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01903 203484

Upper Shoreham Active Travel Improvements consultation launch

28 May 2024 10:09 AM | Anonymous

Upper Shoreham Active Travel Improvements consultation launch

The Active Transport Team at West Sussex County Council are asking for your opinion.......

We are working to introduce walking and cycling improvements to Upper Shoreham Road, Buckingham Road and Middle Road areas in Shoreham and would like to hear your views on our proposals. These improvements support active travel within the community and to schools, leisure, work facilities and to Shoreham Railway Station.

The proposed improvements are along routes identified in Adur District Council’s Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP)

  • The area where the controlled crossing point is proposed, on Upper Shoreham Road, has been identified as a site where pedestrians and cyclists frequently seek to cross the carriageway. The work we are proposing to carry out will make this a safer and more convenient crossing point. 
  • The Buckingham Road school access proposal has been identified through the school street trial project and seeks to support the safe journey to school and focuses on where pupils cross to access to Buckingham Park Primary School.  This directly joins to the Upper Shoreham Road scheme.
  • Middle Road has also been identified as a site which is heavily trafficked by cyclists. The installation of cycle bypasses through the buildouts will improve safety and connectivity for network users.

These proposals have come from previous engagement and consultation from the local communities and key stakeholders, and the scheme aims to improve safety, continuity and usability for pedestrians and cyclists, by:

  • Installation of parallel crossing, on Upper Shoreham Road, just east of its junction with The Drive.
  • Installation of associated shared cycle/pedestrian footway route at the junction of The Drive and Upper Shoreham Road, and at the junction of Buckingham Road and Upper Shoreham Road. 
  • Installation of a segregated cycle lane on the west side of The Triangle at the junction of Upper Shoreham Road and Buckingham Road. 
  • Improvements to pedestrian crossing points on the approach to Buckingham Park Primary School.
  • Installation of cycle ‘bypasses’ at the two buildouts on Middle Road.

Plans and further information including our consultation survey can be found online at

Hard copies of the plans and survey can be viewed at Shoreham Library for the duration of the online consultation, and hard copies of the survey are available to the public by request.

Please could you initially indicate if you SUPPORT or OBJECT to the proposals and any supporting reasons by FRIDAY 7th June 2024, and complete the online survey where possible, or If you would like any further information please do contact us at   The online consultation will remain open until Friday 21st June 2024.

Active Travel & Local Transport Improvements Programme
Highways, Transport and Planning
West Sussex County Council

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Tel: 01903 203484   


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