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01903 203484

Change someone's life in one summer by becoming a Nuffield Placement Provider

02 March 2017 12:26 PM | Deleted user

Change someone's life in one summer by becoming a Nuffield Placement Provider 

Nuffield Placements (NP) place Year 12 students (16-17 years olds) in STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) organisations for 4-6 weeks. The placements provide students with the invaluable experience of working alongside STEM professionals in a real work environment. 

Organisations are not required to make any financial commitment and the benefits for organisations are considerable. In return for some supervision and guidance, students can work to a high standard on different types of projects and make significant contributions to organisations.  Work carried out by students often leads to published papers and can be used as the basis for grant applications. Students can also help staff members develop their own teaching and mentoring skills, and can contribute to organisational corporate social responsibility. 

Cluster members Deltex Medical and GSK already participate in the scheme. Lee Linfield, Production Team Leader at Deltex Medical said 

“I am continually surprised by the students’ work ethic and capability. Not only with the projects carried out at Deltex but also during the presentation evening when you see all the projects. For students their age to do such advanced work in a fairly short amount of time is amazing.”

Ali Khan, Early Talent Adivisor at GSK likewise cited benefits for his organisation in regards to students offering a fresh perspective.

 “Fresh eyes, we can take a lot from the students…with students it’s all new and everything is questioned…it’s a great way to find improvements.” 

Full case studies for GSK and Deltex Medical can be found here.

For more information, please contact STEM Sussex, the regional co-ordinators. Please call us on 01273 644178, email or visit the Nuffield area for employers website.  

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Tel: 01903 203484   


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