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Worthing & Adur Chamber

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01903 203484

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Regular news and updates from the Chamber, our members, local Councils and other relevant business news will be posted regularly here. 

Don't forget, as a member one of your many benefits is being able to submit your press releases and news for inclusion here as well as on either the members or business news emails and social media, for guidelines please click here. Please submit to 

  • 05 July 2016 3:00 PM | Deleted user

    Following months of negotiation, Adur District Council and the community of Fishersgate are pleased to announce that a resolution has been reached with the trustees of Fishersgate Community Association regarding the future of the Fishersgate Community Centre.

    Further work is needed around some of the legal and financial detail. The intention is that the lease of Fishersgate Community Centre will be held by the District Council temporarily, to enable the Council to work with the local community and partners to develop plans for a new future for the Centre, at the heart of Fishersgate.

    Over the coming months, the District Council will support the Fishersgate community in reopening the centre on a limited basis for the benefit of the community, with a full relaunch under a new charitable community association anticipated early in 2017.

    Neil Parkin, Leader of Adur District Council, comments:

    “I am very pleased to see a positive outcome for Fishersgate following months of uncertainty. Council Members, Officers, lawyers and the community have worked tirelessly to reach this point, and I am sure that the Centre will once again become a hub for all in Fishersgate to enjoy.”

    Within the next few months, the Council will facilitate a public meeting to set out the plans to get the Centre up and running again, and will be forming an interim management committee to oversee the process.

    By the end of the summer, it is hoped that the cafe and playground will be open, and that the committee will be inviting local residents to become part of the wider organisation which will run the Centre in the future.

    As the autumn draws on, the interim management committee will start shaping the plans for the future of the Centre, developing the policies and procedures and establishing the new legal entity needed to guarantee a safe, enjoyable and transparently well-run community hub in the heart of Fishersgate.

    More information on the plans to reopen the Fishersgate Community Centre will be shared as soon as they are available. In the meantime, anyone interested in knowing more about the future of the Centre, or wishing to express an interest in being part of its return to use, should contact Lee Billingham through the Communities Team on 01273 263311 or by email:

  • 04 July 2016 11:24 AM | Deleted user


    The public are being invited to take part in a review of issues surrounding the delayed implementation of the Lower Beach Road Car park and Ferry Road enhancement scheme - plus vandalism of the Adur Ferry Bridge in Shoreham

    Adur & Worthing Councils’ Joint Overview & Scrutiny Committee (JOSC) meeting is being held on Thursday 14th July, at 6.30pm, at the Shoreham Centre, Pond Road, Shoreham, BN43 5WU.  

    The public meeting will review in detail the delays of more than two years associated with the implementation of the Lower Beach Road Car park and the Ferry Road landscaping scheme on Shoreham Beach, and review the effect and causes of the recent vandalism to the Adur Ferry Bridge, which has included 19 broken glass panels and graffiti.

    Chair of the Adur & Worthing JOSC, Stephen Chipp adds “Recently the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee conducted a review of 'how we work' and it was agreed unanimously by committee members that public engagement was vital for the committee to serve a real purpose for the residents we represent.  I therefore urge all those interested to attend and respectfully participate in this process and to submit any questions you may have about these two local issues by 5pm on Tuesday 12  July at the latest.”

    We look forward to welcoming the following representatives; each representative will be limited to a 5 minute presentation.   

