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Worthing & Adur Chamber

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01903 203484

News & updates 

Regular news and updates from the Chamber, our members, local Councils and other relevant business news will be posted regularly here. 

Don't forget, as a member one of your many benefits is being able to submit your press releases and news for inclusion here as well as on either the members or business news emails and social media, for guidelines please click here. Please submit to 

  • 09 June 2015 10:20 AM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)

    Teville Gate (Worthing) new owners announced as Mosaic Global Investments Limited.
    On Friday 5th June 2015, Mosaic Global Investments Limited successfully completed the purchase of the Teville Gate site in Worthing and in doing so heralded a key realisation of Adur & Worthing Councils' regeneration plans for the town. 
    Jawad Sheikh, Chairman Mosaic Global Investments Limited adds
    "Teville Gate provides a fantastic opportunity for redevelopment and the ongoing regeneration of Worthing.  We are committed to this project and in delivering a world class provision for business and residents.  To enable this, Mosaic has appointed a large specialist team, with significant experience in urban regeneration, led by the award winning architects CZWG.
    This team are confident they will be able to present a planning application to Adur and Worthing Council by the end of the year.  Prior to that, we look forward to meeting with the residents of Worthing, so we can fully understand their thoughts and ambitions for this site and what they would like to see delivered. One of our first jobs will be to schedule a public consultation exercise this autumn."
    Jon Murch of Davies Murch (Acquisations agent) added "We are delighted that Mosaic Global Investments Limited have been successful in the acquisition of this important site as they have the drive, vision, determination and expertise to deliver something very special."
    Daniel Humphreys, Leader Worthing Council  "I am really pleased that Teville Gate has finally been sold and we can now work closely with Mosaic Global Investments Limited to develop this site as quickly as possible.  As an important gateway into the town centre,  it is vital that it is redeveloped sympathetically, providing a mix of residential, leisure and commercial uses to enhance the approach into the town.  The fact that Worthing has started to attract this high calibre of interest and investment is very encouraging going forward."

  • 03 June 2015 10:59 AM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)

    Coast to Capital Region Grants scheme for 2015/2016 has now been launched.

    Through the Coast to Capital Growth Deal, Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership in partnership with West Sussex County Council have now launched the Small Grants programme and the Business Growth Grants programme and are looking for small and medium sized businesses that are looking to expand and create new jobs.

    Full details on the grants, application details and eligibility criteria are available at  click here

    Coast to Capital Region Small Grants

    Applications are now open and will remain open until 12pm on 8th July 2015.

    Applications are welcome from start-ups, existing businesses and social enterprises from all sectors but the proposed new activity must be additional to existing business activity. Businesses must be able to incur the grant in full by 31st March 2016 and the grant may only be used for capital items.

    This is a competitive process and therefore decisions will not be made until August 2015 and grants will not be paid until September/October 2015. This programme will only fund new activity and therefore retrospective costs are not eligible. For the purpose of this programme new activity is defined as that happening after the grant agreement has been signed.

    - See more at:

    Coast to Capital Region Business Growth Grants

    Applications for Expressions of Interest are now open and will remain open until 12pm on 15th September 2015.

    Applications are welcome from businesses that are in one of the Coast to Capital priority sectors listed below and/or be able to demonstrate strong medium term growth plans. Retail is not an eligible sector.

    ]• Advanced Engineering
    • Manufacturing
    • Environmental Technologies, Goods and Services
    • Creative, Digital and IT
    • Healthcare, Medical Technology and Life Sciences

    Start-ups, existing businesses and social enterprises are invited to apply, the proposed new activity must be additional to existing business activity.

    - See more at:
  • 02 June 2015 2:44 PM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)

    Rampion Offshore Windfarm Community Information Event 

    Tuesday 16th June, 2pm - 8pm Lancing Parish Hall

  • 02 June 2015 12:00 PM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)

    Trustees Required for Citizens Advice Bureau

    Central and South Sussex Citizens Advice Bureau is a charity created to serve the community, providing advice and information on a wide range of subjects. 

    We need to recruit skilled trustees to join our board.

    We are looking for people with strategic vision, independent judgement and a willingness to give time and commitment to being a trustee. We are particularly looking for someone with a legal background. The post of trustee is unpaid but will provide you a great deal of experience and satisfaction. All reasonable expenses are reimbursed.

    We are keen to achieve a more diverse board of trustees and welcome applications from all sections of the community.

    For more information or to arrange an informal discussion on the role of trustee, please contact:

    Chris Smith 

    01403 336716 

  • 02 June 2015 11:44 AM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)
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  • 02 June 2015 11:08 AM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)

    Councils seek greener vehicle alternatives

    Improvements in the electric vehicle industry have prompted Adur & Worthing Councils to begin testing all-electric vans, leading the way to reducing fleet running costs and creating a cleaner, greener environment.

