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Lancing Prep Worthing launches its new Aspire Programme

07 November 2023 12:12 PM | Anonymous

Lancing Prep Worthing launches its new Aspire Programme

At Lancing Prep Worthing, we endeavour to provide every pupil with the support and opportunities needed to enable them to reach their challenging targets and to fulfil their potential. That’s why we are so excited to announce the launch of the Aspire Programme, set at raising ambitions across the school with the aspiration to help every child succeed. 

The programme is led by Melody Bridges, Head of Humanities & Able, Gifted & Talented Events Co-Ordinator.  She believes “every teacher needs to know how to recognise and teach the gifted and talented, and to be familiar with the techniques for creating high levels of intellectual challenge in their curriculum area. They also need to offer or facilitate access to opportunities for students to excel in broader intellectual pursuits, sports and the arts.” To this end there will be the development of new opportunities both within the school and access to new opportunities outside of the school too.

At Lancing Prep Worthing, we already have excellent students who are achieving at a high level across different subjects and these are identified by our regular monitoring and termly check ins, alongside dialogue with curriculum leads and classroom teachers. As pupils pass through each year we aim to provide them with stimulating experiences that broaden and deepen their subject knowledge and ensure they remain highly engaged and focussed on excelling. 

The Aspire Programme will be run in two parts – work outside of the school and work inside the school.  Inside school the programme will be focused on the new AGT policy, increased competitions by age and subject, linking up with reputable names locally, nationally, and internationally, increasing afterschool learning, inviting inspirational speakers into the school, and the joining of NACE (National Association for Able Children in Education). 

Away from school, we will be partnering with local schools, supporting local educational networks and groups, organising special topic days, and increasing activities with other schools. We are also looking at enhancing CPD opportunities for staff too so that they are using the latest resources and teaching methods for the benefit of every pupil. Aspire is about every student and teacher feeling that we are reaching together towards more ambitious goals both for individuals and as a community. 

Aspire: Raising Ambitions across the School

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