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Regular news and updates from the Chamber, our members, local Councils and other relevant business news will be posted regularly here. 

Don't forget, as a member one of your many benefits is being able to submit your press releases and news for inclusion here as well as on either the members or business news emails and social media, for guidelines please click here. Please submit to 

  • 04 August 2015 12:21 PM | Deleted user

    Have your say - What do you really think of regulation and planning?

    You have been chosen because you are running a business in West Sussex and Brighton & Hove and like other businesses in your area, you would like to save money and time. Just tell us how regulators and planners can assist your business, and help you to prosper by completing the Better Business for All survey. We would greatly appreciate your feedback.

    Please take 10 -15 minutes to give us your honest and anonymous feedback about your experiences of regulation and planning and how you think we can make the process quicker and easier for you.

    Please click to complete the survey

  • 04 August 2015 12:15 PM | Deleted user
    Tony Lelliot from Worthing Town FC is about to launch a crowdfunding project and needs your support now!

    Worthing Town FC are an FA Charter Standard Community Club, the only one in Worthing, and based at Palatine Park, Palatine Road, Worthing. BN12 6JN. With 46 teams, and 700 players, we provide football for boys and girls, men and women, from the age of two years upwards.

    Fit Community is our charitable arm - Football in the Community. Working in partnership with a range of local community groups and organisations, our projects will aim to address the pockets of deprivation in Worthing tackling health & wellbeing, inequality in access and opportunity faced by those with disabilities, and reduce the stigma associated with mental health, disability, lack of educational opportunity, unemployment, homelessness, and poverty in our local communities.

    We will use the power of football, and the extensive, modern facilities at Palatine Park, to deliver projects in the areas of health, education, disability, and social inclusion, all underpinned by our core themes - increasing participation, creating opportunities, tackling inequalities, and improving health.

    Alas, with all projects of this nature, we need some initial funding to get going. The playing side is a not-for-profit organisation, and it would be unfair to levy a fee to all members to fund the community side but they will be encouraged to support this scheme if possible ! We believe an initial injection of funds will enable us to set up a range of activities to help those in our local community to lead a better life.

    Please help if you can - no matter how small, your donation can help.

    Please visit and pledge whatever you can - there are some great rewards on offer!
  • 04 August 2015 12:11 PM | Deleted user

    Worthing and Gatwick-based chartered accountants, Carpenter Box, is supporting its largest ever intake of trainees, with eight young people joining the firm’s Platinum Accredited programme on the road to qualification.

    Alex Robinson joined following graduation from the University of Bath. Daniel Purkis from the University of Sussex and Mark Hancock from the University of the West of England in Bristol. Katie Bauermeister joined from BHASVIC in Brighton and Jasmine Jasper, Chloe Day, Alannah Morley and Steven Martin have all joined from Worthing College.

    Carpenter Box Partner, Chris Coopey, welcomed the trainees on board, commenting: “We have always invested heavily in emerging talent and our latest intake need look no further than our current Managing Partner for inspiration – Alan Edwards joined the firm as a trainee 22 years ago.

    “We have always aimed to give our students the best possible start to their careers which has been underlined by our recent re-accreditation as a Platinum trainee development employer, the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants’ (ACCA) highest global standard of excellence.”

    With a comprehensive training programme overseen by HR Manager Susan Perrin and Assurance & Advisory Group Associate James Gawman, the trainees will work in the Tax Services, Business Services and Audit & Advisory Groups at Carpenter Box as part of their training programme, which will also involve them sitting up to 14 exams, depending on relevant exemptions (such as an accountancy degree), over the next three to four years.

  • 04 August 2015 9:46 AM | Deleted user

    The key meeting which will decide the future of the Aquarena site in Worthing is to be held at 6.30pm on Tuesday 22nd September in the Assembly Rooms - a move which, it is hoped, will allow the greatest number of local residents the chance to be a part of planning the town’s future seafront profile.

