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A guide to ransomware by JSPC Computer Services

09 June 2017 10:44 AM | Deleted user

Don’t be held to ransom by your IT security

It is rare that IT news hits the headlines, but you can’t have missed the news about the Ransomware attacks that happened across the globe at the end of last week. The attack, which exploited a flaw in Microsoft software, led to cyber-attacks on 200,000 computers across the globe. Victims of the attack included 48 NHS Trusts in England as well as Germany’s rail network Deutcsche Bahn and the global FedEx network. The spread was limited in part by 22-year-old Marcus Hutchins, a researcher who ended up being an accidental hero as his tracking the spread of the virus helped to prevent it. There are concerns that systems remain vulnerable, however, and it’s important to keep this type of security top of mind when managing IT.

What is ransomware?

Ransonware is the name for a specific attack which prevents access to files and demands a payment – essentially a ransom – for their return. Often the demands start small and if they are ignored, increase over time or threaten the destruction or sharing of valuable or sensitive files.

How can you prevent attacks?

The extent of the spread of this attack demonstrates that you can’t entirely prevent attacks. A determined hacker will at some point find a loophole in security and exploit it. However, there are measures to limit the likelihood of an attack and the impact if it does occur.

An audit of current security precautions is the first place to start. This includes not only looking at whether firewalls and virus trackers are up to date and effective, but also looking at practices that may be making a network vulnerable. This includes considering how data is stored and shared across an organisation. In many cases, staff training is as important as the technology.

Incorporate cyber-attacks into your disaster recovery strategy

This latest threat may have been stopped for the most part, but in time, it is likely that another threat will arise from so-called “black hat” hackers. This is why it’s important that alongside protective measures to prevent an attack, to also prepare for the worst. A disaster recovery plan should include details of how to prevent the spread across the network, backup storage and data encryption.

JSPC Computer Services track the trends in cyber security to help clients protect themselves. Not all of them hit the headlines as this high profile ransomware attack has done because often they can be stopped before they do too much damage. To avoid becoming a victim of ransomware or other malware, contact JSPC Computer Services a call to audit your current set up and advise how you can protect yourself.

For more information on JSPC Computer Services visit or call 01903 767 122

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