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Community Works building on the great work of our Voluntary & Community Sector Development in Adur and Worthing

06 October 2016 11:04 AM | Deleted user

Community Works building on the great work of our Voluntary & Community Sector Development in Adur and Worthing

A strong and vibrant community voluntary sector is very important to Adur and Worthing Councils.  Our places are fortunate to have a great mix of voluntary and community organisations who provide an important service, from befriending and working with older residents, young people, families, those with disabilities, refugees, and so much more.

Following a tendering process earlier in the year, Adur & Worthing Councils awarded a new contract to Community Works to provide sector leadership, networking and development support for the Community and Voluntary Sector locally.  This is jointly funded by West Sussex County Council.

Community Works will build on the good work in place and are currently developing a number of new relationships with the voluntary and statutory sectors and local businesses.  Central to their offer will be the development of groups around key issues (starting with health, Wellbeing, and young people and families) and guidance and support for local groups to help them grow and thrive to meet the needs and wants of local communities.

Community Works officially started in July 2016 and have since been busy in meeting local groups and recruiting key staff.

Previously, both Voluntary Action Worthing and Adur Voluntary Action delivered this service on behalf of the Councils and we would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their efforts over the years.

Community Works Chief Executive, Sally Polanski adds, “We are delighted to have this opportunity to work with the local community groups and voluntary organisations to support them in developing their plans and achieving their goals.

We encourage anyone to get in touch to tell us what support they need; we will aim to shape our services in response.   There is already a wealth of information from the consultation the Council’s undertook last year on the sector’s support needs which we are using to inform our setup and priorities. To stay in touch and find more about what’s on offer, groups are invited to sign up to our newsletter where all our future activities will be advertised”

Councillor David Simmons Adur District Council Executive Member for Wellbeing adds “I am pleased to say that Community Works have hit the ground running and are already providing essential support to some of our communities. I look forward to working alongside them as a local Councillor in developing a vibrant, inclusive and effective community across Adur.”

Councillor Val Turner Worthing Borough Council Executive Member for Wellbeing says  “I look forward to working closely with Community Works as the role of the voluntary and community sector is vital for Worthing and our role in helping communities to flourish.  We have made great efforts over the last few years to ensure that our support for the sector is strong and having a top class group to continue this work really matters.” 

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