    Addressing the Lower Beach Road Car Park and Ferry Road enhancement scheme will be;


    ·         Mike Thomas (Area Manager, Worthing & Adur Residents Services - Highways & Transport, WSCC)

    ·         James Appleton (Head of Economic Growth, Adur & Worthing Councils)  

    ·         Martyn Payne (Principal Engineer, Adur & Worthing Councils)

    ·         Cllr Brian Boggis (Adur District Council, Executive Member for Regeneration) tbc

    ·         Cllr Janet Mockridge (Adur County Local Committee Chair)

    ·         Keely Mowatt (Client Manager) Environment Agency

    ·         Tim Loughton, MP for Shoreham and East Worthing

    ·         Cllr Ben Stride  representing Shoreham Beach Residents’ Association


    Representatives addressing Adur Ferry Bridge vandalism issues;


    ·         Mike Taylor (Bridge Engineer) West Sussex County Council tbc

    ·         Sussex Police tbc

    ·         Rhian Francis, Safer Communities Partnership Co-Ordinator Adur District Council Communities Safety Team

    ·         Tim Loughton, MP for Shoreham and East Worthing


    The meeting is open to the public without prior arrangement.  Anyone wishing to attend should make their way to the Council Chamber on the first floor of the Shoreham Centre, Pond Road, Shoreham.  A lift is available. The chamber will be open from 6pm. The meeting will start promptly at 6.30pm.

    All public questions, which must relate to these subjects only and need to be submitted no later than two days before the meeting, to, 5pm on Monday 12th July..  

  • 01 July 2016 3:04 PM | Deleted user

    On Thursday 30th June Brighton and Hove Albion Training Ground welcomed members of Worthing and Adur Chamber for an exclusive and has to be said very rare tour of their Training Ground in Lancing.

    Recognised as ‘one of the best in the country’ this tour certainly didn’t disappoint. What an amazing faclility we have on our doorstep for youngsters locally and internationally. Aside from the 1st team facilities which are outstanding with a hydrotherapy pool, on site doctor, visiting dentist, a specialist gym facility and so much more, the facilities for the youth teams are inspiring. With a team of dedicated tutors for some day release and part time students, a canteen where the students get involved led by a nutritionist which overlooks the 1st players lounge, again there is that inspiration of what could be. With 13 training pitches to play on Brighton and Hove Albion are setting the bar high.

    What we didn’t expect was the announcement of a major development on adjacent land which will be a significant investment for our area. Watch out for a press release soon.

    To summarise, you missed out if you didn’t attend. We hope to do more of these exclusive tours in our area so keep an eye out for our emails!

  • 30 June 2016 11:11 AM | Deleted user

    Coast to Capital, the Local Enterprise Partnership, is pleased to announce a further loan investment of £1.25m from its Growing Places Fund to BCMY LTD.

    BCMY Ltd which is based in Lancing, West Sussex, is one of the UK’s leading recycling businesses for used printer cartridges and mobile phones.

    The Growing Places funding will help BCMY acquire the freehold of a new site and enable it to relocate its operations to another facility in Littlehampton.

    This will create 25 new jobs over a five -year period, nearly doubling its current workforce of 17 people.

    Jonathan Sharrock, Chief Executive of Coast to Capital, commented: “We are pleased our Growing Places funding will be used to help BCMY expand its business and create employment opportunities for local people within the Coast to Capital region.”

    Commenting on the deal Simon Gilchrist, Founding Director of BCMY said: “Without this funding we would be unable to expand our operation and meet the future demand for our recycling service. There is a growing market for this type of service since new legislative changes came into place in January 2016 for printer cartridge and distributors and this has presented us with a significant opportunity grow our business, but the challenge has always been to secure a freehold site so that do not have to rely on renewing landlord lease agreements.”

    The Coast to Capital Growing Places Loan Fund is available for projects that are ready to go forward and in the short-term will create or unlock job creation but that have stalled due to the lack of investment from other sources.

    To find out more about the Growing Places Fund and to see if your business is eligible for funding go to or contact Paul Castle on 01403 333845 or email him directly at

  • 30 June 2016 11:06 AM | Deleted user

    Montague Shopping Centre is set to be transformed into a restaurant destination after plans were approved by Worthing Borough Council’s Planning Committee.

    New River Retail’s application included the construction of a new freestanding glazed kiosk and the change in usage of several units from shops to restaurants and cafes. 

