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Adur Local Plan nears completion

07 August 2017 3:23 PM | Deleted user

Adur Local Plan nears completion

The Adur Local Plan has moved a further step closer to being formally adopted.

The document, which will be used to guide development in Sompting, Lancing, Shoreham and Southwick until 2032, is aimed at balancing the need to build new homes and employment space while protecting the environment.

Following recommendations from Government-appointed Planning Inspector, Adur District Council held a period of consultation on the Main Modifications (the recommended changes to make the document legally sound) for six weeks. This period closed at midnight on July 26.

Now, the Inspector will review the comments received and make his final report, with the hope the document could be adopted before the end of the year.

Councillor Brian Boggis, Adur District Council’s Executive Member for Regeneration, said:

“We want to thank people for commenting on this latest stage in the development of the Adur Local Plan.

“It may have been several years in the making but we are confident the final result will be a document which ensures the area has a healthy balance of places for people to live, work and play.

“We look forward to receiving the Inspector’s final report on the plan in due course.”

Councils across the country were required to make Local Plans in 2011 after the government issued new planning guidance for all councils.

After several detailed consultation periods, where more than 1,000 people, businesses and organisations had their say, the final document was submitted to the Planning Inspectorate last year.

Key targets in the Plan include building a minimum of 3,700 homes and  41,000 square metres of employment-generating floor space.

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