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Joseph Crouch selected as Conservative Candidate for Marine Ward by-election

11 July 2017 2:03 PM | Deleted user

Joseph Crouch selected as Conservative Candidate for Marine Ward by-election

Following the retirement, due to serious ill health of long-serving Councillor Joan Bradley, West Worthing Conservative Association is pleased to announce that Joseph Crouch has been selected as Conservative candidate in the resultant by-election to be held on 3 August 2017.

Many residents have expressed dismay that opposition parties have called the election to fall in the middle of school holidays, when for many families an autumn poll would have been far more sensible. Nonetheless Joseph and his team are looking forward to the campaign and meeting with as many residents and their families as possible over the coming weeks.

Joseph’s priorities will be:

  • 1.      Protecting front-line council services whilst keeping council tax low
  • 2.      Pushing for greater regeneration of the town centre, and upgrades to the A27
  • 3.      Ensuring sensible and sustainable development and
  • 4.      Increased leisure activities for children and families


Sir Peter Bottomley MP

“I have been pleased to work with Joseph Crouch. He is committed to the quiet undramatic provision of service to local people. Whether the concern is for leaseholder interests, fairer funding for schools or gaining greater security for all, he and I can work together with you.”

Cllr Steve Waight (Chairman of West Worthing Conservative Association)

“I am delighted that Joseph Crouch has agreed to be the Conservative Candidate for the Marine Ward by-election. Joseph is a born and bred Worthing man who runs a successful business. He brings a wealth of experience and knowledge that will be invaluable to his residents and the town.”

Joseph Crouch – Candidate

“I’d like to pay tribute to Councillor Bradley’s years of dedicated service and am humbled to have been selected to stand. Worthing is a great place to live, work,  grow up and retire, but there’s always more to do. I’d like to see more facilities for families and young people, better access to our town on the A27 and work done to support the town centre regeneration”


Twitter: @JosephCrouchUK


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Tel: 01903 203484   


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