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Adur & Worthing Councils launch a new voluntary code of practice for Professional Dog Walkers

04 October 2016 1:38 PM | Deleted user

Adur & Worthing Councils launch a new voluntary code of practice for Professional Dog Walkers

There are just over 50 professional dog walkers in the Adur & Worthing district who provide a very popular and for some, essential service for dog owners across the area, but unlike Boarding Kennels and Pet shops, there is not a legal framework to support and guide on good practice for this profession and this does lead to the Councils’ occasionally receiving complaints from members of the public.

To address this, and as has been successfully rolled out in many other local authorities all over the UK, the Council's Dog Warden team are launching a voluntary code of practice for professional dog walkers in the area.  They have also incorporated the views of local PDWs following a public meeting about this issue in June.

The aim of the voluntary code of practice is to introduce a “Code of Conduct” that will encourage all PDW’s to follow best practice regarding the dogs under their care, as well as setting a good example to members of the public exercising their own dogs.

In addition, all PDWs who sign up to the code will be added to a directory, via a special page on the Adur & Worthing Councils website, so the public are well informed when choosing a walker for their dog.  The walkers will also be issued with a special sticker to display on their vehicles to show they are signed up to this scheme.

To launch this voluntary code of practice the Adur & Worthing Dogs warden team are inviting all PDWs in the area to meet up at 2pm on Tuesday 11th October at Charmandean Open Space, Worthing, where the team will be on hand to explain the code and sign up walkers.  As many as possible are invited to attend.  Dogs welcome too of course!

Councillor Emma Evans, Adur District Council Executive Member for the Environment adds “I fully support the launch of this voluntary code of practice for professional dog walkers in Adur.  All professions benefit from clear guidelines and PDWs are no different.  As in other areas across the UK, where local authorities have introduced this voluntary code, the PDWs benefit from a code that guides and supports them in offering a good level of service and professionalism, resulting in good dog welfare also.”

Councillor Clive Roberts, Worthing Borough Council Executive Member for the Environment said “Following a public meeting in June, very well attended by local PDWs, it was very clear that there was a demand for this voluntary code of practice to be introduced in Adur & Worthing, from the professionals and the public alike.  

The Dog Wardens team have taken great care to incorporate the feedback from that meeting in this voluntary code of practice and believe, as do I, that it will result in a high level of service from PDWs in our area, a good standard of welfare for the dogs, and a reassurance for the dog owners and public alike that the Councils are offering a code to deliver best  practice.”

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