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“Help us keep building”: Adur & Worthing Councils urge the government to keep on supporting south coast growth

07 April 2017 12:36 PM | Deleted user

“Help us keep building”: Adur & Worthing Councils urge the government to keep on supporting south coast growth

The Government is being urged to continue supporting economic growth in Adur and Worthing to ease pressures on roads, housing and services.

Adur and Worthing Councils say Whitehall must also continue to back their bold agenda to ensure areas of deprivation in the communities are not left behind.

In a joint statement, the local authorities remind government that upgrading the A27 between Worthing and Lancing is of critical importance to the ongoing and sustainable growth of their communities.

The strong messages comes in a joint response to a government Green Paper, Building Our Industrial Strategy, which aims to address the long term challenges to the UK economy and drive growth across the country, particularly outside London and the South East.

The councils accept the government's wish to improve economic conditions elsewhere but urges it to continue to support communities, such as Adur and Worthing, which have demonstrated success so it can be built upon.

Today the leaders of both councils welcomed the Green Paper but urged government not to forget there was still work to be done on the south coast.

Leader of Worthing Council Cllr Daniel Humphreys said:

"This is an important document and echoes much of the work we have been doing here.

“We urge the government to continue to help us build on the successes we have been having as drive forward a programme of regeneration and growth while taking care of taxpayers’ money.

“It is important that government is aware that despite the considerable progress we have made there are still pressing issues facing us.

“There are stubborn pockets of deprivation that must not be left behind as we continue to grow."

Leader of Adur Council Cllr Neil Parkin said:

"There are a lot of good things in this Green Paper which I wholeheartedly support.

“Adur has taken a lead role in encouraging strong investment and development from key industrial partners as we look to provide a platform for those who work and live here to thrive.

“We will continue this work but urge the government not to forget there is still much to do here."

In the joint response the councils point out that their new strategic plan Platforms for our Places sets out commitments to contribute to the prosperity and well being of our places that align with proposals in the Green Paper.

The plan commits the Councils to provide platforms on which future prosperity and well being can be developed together with partners.

The joint response also points out:

·         the proactive lead the Councils have taken to deliver Gigabit West Sussex, providing end-to-end fibre optic Ultrafast broadband (I000mb/s) across West Sussex;

·         the importance of working with regional partners, such as the Greater Brighton Economic Board, to pull in investment from national and international bodies for the wider benefit of the area;

·         the ongoing work of the council to cultivate existing industries, such as engineering and health sciences, as well as emerging sectors, such as the creative and digital media groups;

·         local government’s role in regeneration, supporting strong social and cultural networks, and working with partners to convey a strong sense of place are important in a competitive and global marketplace​. 

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