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The Money Tree - an opportunity to fund innovative youth projects in Worthing

13 April 2015 10:50 AM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)

The Money Tree - an opportunity to fund innovative youth projects in Worthing

Do you currently work with under 25’s on projects which benefit the community as well as the young people taking part? Or simply have an idea for a project but don’t know where to find the money?

Then you could be eligible to apply for up to £5000 of funding from one of two Money Trees from Worthing Borough Council.

The youth focused scheme has been designed to help fund those projects which promote a positive image of young people and help the community at the same time. The Money Tree is currently accepting applications for funding up until May 5th 2015; the forms can be found online at  or can be printed off to complete and return by post.

The Money Tree allows locally run projects to apply to one of two ‘trees’ of funding, the smaller tree will offer funding of up to £2000 with the larger offering anything between £2001 - £5000, the only restrictions being that all projects must promote a positive image of young people in Worthing, and must be focussed on one of the key themes below:

* Stay safe

* Be healthy

* Enjoy and Achieve

* Achieve economic well being

* Make a positive contribution

Worthing and Adur’s Head of Wellbeing Tina Favier said:

“You may be in a group already running a successful project, or an individual with a simple idea - all bids are welcome and encouraged! So if you run or know of a project that helps young people as well as the community, and would benefit from additional funding, get your applications to Joanne Clarke in Worthing Borough Council’s Community’s Team as soon as possible.”  

Once all applications have been received, they will be scored by a panel of judges made up of local Councillors and young people. Successful bids will then be invited to an event on 2nd July 2015 (venue to be advised) where they will be given the opportunity to present their project ideas to a live voting audience consisting of young people, supporters of the bids and a panel of judges from the Worthing Executive members.

If you know of any schemes that would benefit from additional funding then why delay making an application? For more information, please visit the Councils’ website ( or call Jo Clarke on 01273 263175.

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Tel: 01903 203484   


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