren is the first to admit that her time at university taught her a lot, it also taught her that a dichotomy exists between the interests of Big Business and those of society. So Lauren set out to show that it is possible to create a sustainable business built around quality and fairness. Out of this Baked was born, opening in August 2014.

    Lauren set up Baked as a social enterprise. She quickly corrects a common misconception: “A social enterprise is not a charity; it’s a financially sustainable and profitable business that serves a social and community purpose.”

    So how does Baked tick these social boxes? Lauren explains: “I set up Baked to work with young people aged 18 to 24. At its core a social enterprise needs a cause and this was mine. I also wanted to create a community space because people need somewhere to meet in a safe environment. And I resolved to source from local suppliers where this is practical and possible.”

    Lauren has achieved all these aims, including recruiting an assistant manager in a very socially enterprising way: a Twitter campaign. “I asked people to tweet why they would like to work at Baked.” Explains Lauren, “I was amazed by the response and found just who I was looking for.” Right from the off too, Lauren made sure she paid the UK Living Wage.

    Although Lauren had the baking skills and believed in what she was trying to create, she had no experience of how to start a business. “I joined Worthing and Adur Chamber of Commerce and signed up for their start-up peer mentoring programme, along with eight other new businesses.” Explains Lauren, “The opportunity to learn from and bounce off each other was invaluable and I say to anyone wanting to start their own business: join the Chamber and sign up for peer mentoring.”

    So where next for Baked? “The last eighteen months has been busy so right now I’m taking stock.” Says Lauren, “I’ve no plans to build a chain of cafés but maybe, just maybe, I will open another Baked in the area at some point.”

  • 06 October 2015 12:00 PM | Deleted user

    Just to remind you that time is running out to register join us at this year's Waves Ahead conference "Food for Thought; Becoming a Smarter Coast?". It’s at 5pm at Sir Robert Woodard Academy on 15th October 2015. If you have already registered, you don't need to do anything more (unless you would like to forward this to a colleague).


    Thursday, 15 October 2015 from 17:00 to 21:30 (BST)

    Sir Robert Woodard Academy
    Upper Boundstone Lane
    BN15 9QZ Lancing
    United Kingdom

    What is the conference about?

    The conference this year will explore how we can develop skills to be smarter in the way we work and collectively become a “smarter" area, including the way we do things locally. A large amount of experience and knowledge is hidden in different organisations so we could be more efficient if we shared and collaborated with each other in smarter ways. “Smarter” can mean finding innovative solutions, using technologies and insights to change how we all work together and recognising that although budgets maybe tight, innovative technologies can help turn challenges into opportunities.


    Why "Food for Thought"? 

    Food and drink is a sub-theme we have picked for the event to help us explore some specific "smart" ideas and help us all understand how we become “smarter together”.


    Why should I come to the conference? 

    ·  If you have heard the buzz word “Smarter Places“ and wondered what it’s all about, then come along and find out more

    ·  If you are involved in a local food or drink initiative in the local area and want to share your experiences and ideas and find opportunities to work together with others, then come along

    ·  Come and find out about the potential of Adur and Worthing to be smarter places, and explore a range of useful "Smart" tools, including digital opportunities (you don't need to be working on food projects, all the tools we'll introduce can be used in many areas)

    ·  Meet and chat informally with people who are already making a difference through partnership working in the local area, and find out how to get involved.


    Who is the conference for?

    Anyone working or volunteering in the Adur and Worthing areas, especially if you are involved in working in a partnership or would like to be.


    Tor register your FREE place at the event, go to


    If you have any questions or want to find out more, please contact

Get in touch

Tel: 01903 203484   


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