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The A27 – time for action!

25 July 2014 10:54 AM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)

The A27 – time for action!

The inaugural meeting of the A27 Action Group took place on 26th June at Worthing College. The aim of campaign is to persuade government that there is a compelling case for selecting the A27 for dualling across West Sussex.

Chaired by Ricardo's Managing Director Martin Fausset, the meeting saw broad support from both local West Sussex and Westminster based politicians, as well as the business community, many of whom were represented individually as well as by Worthing and Adur Chamber’s CEO Tina Tilley.

The aim of the Action Group is to put together an evidence based case to persuade government that this section of road should be selected for funding ahead of a number of similar schemes across the country.  Timelines are short, with just 16 weeks before the deadline. Although there has already been an element of pre-selection in terms of the schemes vying for funding, feedback from businesses affected by the frequent delays and unpredictability of the route will be key to persuading government that the A27 should be top of the funding pile. Sadly the reality is that East West communications across the South of England are appalling with a patchwork of roads that are not fit for purpose, stifle business growth and efficiency and have an effect right across the South Downs where A27 rat running has become a regional sport (ask anyone in Storrington). 

At the meeting a number of opinions were voiced. Of particular interest was that of Chris Spratt, Chairman of the Worthing Town Centre Initiative but more particularly in this respect as a chartered surveyor and estate agent with experience of the previous schemes to bypass Worthing with a dual carriageway. Having been involved with the buying and selling of properties on behalf of the Government in relation to two previous schemes Chris’ advice to those running the Action Group is simple. In relation to the section of dual carriageway which is needed to deal with the Worthing’s horrendous traffic problem speak with one voice and decide upon a preferred route.

The reality is that no scheme will please everyone. Whether a new dual carriageway infringes on the South Downs National Park or is more central or indeed is in a tunnel, inevitably there will be opposition. Essentially though, this is a decision that impacts on the economic competitiveness of the whole of the south coast and is therefore an infrastructure decision ultimately to be made in Westminster (or should be) albeit with local consultation.


The report of the meeting would not be complete without reference to a lone but very loud voice opposing any action in the name of the planet. Argument and counter argument was put with relation to whether more pollution occurs from stop start traffic along the length of the Chichester Arundel and Worthing sections but perhaps the most interesting comment came from the Chairman who confirmed that his company, Ricardo, had already developed a zero emission engine. 

Have your say!

As a business or resident, whatever your view is about the A27 it's important that you make it known. Take a look at the
A27 Action Group's website and join the debate. It's indisputable that millions of business pounds are wasted every year because of the delays on what is the main east to west coastal link in the south of England. Worthing, Arundel and Chichester suffer some of the worst delays and the resultant negative economic effects.

The A27AG needs hard evidence of the costs to business so do let them know how your business is affected by commenting through their website.

The government are looking at a number of schemes up and down the country and will make a decision by the end of the year as to which scheme will be favoured with funding. Let’s make sure it’s the A27.

Chris Coopey

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