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Day Release Degree from the University of Chichester

15 October 2013 11:02 AM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)
Day Release Degree – growing your talent and your business!

The Day Release Degree from the University of Chichester is an exciting, innovative and flexible way for students to gain a full honours degree in Business Studies, whilst in work.

We are currently, successfully delivering the 2013-2017 Day Release Degree programme to a range of students from a wide spectrum of employers in the hospitality, travel, construction, engineering leisure, retail, marketing and social enterprise sectors. Several Worthing-based companies such as Classic Collection Holidays and Newview Homes are participating in this programme.
The University of Chichester is inviting existing employees who want to develop their potential by gaining a degree that is directly relevant to their work to contact us. We are also looking for highly motivated and talented students in their final year of college to consider this programme.
What’s in it for Employers?
The Day Release Degree is the best opportunity for you and your organisation to recruit and develop your own existing talent in a way that is focussed on your organisation and organisational goals, whilst allowing your employee the opportunity to get a recognised qualification. It is aimed both at existing employees and new entrants.

•    Attracting highly skilled, motivated people - offering a job within your organisation that allows a person to attend the Day Release Degree programme will help you to attract the high calibre recruits that can really help to drive your business forward.
•    Direct business impact – your business will benefit directly from work-related projects focused on your business objectives and enables the students to make a real difference while they are learning.
•    Increased loyalty - you gain loyalty from your employees as supporting development is widely proven to have a positive effect on staff motivation and retention.
•    Innovation - your organisation benefits from innovation and impact as the student brings the latest research and approaches to the work related projects that they will be doing.
•    Talent Management - grow your own employees who will become your high performers of the future.

How does it work?
The University of Chichester identifies employers who want to be part of this innovative programme. Businesses want to partner with us because they can see the benefits of developing their existing staff members as well as attracting new entrants and the long term benefit that this can bring to the organisation.

•    Students will study at the University of Chichester one day a week over three ten week terms for the first three years. The fourth year comprises primarily a tutor supported management project studied over two semesters i.e. September to May
•    Study is a mix of generic business and skills based modules. The majority of assignments are work related projects agreed in advance with the employer. Subjects covered include, finance, management, marketing, HR and operations.
•    Students are supported by both an academic tutor and a work based mentor.
•    Employers typically fund 50% of the course fees with some participants getting access to student loans.

What’s in it for the Day Release Degree student?
You may be an existing employee and want to develop your potential within the company to enhance your career and move to more senior roles. The Day Release Degree is perfect for developing and progressing your existing career and because you will be working on practical projects you make a very direct impact on your business.
Alternatively, you may have completed your BTEC or your A Levels and want to get a degree, but may not want to go to university full time in which case the Day Release Degree is for you.  It is an excellent opportunity to achieve a recognised degree, whilst gaining valuable work experience.
As the degree is done while you are in work, there is every chance that you will have much reduced student debt from the fees. You can still apply for student loans.

Here are some comments from our current employer partners and students:
"It's about investing in the young today to give you the managers of tomorrow. We are really pleased with our student, Anna-Marie; she has exceeded expectations and is already making an impact. We definitely plan to recruit two more for this year's programme" Nick Munday, Managing director, Classic Collection Holidays Ltd.

“Working directly with a corporation allows you to get vital work experience for future career progression”. Jay – Trainee, Butlins Leisure

“With the coursework being based around the company’s own core principles and internal training policies I feel I am getting the best education from both sides”. Simon – Manager, Bombardier Engineering

How do I find out more?
Call Andrew Adams at the University of Chichester on 07796 655247, email

Get in touch

Tel: 01903 203484   


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