    The kiosk is designed specifically for Patisserie Valerie, who's arrival will be key to bringing other high quality restaurant operators to the Centre. The application also features new paving throughout the Montague Centre, replacement of existing trees with similar high quality trees, and new street furniture.

    Speaking after Wednesday’s meeting, Cllr Kevin Jenkins, Chair of Worthing Borough Council’s Planning Committee, commented:

    “This is an exciting opportunity in the heart of Worthing. We appreciate hearing from everyone who took part in the consultation. From the evidence provided in this application, we feel that the benefits of the proposed scheme to Worthing outweigh the potential impacts. Our town centre will be enhanced by bringing units back into economical use and by creating a new restaurant destination, bringing significant investment to our town.”

  • 30 June 2016 10:44 AM | Deleted user

    Gatwick breaks global records and stands ready to deliver airport expansion for Britain

    Gatwick Airport results for the full year ending 31 March 2016

    • Annual results show airport has set new world records for aircraft movements and passenger numbers for a single runway airport - passenger numbers up +6% and air traffic movements up +4% on 2015
    • Gatwick has joined the premier league of airports with more than 50 long haul routes - new routes to China, Hong Kong and Cape Town start this autumn
    • It is now clear only Gatwick can deliver a new runway for Britain

    Gatwick Airport today published its annual results which again reinforce why the airport is the best and only deliverable option for the UK’s next runway.

    As the airport continues to break global records for a single-runway airport, retaining its position as the world’s most efficient, handling a record 265,970 air traffic movements (+4% year on year), it has called for a swift decision on airport expansion.

    Gatwick has continued to grow its direct long haul routes – recently moving into the premier league of airports with more than 50 global destinations – and, with passenger numbers forecast to continue to increase at a record rate, a Government decision on airport expansion is needed quickly so that Britain can benefit.

    CEO Stewart Wingate said today’s results are the latest demonstration of the support and momentum behind Gatwick and that it has become ever more clear that only Gatwick can deliver a new runway for Britain and the growth the economy needs. A new runway at Gatwick can be delivered by 2025, cheaper, and at a fraction of the overwhelming environmental impact facing Heathrow.

    Stewart Wingate, CEO of Gatwick Airport, said:

    “Gatwick continues to grow and break passenger records for a single runway airport. 

    “Aviation is changing fast and Gatwick has now entered the premier league of airports with more than 50 long haul routes. This week, the airport started flights to Tianjin in China and in only a matter of weeks will be flying to Hong Kong with Cathay Pacific.

    “Aviation growth is outstripping forecasts.  In uncertain times and after decades of delay, only Gatwick can now give Britain certainty that airport expansion can finally happen. Gatwick can have a spade in the ground by 2020 and the first planes flying from a new runway in 2025. 

    “Today's results offer a glimpse of the benefits a two-runway Gatwick would deliver for the UK - guaranteed growth with limited environmental impacts and at a cost the country can afford. The time is fast approaching to give expansion at Gatwick the green light so Britain can get the benefits.”

    Unprecedented growth

    • Turnover up 5.5% to £673.1million. Combined with carefully controlled cost management, this resulted in EBITDA up 9.7% to £331.0 million and a profit before tax of £141.0million
    • Gatwick has seen the busiest year in the airport’s history with 40.8 million passengers*, an increase of 5.5% or 2.1 million passengers, as the airport continues to be the World’s busiest single runway airport
    • The year included 8 days with over 920 movements a day and one day of over 934 air traffic movements in August, achieved by increased operational efficiency
    • Gatwick’s growth is a combination of more planes, bigger planes and fuller planes – average load factors have increased to 84.5%
    • Gatwick’s £1 billion investment programme continues with £220.1 million invested over the last 12 months including the creation of the World’s largest self-service bag drop