    Worthing Borough Council’s Planning Committee endorsed the move to the larger venue at their regularly scheduled meeting, held last night (22nd July) in Worthing’s Town Hall.  

    Chair of the Planning Committee, Councillor Kevin Jenkins, said:

    "I recognise that the future of our seafront has aroused a huge amount of passion in the community - with many people on each side of the debate over the future of the Aquarena site - and that more people than usual will want to come to this key meeting.

    “The Planning Committee also anticipate that a large number of people will wish to speak at the meeting to share their thoughts.  As always, we want to accommodate as many of those requests as possible, which is why the Committee last night approved a suggestion to adopt a specific protocol for this meeting, one which will increase the number of speakers and the time available to each.”

    During the debate, up to five people for and five people against the application will be able to speak, with the length of their speaking time extended to three minutes (giving a total of 30 minutes public speaking time on this application).  This is over and above the usual three speakers with two minutes each on both sides of the debate that the Planning Committee has been used to.

    Since the number of people wishing to speak is anticipated to be more than can be accommodated during the allotted time, the Planning Committee endorsed a further proposal to ensure a ‘level playing field’ regarding the opportunity to speak.

    Cllr Jenkins explains: 

    "We are keen to ensure an open and transparent process is maintained throughout this debate and are trying to ensure that a representation of the wider public voice from across Worthing is heard on this matter.

    “Those who have registered to speak will be chosen via a ballot system - each person or organisational representative will be given a unique number and on the 14th September the names of the registered speakers and some reserves will be selected by a random number generation process. 

    “I recognise that for some this may not give them the opportunity to speak at the meeting that they may wish, but this method has been chosen in order to be fair to everyone, whatever their view on this application and wherever they live in Worthing.

    “This seems a fair, open and transparent way of selecting the speakers and ensures that everyone starts from the same level playing field of opportunity."    

    Registration for the opportunity to speak to the Planning Committee is now open, and anyone wishing to do needs to contact the Council by 12 noon on Friday 11th September. 

    To register, members of the community should email or call 01903 221006.  Any person who has previously contacted Worthing Borough Council to inquire about speaking on this matter will be added to the list.  

    Those who have been selected to speak or identified as a reserve speaker will be notified as soon after the 14th September as possible.

    Any questions about the planning application should be directed to the Planning Services team or researched on the planning portal on Worthing Borough Council’s website here:

  • 04 August 2015 9:27 AM | Deleted user

    The ASDA StreetVelodrome Series reached the south coast resort of Worthing for Round 5. It was greeted by huge crowds, the biggest so far this year, sunshine and a festival atmosphere.


    Taking full advantage of the natural ampitheatre within Beach House Grounds, the crowds grew in large numbers as they first watched the morning Amateur Rider Qualification sessions and then the build up to the main feature races.


    And what sensational races they were. On what was the longest track so far this Series, all expectation was on a Craig Maclean victory. Adding to his advantage was the increased rolling resistence of the SupaTrak surface, used whenever StreetVelodrome is laid on grass. His superior leg strength would surely enabling the Team Velotec rider to power his way along those two extended straights whilst the other less powerful technical riders would struggle.


    But it was not to be. Craig got eliminated in round 1 by Super Mario Presi for Team ProCook. Rock The Cotswold's Patrick Robertson was eliminated by Cycleguard's Jack Ravenscroft, whilst Quella's Dave Johnson dispatched guest team ASL360's Mark Emsley in his first appearance in the ASDA StreetVelodrome Series.


    The finals saw an incredible close battle, once again, between Dave and Mario. But on this occasion, against the form book, Dave came through by just a fraction of a second to beat his nemisis this series Mario.


    In the women's category Jess Stone for Cycleguard continued her winning ways by beating all her opponents. But the longer track prevented her from dominating quite as much as she failed to score the much needed Catches Cycleguard need to overhaul Team Quella in the Catch Trophy.


