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BuildingAW Goes Live: New Magazine Shows Adur & Worthing Is Growing Places

17 November 2017 11:53 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

BuildingAW goes live: new magazine shows Adur & Worthing is growing places

 Adur and Worthing’s reputation as a place on the move towards a better future is to be underlined in a new publication.

Building AW is a bright, informal 26-page online publication which will keep residents and businesses across both areas up-to-date with all the latest development in their communities.

With updates coming every few months, the aim is for Adur & Worthing Councils to keep the public fully informed of the change that is taking place at pace.


Within this first edition is an interview with Ben Cheal, of Roffey Homes, the company behind the redevelopment of the former Aquarena site.


Features on the Adur Tidal Walls scheme in Shoreham, the £3.5 million redevelopment of Worthing Museum and Adur District Council’s successful planning application to create a new office block on the former Civic Centre car park are also enclosed.


The online publication will also include regular updates on some of the major projects across Adur and Worthing which are moving forward at speed.

Councillors heralded the publication as a vital way to communicate with local residents the ongoing work that the Councils is driving forward.


Councillor Brian Boggis, Adur District Council’s Executive Member for Regeneration, said: “It is clear that the towns and villages across the district are about to begin an exciting new chapter.

“Major redevelopment schemes such as the Tidal Walls scheme in Shoreham are very much in the public eye at the moment and have the potential to bring increasing investment and prosperity to the district.


“We are also keen to maximise the use of our own council assets to drive regeneration forward, as you will see from the projects currently underway on the old Civic Centre site in Shoreham.


“However, we remain conscious of our obligations to retain the individual character and traditions of the various parts of our district.”


Councillor Kevin Jenkins, Worthing Borough Council’s Executive Member for Regeneration, said: “Worthing is emerging as one of the most exciting destinations on the south coast. With a growing reputation as a place to live and work, a new generation of investors, start-up businesses and young families are discovering what makes Worthing great.


“Worthing Borough Council has been developing a new vision for how the town will continue to be transformed in the future.


“Creating a sense of place in the heart of the town, improving the public realm and infrastructure, developing the retail and hospitality experience and growing the tourism offer is vital to this vision.”


To see the publication, visit this link.

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