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Become a Be the Change volunteer guide and make a real difference to young people in Sussex

25 April 2017 12:54 PM | Deleted user

Become a Be the Change volunteer guide and make a real difference to young people in Sussex…      

What is Be the Change?

Be the Change was created in 2015, in response to feedback from employers about recruitment challenges and the gaps they were experiencing in their talent pipelines.

This particular project is taking place in partnership with Sussex universities and colleges to help encourage students to make the most of all of the opportunities available to them and in turn realise their full potential.
Be the Change encompasses a range of inspirational events designed to support students who may face challenges and difficulties in school or college. Focusing on happiness, confidence, hope, relationships and employability, Be the Change encourages students to identify their personal barriers to success, and helps them overcome them.

Students are invited to look at the influences of others, peer pressure and the culture of conformity and will reflect on barriers to success, their attitude and behaviour and the impact this has on themselves and others.

Be the Change positively impacts and shapes our future learners and workers at the same time as offering organisations an opportunity to make a tangible, measurable and life changing difference to local young people by focusing on qualities and life skills that support qualifications and success.

How can YOU get involved?
We are running two one day Be the Change conferences for 17-19 year olds in May 2017 and we need support from volunteers to make these days a success.

What does a Be the Change Guide Do?
As a volunteer guide, you will:

Play a part in helping students to understand what positive changes they need to make to realise their aspirations and what qualities are required to be successful. 

Be supported by the Be the Change team to share your experiences and stories of your education and career journey’s with students. 

Work in a mixture of full room activities, large group and smaller group breakouts to encourage students to work with others and share their day-to-day challenges, their views and their aspirations for the future. 

No previous mentoring experience is necessary and the team will facilitate each session throughout the day.

You are not required to bring anything with you, other than a willingness to share your experiences. Most importantly, we ask that you are enthusiastic, positive and inspirational role models.
Click here to watch Be the Change in action

Choose to volunteer at one or more of the following events in May 2017

Tuesday 16th May @  Worthing Assmbley Hall 
Thursday 18th May @ The Hastings Centre

Both events run 8:15am until 4pm with refreshments and lunch provided

If you are interested in taking part or have further queries please contact Claire Walker by clicking the button below 


Get in touch

Tel: 01903 203484   


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