    With just two events to go Team Quella lead the Catch Trophy with 24 Catches to Cycleguard's 20 and ProCook's 19.


    Improving upon her bronze medal in the previous round, ProCook's Kelli Salone had to settle for silver when faced with a determined Jess Stone in the gold medal race. But this was a major fillip for Kelli as she managed to beat Quella's Anna Glowinski into the Bronze position. 


    This was Anna's lowest ever finishing position in StreetVelodrome. And she had a battle to contend with in her bronze medal race against locally qualifying amateur Rowena Price who really impressed on the day.


    The overall team medal table has Quella on top with 4 Golds, 4 Silvers and now 2 Bronze medals. Behind is Cycleguard with 3 Golds, 2 Silvers and a collection of 4 bronzes. ProCook lost ground remaining on 2 golds but improving their tally of silvers to 4. This means they could still leapfrog Cycleguard in Ealing if Jess fails to win.


    The teams remain in the same ranking positions going into Round 6, Ealing on Saturday 8th August. Their rankings will determine the draw for the SuperFinals on 13th August in Broadgate, City of London. So topping the medal table going into the climax of the Series will be a great boost. So Ealing will become the last gasp scramble for those all important golds.


    The ASDA StreetVelodrome Kids Series continues to be led by Team Sharks but now with a reduced points lead. They have 15 points to the 11 points scored by Team Tigers. Ealing will see the final of the Kids Series and with a maximum of 10 points still available either team could still win.

  • 04 August 2015 9:23 AM | Deleted user

    Worthing and Gatwick-based chartered accountants Carpenter Box is urging Sussex manufacturers to have their say on the effect of the engineering skills gap as part of a major industry survey.

    The 2015 MHA Manufacturing & Engineering Survey, launched by MHA, the national association of accountancy and business advisory firms, is supported by Lloyds Bank Commercial Banking and will look at the long term implications of failing to invest in engineering talent at every level.

    Comments Chris Coopey, Partner at Carpenter Box who also heads up MHA’s Manufacturing Group: “Engineering UK estimates that as a country we need either to double the number of engineering graduates we produce or take other measures, including supporting STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) students and apprenticeships, in order to compete on the global stage.”

    “Feedback from organisations such as the Sussex Manufacturing Forum demonstrates that many engineering and manufacturing businesses are finding recruitment difficult if not impossible, and not just for graduates and experienced engineers but even at apprentice level. This skills gap means a growth gap for the sector in our area – and it will get worse the longer we fail to address the obvious.”

    Assessing the effect of the skills gap on growth across the regions of the UK is one of the primary aims of the 2015 MHA Survey.  The survey report, available in late September, will include analysis by the prestigious WMG - the Manufacturing Group at the University of Warwick - and from Philippa Oldham, Head of Transport and Manufacturing at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. The report will be used to encourage government and other public and private bodies to develop policies that meet the needs of industry.

    “The rewards for encouraging many more secondary school students towards a career in engineering and manufacturing are potentially huge for the UK economy,” says Chris Coopey. “If we get the balance right and find an answer to the skills gap, we could potentially add around £27 billion a year to the UK economy from 2022 onwards.”

    David Atkinson, Head of SME Manufacturing at Lloyds Bank Commercial Banking, added: “The skills gap poses a major challenge for the UK’s manufacturing and engineering sector and the issue needs to be addressed in order for manufacturers to remain competitive and at the cutting edge of the global market. There’s a clear demand for talent at all levels and if tackled successfully, resolving the skills shortage will support the sustainable growth of the industry and ensure the sector continues to play a fundamental role in rebalancing the UK economy.”

  • 29 July 2015 9:27 AM | Deleted user

    Business Growth Grants

    Is your business eligible for a grant of £15,000 - £100,000?