    Even with an accelerating digital agenda, Adur & Worthing Councils haven’t gone entirely paperless just yet.  In addition to the meeting papers, mail items and equipment which need to be moved around on a daily basis, the Councils have many members of staff who criss-cross the District and Borough in the course of their daily duties.

    In order to reduce fleet fuel bills - and contribute to improvements in local air quality - the Councils are actively considering opportunities to replace their diesel powered fleet with the latest electric vehicles at the next scheduled upgrade opportunity

    With this in mind, a Nissan e-NV200 was recently trialled by the Business Services team, after recent advances in battery technology have made all-electric vehicles an increasingly attractive option with faster charging times and increased ranges, meaning that teams can keep going for longer before top-ups.

    Councillor Angus Dunn, Executive Member for Resources at Adur District Council, said:

    “It’s fantastic that both Councils are looking into more environmentally friendly alternatives for their couriers, showing how committed we are to reducing our carbon footprint over the coming years. As we look to make the environment greener, it makes sense to start here with the overall aim of operating more than one such vehicle in the near future.”

    Worthing Borough Council’s Executive Member for Resources, Councillor Mark Nolan, adds:

    “We have every intention to explore replacing our existing diesel fuelled vans with these all electric vehicles, leading the way for other Councils to follow suit. We’re dedicated to continuously balancing fiscal responsibility with improving the environment; and we can make a start on both of these objectives through the purchase of such vehicles.”

    Martin Hosier, Facilities Officer at Adur & Worthing Councils, comments:

    “"Having first evaluated electric vehicles several years ago, it was remarkable to find just how far the technology had progressed.  The van we have been evaluating is leaps and bounds beyond those early vehicles and is comparable in every way to the normal commercial vehicles that we currently operate - it could be a genuinely practicable alternative to diesel and petrol powered vehicles."

    During the trial, the e-NV200 was described as being surprisingly quiet - so much so that when standing next to it it was not readily apparent that the engine is running.  This quiet running will also contribute to lowering noise levels on busy roads, further improving the local environment.

    In order to put an all-electric vehicle on the fleet, Adur & Worthing Councils would have to apply for a government grant to assist with the purchase price, further improving the financial attractiveness of the all-electric option.  If a grant is made to the Councils, then it is hoped that the first vehicle will arrive on the fleet by the end of 2015.

  • 01 June 2015 1:19 PM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)

    Meet your local County Councillor at the Worthing Council Local Committee
    Wednesday 10 June 2015 7.00pm

    Devonshire Room, Chatsworth Hotel,

    Prior to the formal meeting there will be an opportunity for residents to attend a drop in event to view plans and ask any questions regarding the Montague Place improvements, which will start at 5.30pm

  • 29 May 2015 12:57 PM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)

    Third Annual Worthing & Adur Fund May Day Golf Challenge

    This year we joined forces with Dizzy:support for diabetes, raising money for both local charities.  A fantastic day was had by more than 60 golfers who participated.

    Teams from the Worthing & Adur Chamber of Commerce  captained by Damian Pulford were pitted against South Coast Golf Tour captained by Peter Raynsford  in a  Challenge run Ryder cup style,   on Worthing Golf Club’s par 71 Lower Course.

    The overall winning team on the day was South Coast Golf Tour and Mark Perring from “Valusys”  won best individual score.  Fund Founder Donor Caroline Nicholls beat off stiff competition to get the ladies prize! More lady golfers next year please!

    Fortified by a Bacon bap and some excellent coffee and tea, the players set off on a bright if chilly morning. They were greeted with more refreshments at the halfway house provided by Dizzy (lovely homemade Muesli bars thanks Jane) then later made their way back for a highly competitive putting challenge followed by an excellent lunch, prizes and the drawing of the raffle.

    A big thank you to those local businesses, like Bennett Griffin who provided the Winning Team Cup, and individuals who provided sponsorship and prizes and many thanks to  everyone at Worthing Golf Club for their support in making the day such a great success.  The success of the day boosted the Worthing and Adur Fund which will have another round of grants in October for local charities and voluntary groups like Sailability-sailing for the disabled, and contributed to Dizzy:support for diabetes.

    The hard working Golf Day team- David Fluke, Tina Tilley, Damian Pulford, Peter Raynsford and Jools Chaffer would like to start planning for next year  so put May 1st in your diary! (TBC)

    Karen Simporis

    Chair Worthing & Adur fund

  • 29 May 2015 9:46 AM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)

    Welcome to two new executive committee members, Jonathan Nulty & Dave Bone

    A man of many talents

    Why run one business when you can run several? This is certainly one question thatJonathan Nulty – Worthing’s embodiment of the portfolio entrepreneur – must have asked himself.

