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Worthing Mental Health Awareness Week 9th - 14th October 2017

01 September 2017 4:23 PM | Deleted user

Worthing Mental Health Awareness Week

Incorporating World Mental Health Day

9th - 14th October 2017 Offington Park Methodist Church Worthing

The 5th Worthing Mental Health Awareness Week (WMHAW) will be held from Monday 9th October to Saturday 14th October 2016 at Offington Park Methodist Church, South Farm Road by Broadwater Green in Worthing.


The aim of the Week is to challenge the stigma around mental health and to provide good quality information in a safe and no- judgemental environment.


Throughout the Week there will be a series of free events including a Laughter for Wellness and Wellbeing workshop by Worthing Laughter Club on World Mental Health Day (Tuesday 10th Oct).

All the events are free and open are open to all. It is expected that over 30 local charities and organisations will have displays in the 'Information Centre'. There will be a variety of workshops and talks designed to promote mental health throughout the week.


The week will be launched on Monday 9th October at 10am with the Mayor of Worthing Cllr Alex Harman and Mayor’s Chaplain lighting a Peace Candle and Master of Ceremonies Bob Smytherman.


The key note presentation this year will be by Eleanor Hope from West Sussex County Council and will explore issues around 'Diversity and Wellbeing'.


In the evening there will be a special Meeting of Worthing Rethink Mental Health Carers group run by Mark Hughes with a guest speaker which will be open to anyone caring for someone with a mental health condition.


The Tuesday will focus on keeping well in later life and include an open meeting of the Dementia Action Alliance at 4pm.


On Wednesday 11th, Offington Counselling Service will be hosting a talk on the 'Courage to Heal' and a 'Come and Meet Us' morning to find out more about counselling followed in the evening with a Celebration Quiz Night run by Offington Counselling Service to mark their relaunch.


Thursday's activities include ways of promoting self-care and emotional resilience.


On the Friday there will an informal workshop on 'Spirituality and Mental Wellbeing' followed in the evening with a concert, with a retiring collection for Coastal West Sussex MIND 


Free activities and events continue in the evenings and are open to everyone and the week will conclude with a coffee morning on Saturday 14th Oct from 10am– 12noon.

Get in touch

Tel: 01903 203484   


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