    Businesses in CWS could be eligible for substantial funding thanks to a Business Grants programme launched by Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership and West Sussex County Council.
    It is hoped that small and medium sized businesses looking to expand and create new jobs, but not finding it easy to find the finance, will apply.  Start-ups, existing businesses and social enterprises are being encouraged to express interest in the programme before the deadline of 15th September 2015.
    To find out more please click on this link

  • 29 July 2015 9:05 AM | Deleted user

    The weekend, during which Worthing hosts a banked velodrome in the grounds of Beach House Grounds, is about to arrive.

    On August 1 and 2, amateur riders have the chance to challenge some of the country’s highest-ranking competitive cyclists at the StreetVelodrome which is erected for one weekend only for riders to compete in head to head elimination pursuit races.

    Using a 'popup' track with two banked corners and two straights, along with professional-level timing and equipment, anyone is able to try speed-cycling free of charge with the event organisers supplying all the necessary equipment. The ‘have-a-go’ sessions take place on Saturday and anyone wishing to take part should simply turn up on the day.  The races for amateur and professional cyclists take place on Sunday. 

    Councillor Daniel Humphreys, Leader of Worthing Borough Council says:

    “We have a new story to tell in Worthing; hosting unique, innovative events such as the UK-wide Asda StreetVelodrome Series really underlines where we’re heading and the passion that we’re using to get us there.

    “It’s taken a huge amount of effort for the team to bring StreetVelodrome to Worthing this year, and I’m confident that the first weekend of August is going to be a spectacular cycling celebration, from the arrival of the peloton on Saturday 1st August to the race action that will dominate the weekend.”

    Councillor Bryan Turner, Executive Member for Regeneration at Worthing Borough Council adds:

    “When the Council decided to bring the Asda StreetVelodrome Series to the town last December, we couldn’t imagine the speed at which the local community would back it. 

    “According to the organisers, no other race venue has seen such immediate uptake of the track time slots and even our Culture & Events team were taken aback by the speed at which local businesses invested in sponsorship opportunities.

    “Events such as this not only contribute to the social lifeblood of the town, but also have a direct relationship with the whole area’s economic growth and development.  I am personally passionate about growing Worthing’s economy, and will wholeheartedly support bringing the right events to the town to do just that.”

    Carl Thompson, Series Director says:

    “It is with great pleasure that we bring Street Velodrome and The Asda StreetVelodrome Series to Worthing.

    “We are combining our Series,which offers the thrill of the pro-riders racing in teams against each other, with the opportunity for the community of Worthing to race the track.  The response has been overwhelming so the weekend will be great fun! 

    “Thank you Worthing for being one of our event partners, we are really looking forward to being part of your cycling weekend celebration.”

    Pelotons of local cyclists will travel to the event from George V Avenue at 9am each day, led by Twitter’s #TruckingCyclist, Worthing local, Jeremy Strutt. 

    On Saturday the peloton will have a family focus while Sunday’s peloton will be aimed at anybody with a modified bicycle. 

    Local businesses, food stalls and entertainers surround the street velodrome during the weekend with opportunities to take part in circus workshops, learn from a safer cycling display by Sussex Transport, witness a showcase of vintage bicycles, take a ride on the funfair along the prom or take advantage of bicycle servicing from Dr Bike. There will also be a variety of children’s inflatables in Denton Gardens.

    The high-speed, high-energy nature of the event promises great video opportunities throughout the day.  Spectators are encouraged to share their footage with the Council’s Twitter feed @adurandworthing, which will be streamed to their street velodrome site throughout the day, tagging any posts #WVel15.

    For latest updates as the event unfolds visit and

  • 28 July 2015 11:36 AM | Deleted user

    A new commercial unit and three new housing properties have been created along a busy parade near to Worthing station, thanks to hard work and negotiation between its owners and Worthing Borough Council.

    Having recently returned an empty property to use in partnership with YMCA DownsLink, Worthing Borough Council are delighted to have another success story under their belt, with bigger transformations and results than ever before.