    Running his own management consultancy clearly wasn’t enough so Jon set up Vice Puddings to make irresistible cakes and puddings. Alongside this Jon has built a reputation as one of the South-East’s top crooners, singing his repertoire of swing classics, when he assumes his alter-ego Johnny Zero

    And then there’s Sundowners – the monthly not-for-profit street-food event he runs on the seafront.

    First and foremost Jon is a qualified accountant. He learned his trade working in local government before being head-hunted by top accountancy practice PwC. After 21 years enjoying the relative safety of employment, Jon decided to strike out on his own and set up the Jonathan Nulty Management Consultancy.

    However, Jon quickly discovered that although corporate life may equip you with the technical knowledge to start a business, it does not teach you how to run a business. Jon remembers the time well, “I didn’t know where to turn, but then I discovered Worthing and Adur Chamber of Commerce. The opportunities to network and learn from other businesses that the chamber offered me proved invaluable, not to mention the WiseUp2 half-day training workshops where I was able to learn new business skills.”

    Since then Jon has become a huge advocate of the local Chamber and the people that work in it. The Chamber recently recognised Jon’s skills and ability to make a difference to local business people by inviting him on to the Chamber Executive Committee. This means local business are set to experience first-hand Jon’s passion and enthusiasm for business, and maybe even the odd chocolate brownie.

    Business Technology Specialist

    David Bone is Managing Director ofBarebones Communications – the business technology specialists. After a long and successful career in the technology and communications industries, solving problems for household names such as the BBC and Channel 4, David founded Barebones Communications in 2009 so that he could do what he does best: offer simple solutions to complex problems.


    David understands that today’s business is only as efficient as the technology that supports it. Business owners expect technology to work; when it doesn’t they want it fixed with the minimum of fuss and disruption. David believes it’s his job to own the problem until it’s fixed while the business owner concentrates on running the business.


    David really is an expert in his field. And it’s a wide field too, encompassing telecoms solutions, CCTV and access-control systems, Wi-Fi networks and hotspots, IPTV and audio-visual solutions, and IT consultancy. David is also renowned for his work in the hospitality and dental sectors.


    David has always had a keen interest in technology and loves the challenge of taking something and making it work better. No one-size-fits-all solutions here: David believes each solution must be personal to each customer and designed to fix a specific need. This philosophy runs counter to many of the solutions on offer that are often generic and end up as a compromise.


    Barebones Communications is based in Worthing but works with customers all over the UK.  You can email David or call him on 03333 442101.

  • 29 May 2015 9:26 AM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)

    HSBC delivers post-election Economic Outlook

    The next meetings of the Sussex Property Alliance and the Sussex Manufacturing Forum, hosted by West Sussex and Gatwick-based chartered accountants and tax advisers, Carpenter Box, provide a rare opportunity to hear from Mark Berrisford-Smith, Head of Economics for HSBC UK Commercial Banking. Mark will share with both meetings his outlook for the UK and the world post the General Election.

    Mark is one of HSBC’s most senior national commentators on the economy and advises on developments in the UK and global economies, and the performance of regions and key industry sectors.

    As Carpenter Box Partner and compere for the events, Chris Coopey, explains: “Mark is an incredible public speaker, leading talks at conferences and seminars throughout the year in his signature entertaining and informative style. Ahead of the upcoming July 8th budget, it will be really interesting for local businesses within the property and manufacturing sectors to hear Mark’s view on what the next five years might have in store for UK Plc now that David Cameron is in a position to push forward an economic programme without having to worry about the sensibilities of a coalition partner.”

    The free events will both be held on 19 June 2015 at South Lodge Hotel, Nr. Horsham with the Sussex Manufacturing Forum taking place between 8am and 10.30am and the Sussex Property Alliance between 12 noon and 3pm.

    The Manufacturing Forum is open to manufacturers and engineers and other businesses involved in the supply chain, whilst the Property Alliance is open to investors, builders, developers, architects and planners, as well as raw and building material suppliers.

    In addition to Carpenter Box, the Sussex Manufacturing Forum is sponsored by HSBC Bank and the Sussex Property Alliance is sponsored by Michael Jones Estate Agents, Jelf Insurance Brokers and Bennett Griffin Solicitors and Notaries.

    For further information on both events, please contact Lucy Tunstall at Carpenter Box on 01903 234094 or by e-mail,, or register at  for the Manufacturing Forum and at for the Property Alliance.

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Tel: 01903 203484   


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