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New council housing set for Adur

10 November 2016 10:44 AM | Deleted user

New council housing set for Adur 

The supply of affordable housing is not only high on the Council’s objectives, but a major national issue. This week, Adur District Council gave to go ahead to deliver a new housing project in Southwick.

An innovative approach will see new council housing built in Adur for the first time in over 25 years, providing much needed social and affordable housing.

On Council owned land in Albion Street, there currently sits two empty hostels and 7 units of temporary accommodation. In a report discussed by the Council’s Joint Strategic Committee, it was estimated that renovating these properties and maintaining standards would cost almost £1.2million.

Therefore, Councillors have backed a new plan to redevelop the site and construct 36 private units, plus 15 units of affordable housing offered at a mix of affordable and social rent. The project would see the Council enter an agreement with a local developer, eliminating the risk of needing to use taxpayers money.

Current statistics show that over 80% of households on the Housing Register in Adur are waiting for a 1 or 2 bedroom property. By delivering new units of these types, the Council also hope it will allow existing tenants to downsize and therefore free up family sized housing for those that require such accommodation.

Executive Member for Customer Services, Cllr Carson Albury, commented:

“This project indicates the proactive stance we’re taking as a Council, to provide suitable high quality housing for those in need. Both stock and land supply are key issues in our district, so it’s vital we maximise nearby opportunities like Albion Street, where current properties are lying unused or unfit for purpose.”

The financial implications in the long term are also hugely in favour of building new properties on the land. Whereas a costly refurbishment would lead to an estimated annual income of £44,240, the proposed redevelopment would exceed this by by over £30,000 per anum, at £75,790.

With approval from Executive Members, Adur District Council will now work to enter a development agreement to deliver the new affordable homes.

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