     In recent years, 20 South Farm Road attracted many complaints due to its appearance and increasing levels of neglect - the property had a large van parked in front the majority of time to hide its decline into ruin. With no internal floors, roof in disrepair and the shop front below in danger of collapse, the property seemed almost beyond salvage.

     Following intervention from Worthing Borough Council’s Private Sector Housing team and the Empty Property Officer, Helen Stevens, negotiations were made with the mortgage company who agreed to take back control of the property after seeing its deterioration. After a short time being marketed by a local estate agent a sale was quickly completed in September 2014 to Chesters Gorman Properties who were quick to see the potential.

     In pursuit of making this shell into habitable environment, teams of local experts fitted new electrical and plumbing systems, working hard to strip, build, sand and repair the former empty property into three new much needed homes including a studio flat, a one bedroom flat and a two bed maisonette as well as the commercial unit space on the ground floor.

    In little under a year, Worthing Borough Council and the property’s new owners have been able to offer homes to three people or families as well as a business opportunity in a prime location to any budding  businessmen/women.

     Councillor Dr Heather Mercer, Executive Member for Customer Services at Worthing Borough Council, said:

     “I am delighted that we’re pressing ahead to proactively bring empty properties back into use - especially when they’re as run down and dangerous as this one was.

     “Not only have the new owners created smart new homes for local people, but they have also given a local business fresh, modern, premises to work from.  Supporting local people, making local communities more pleasant and growing the local economy - this is a success story from every angle.”

     Sven Chesters, Partner at Chesters Gorman Properties adds:

     “We have been delighted to work with the Borough Council on this project.  The South Farm Road property was in a terrible condition, but in a prime location with plenty of potential.  We believe in  creating top quality homes for people to build their lives from, and hope that the people who move into the South Farm Road property will fall in love with it.”

    If you know of an empty property which could be returned into use for a local family, please contact Worthing Borough Council’s Empty Properties Officer on 01273 263034.


  • 28 July 2015 11:31 AM | Deleted user

    Once again, West Sussex County Council has joined forces with Brighton & Hove City Council to extend the directory across both areas.

    It means the free publication will now reach up to 20,000 people across Sussex, who will have a list of nearly 450 of the finest businesses in the area at their fingertips.

    The directory protects consumers by ensuring every business which appears on its pages have been thoroughly vetted by Trading Standards officers in West Sussex or Brighton and Hove.

    Each business listed, whatever its size or trade, has agreed to provide a trustworthy and high standard of customer service. They are also regularly monitored to ensure these levels are maintained.

    Copies of the free booklet can be picked up from libraries, help points, doctors and dentists’ surgery waiting times, B7Q in Shoreham and Crawley, Travis Perkins in Horsham,  Homebase in Chichester, Screwfix in Horsham and Chichester.

    All local members of Buy With Confidence are listed on the website,, with a recommendation from Trading Standards.

    David Barling, West Sussex County Council’s Cabinet Member for Residents’ Services with responsibility for trading standards, said: “The directory gives residents details of around 450 businesses that have been recommended by Trading Standards

    “As well as benefiting consumers, it will also assist local businesses by giving them accreditation to a scheme that really carries its weight in the county.”

    Any West Sussex traders who want to join the scheme can contact 01243 642124

    Brighton & Hove City council’s environment committee chair Gill Mitchell, said: “The Buy with Confidence scheme is a well-regarded and valuable resource for residents and businesses.  The directory not only provides peace of mind for the consumer but is also an ideal way for reliable businesses to advertise their services.”

    In the Brighton & Hove area, copies of the directory can be obtained from council offices or by contacting Brighton Trading Standards on 01273 292523.

    Businesses in the city interested in joining the scheme should call Brighton Trading Standards on 01273 292523 for an application pack or visit:

    An interactive version of the both directories can also be viewed here

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Tel: 01903 203484   


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