    New airlines and routes

    • Growth across a broad range of travel markets with long-haul traffic, European business routes and emerging markets combining to fuel a record-breaking year
    • Several airlines have increased frequencies on routes and introduced new destinations, this autumn Emirates will start a fourth daily service Gatwick to Dubai
    • A series of business routes have been added with 1 in 5 passengers travelling on business
    • Already this financial year, Gatwick has seen the arrival of new Canadian airline WestJet bringing 28 weekly flights to the airport
    • Norwegian Airlines started new routes from Gatwick to Boston and Oakland San Francisco
    • British Airways brought the UK’s only direct routes to Lima, Peru and Costa Rica to Gatwick and will commence flights to Cape Town from November 2016
    • Cathay Pacific to fly Gatwick to Hong Kong this September while Tianjin Airlines started flying Gatwick to Chongqing and Tianjin this month.

    *This has since risen to 41 million passengers annually

    Gatwick has today released a newly-produced animation and two CGIs of what an expanded Gatwick will look like and how it will operate; they can be accessed here.

    It is also a year on from the Airports Commission’s final report and Gatwick has produced a short document examining the airport expansion debate; it can be accessed here.

    About Gatwick Airport

    Gatwick Airport is the UK’s second largest airport and the most efficient single-runway airport in the world. It serves more than 220 destinations in 80 countries for more than 41 million passengers a year on short and long-haul point-to-point services. It is also a major economic driver for the South East region, generating around 21,000 on-airport jobs and a further 10,000 jobs through related activities. The airport is south of Central London with excellent public transport links, including the Gatwick Express, and is part of the Oyster contactless payment network. Gatwick Airport is owned by a group of international investment funds, of which Global Infrastructure Partners is the largest shareholder.

    A Government decision on whether Gatwick airport should be expanded is expected this year. Gatwick’s second runway will deliver the UK the same number of passengers, the same number of long haul routes, better UK and regional connections, and the economic boost the UK needs, all at a dramatically lower environmental impact, at less than half the cost of Heathrow, and with no public subsidy.

    Media enquiries to


    + 44 (0) 1293 505000

    For further information on Gatwick Airport see or follow us on Twitter at

  • 30 June 2016 10:35 AM | Deleted user

    A new regional alliance sponsored by Gatwick and Sussex-based chartered accountants, Carpenter Box and asb law is launching on 12 July. The Manufacturing, Engineering and Technology Alliance (METALL) aims to bring together businesses in these sectors in Sussex and south Surrey to promote good practice, share experience and provide problem solving opportunities between peers.   

    METALL is the successor to the Sussex Manufacturing Forum but widens the scope of membership to the engineering and technology communities, as well as geographically. Each event will be based around a proven format where attendees will hear from experts and specialists on a particular subject, followed by a roundtable opportunity to discuss wider issues.

    The launch event will focus on the subject of innovation – ‘Developing a culture of innovation’. The guest speakers are Dr Robert Pearson, Product Line Director at Cobham Antenna Systems and Dr Zoe Webster, Head of High Value Manufacturing at Innovate UK. They will be looking at what innovation means together with some route maps on how businesses can achieve and fund it.

    Carpenter Box Partner and ex-engineer Chris Coopey, who helps to facilitate the events explained: “METALL will primarily be about helping the sector to improve and grow. It will look to make a difference by coalescing opinion and sharing experience around such things as skills and apprentice training, funding, transport infrastructure and localisation of supply chains. It will also be discussing the future and the next industrial revolution, which will be around automation, data and technology and will see the logical and seamless convergence of computing, engineering and manufacturing. All in all, something of value to anyone in the sector.”

