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Worthing’s economy is ‘connected and thriving’

08 February 2017 12:05 PM | Deleted user

Worthing’s economy is ‘connected and thriving’

Worthing’s economy is highly connected and thriving on the global market, according to statistics in the latest Centre for Cities report.

Data from the Cities Outlook 2017 report shows that Worthing is performing well above many cities in terms of jobs and exports.

Worthing’s key stats:

  • 80.5% employment rate, yearly increase of 7.1%
  • 2nd highest exports per job in the country
  • One of only 12 cities ranked above average for productivity
  • 93.3% of properties achieving ultrafast broadband speeds

In analysis of the total value of exports by city, Worthing is ranked second - ahead of London and only bettered by Sunderland. The statistics give great confidence in Worthing’s industries and trade.

The analysis shows Worthing to be highly competitive within our geographical region, for example sitting in the top band in terms of productivity - highlighting both an innovative and efficient economy.

Worthing ranks highest in digital connectivity, one of the key components for a city’s offer to businesses and entrepreneurs. Last year 93.3% of properties in the town achieved ultrafast broadband speeds (above 100 Mbps), the highest percentage in a category where 8 of the top 10 cities were in the South.

Elsewhere in the report, there appears to be a direct correlation between the local economy’s high performance and employment figures. With a rate of 80.5%, Worthing has the 5th highest employment rate - increasing by 7.1% from the previous year.

Worthing also performs well in statistics relating to skills and education, with the town ranked 2nd in terms of the populations percentage that has formal qualifications (just 4.2% with no formal qualifications).

Cllr Daniel Humphreys, Leader of Worthing Borough Council, enthusiastically welcomed the publication of the report.

“The Council has been championing the growth of our economy, supporting our local businesses and opening our doors to innovative enterprises who want to make Worthing their home.

“As underlined by Centre for Cities, this approach has made us one of the most productive places in the UK, creating a sound platform onto which we can invite further high value business investment. 

“We offer world-leading employers a highly-networked environment supported by wise regulation and a business-positive approach in which to grow their companies.  The message is clear - Worthing works.”

The report’s findings are particularly welcomed after recent efforts from Worthing Borough Council to market the Borough on the national stage. The Investment Prospectus and partnered website InvestAW are just some of the tools aimed at attracting new businesses to Worthing, and a number of key regeneration sites are edging closer to being unlocked for development.

Cllr Bryan Turner, Worthing Borough Council’s Executive Member for Regeneration, added:

“This report is a positive endorsement for the Borough as a great place to do business.  Already leading the country in high speed broadband access, we will pull further away from the pack when the benefits of our strategic investment in Gigabit infrastructure start to be felt more widely, especially in relation to reliability.

“Through years of consistent work and investment, the Borough has become a launchpad for people to do great things - whether that’s grow a digital and technology company, start an innovative social enterprise or export to the other side of the world.”

Peter Webb, MBE, Managing Director of local company Electronic Temperature Instruments Ltd (ETI), also commented:

“As a specialist, UK manufacturer, we are passionate about what we do! Temperature measurement encompasses a wide variety of needs and applications, and Electronic Temperature Instruments Ltd (ETI) has developed a wide range of instruments and sensors. We manufacture approximately 75% of our product range onsite in two company owned factories here in Worthing, West Sussex.  As well as serving many industries and applications in the UK, we also export to over 100 countries worldwide providing the same first class temperature measuring solutions.

“We're very pleased to be playing our part in Worthing's vibrant economy, which is performing well in terms of productivity and innovation, as reflected in this report”

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