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Get Active scheme can help you boost your health in body and mind

18 September 2017 10:42 AM | Deleted user

Get Active scheme can help you boost your health in body and mind 

People are being urged to Get Active as part of a new programme aimed at encouraging and supporting the community improve their health in body and mind.

Delivered by Adur & Worthing councils, the aim is to give people a taste of exercise with a series of friendly, accessible and cost-effective courses in a range of activities.

Taking place over eight weeks, the programme is aimed at those who are not currently taking part in more than one hours worth of moderate intensity physical exercise a week.

After building up the intensity over two months, the aim is for people to continue to keep active once the course finishes.

More than 200 people have completed the courses in recent years.

With figures showing that both Adur (27.8 per cent) and Worthing (25.1 per cent) have a higher level of obese adults than the national average (24.1 per cent), those behind the classes believe there’s never been a more important time for people to sign up for the classes. 

Councillor Dave Simmons, Adur District Council’s Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing, said: “No matter how young or old you are, regular physical activity helps you feel fit, relaxed, gives you more energy and helps protect you against a range of diseases. A small change in your weekly routine can make all the difference - and that’s where Get Active can help.”

Councillor Val Turner, Worthing Borough Council’s Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing, said: “Get Active has a real track record of helping people start off on the path to improving their health. With the classes being fun, accessible and cheap, there really is no excuse for people not to give this a try.”

Funded by Public Health England, Get Active sees classes take place across Adur and Worthing. Numbers are restricted to small groups with everyone encouraged to go at their own pace, with the aim of gradually building up fitness

Those people who want to sign up need to fill in an online form or call the wellbeing team.

After setting goals and deciding on which course is right for them, participants are asked to pay a £10 deposit before their first session. If they attend at least six out of the eight weekly classes then this fee is refunded

The courses, a new round of which are starting this month, include:

·  Moving on up course including exercise classes aimed at the over 50

·  Walking football

·  Couch to 5k

·  Three step gym course

·  Multi activity course

·  Zumba in the circuits 

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Tel: 01903 203484   


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