    The first METALL breakfast meeting on 12 July will be held at The Roffey Park Institute, Horsham, between 8am and 11am. If you work in the Manufacturing, Engineering or Technology sectors, you can register for the event through the sign-up form on

  • 29 June 2016 1:52 PM | Deleted user

    With so much happening in the business world it is difficult to keep up. Part of my role,

     which I enjoy so much, is to ensure our members are kept up to date and represented regarding the economic regeneration and developments in our area by working with strategic groups and agencies. Recently I’ve met with: Coast to Capital, Adur and Worthing Business Partnership, Adur & Worthing Council, Worthing Town Centre Initiative and th

    Recently there has been a release of a new round of Growth Grants from Coast to Capital which we have circulated to our members. I have requested some information and examples of the best opportunities to achieve these along with information on the anticipated types of grant applications expected to succeed. Also I have requested information on whether there will be any support to develop the bids. Watch this space.e A27 Forum

    Good news also comes in the form of our potential renewed involvement with the Business Navigator which will mean we are again first to hear of new initiatives and funding available for our businesses.

    On the home front we are expanding the team!

    Amelia joined us last year and worked on building our social media and will continue for another year doing a level 3 apprenticeship in Social Media and Digital Marketing to keep us at the forefront.

    Just like any business we need to plan our growth and as membership is our priority we have introduced Sara Hopkins to our team to keep in-touch with our current members and support our membership growth plans. She is keen to get to know our members and find ways to improve our offer.

  • 29 June 2016 1:27 PM | Deleted user

    The latest donations to this growing fund are making such a difference to Voluntary and Charity groups across Worthing & Adur.

    Miller Parris Solicitors were delighted to once again donate £1,000 to the Worthing and Adur Fund

    Mike Metters, of Miller Parris commented “We are really proud to continue to be involved with the Worthing and Adur Fund. It is a real pleasure to see so many local organisations and community groups being able to benefit from the charity.”

    Congratulations to Louise Hickey who successfully ran the Brighton marathon kindly sponsored by Howdens Joinery. Robert Burge from the Worthing branch of Howdens presented a cheque for £500 to the fund, “Donating money to this worthy local cause is the easy bit-running the marathon is the hard bit!”

    As a result of the Superstar Arts presentation at the recent Chamber Breakfast with our local MP’s , the fund received a cheque for £1000 from Sir Peter Bottomley MP for Worthing West! A very big thank you to Sir Peter!

    Worthing & Adur Chamber of Commerce developed the Worthing and Adur Fund for the local area in 2011, in partnership with Sussex Community Foundation, a charity that develops and supports local giving.

    The Chamber has worked with the Foundation to promote this permanent fund which, as it grows, will provide grants from the income it earns for charities and community groups, for years to come.

    A number of local individuals and businesses became Founder Donors giving a minimum of £1,000 which provided the seed donations to establish the core endowment fund, and since then many more local businesses have contributed to ensure the continuing success of this worthwhile project.

    Recently a total of £3,838 was awarded between the following local groups;

    Superstar Arts CIC, Maybridge Keystone Club, Heene Community Association, The Friends of Oak Grove College, Cruse Bereavement Care, Electric Storm Youth and CircusSeen.

    Do you know any local groups that would benefit from the Funds help?

    The Fund will be open for Applications soon for a maximum of £500 for this year’s round of grants. To register your interest please email

  • 29 June 2016 12:37 PM | Deleted user

    Chandlers Worthing, currently based on two separate BMW | MINI sites is awaiting the completion date for the new site which went under construction in September 2015. The new site, which will include BMW, BMWi and MINI Sales and Aftersales all under one location, will be based just south of the A259 in Rustington. With this we will bring a refreshed working environment for all BMW | MINI staff along with an enhanced customer retail experience.

    The new BMW showroom will hold up to 12 cars within the BMW range and the new MINI showroom will hold up to 8 cars, benefitting customers visiting the showroom for the full view of the BMW | MINI model range.

    New improvements which will fall into place with the opening of the new showrooms include longer opening hours, enabling those who work office hours to book convenient appointments, a larger onsite parking area and a unique customer drive through facility for customers dropping off their vehicles for servicing.  MOT’s will also be available on a Saturday and our service department will be working out of an 18 bay workshop. We look forward to welcoming all our customers to the new showroom opening in September 2016.

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Tel: 01903 203484   


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