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Worthing & Adur Chamber

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01903 203484

Join us in taking Forward Steps!

03 July 2017 3:17 PM | Deleted user
Join us in taking Forward Steps!

We are delighted to announce that the official launch event for the Forward Steps CSR programme will be held on Friday 21st July at Heene Community Centre.

Corporate Social Responsibility – known as CSR - can be a hugely beneficial part of any business, increasing brand awareness, helping to motivate and retain staff and creating trust.

Business Connector for Business in the Community, Jon Stroud, is helping the Chamber to spread the word about our new Forward Steps programme and says, “I have seen first hand many times, just how beneficial even a small amount of CSR activity can be. When any company gets involved as the programme matches the requests up to the businesses, without them having to weed out lots of irrelevant requests first. Precious business time is saved and on the flip-side, no hopes are dashed in the process too. It really is a win-win.”

So how does Forward Steps work?

  • 1.       Businesses sign up to the programme through our website, They can be very specific in what they have to offer (NB: we are not asking for offers of money here) it can be anything from leftover pallets at your factory, to a meeting room one morning a week, to staff time for volunteering, to mentoring, training – you name it! Your provider offers are anonymously listed in different categories.
  • 2.       Only once we have enough businesses signed up we will launch to the local community. Those in need do not have to be charities, they can be any local community group that have a genuine need for help. They then search the offers and click on the relevant ones.
  • 3.       The business receives a notification that someone is interested in your offer. Only when the request is accepted does the person in need find out who the supplier is.

It really is that simple!

Do please come to our launch event to find out more. Or you can sign up now and still come to the launch event! If you’d like to get a bit more involved and be part of the Chamber CSR group then please email

Get in touch

Tel: 01903 203484   


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