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Worthing & Adur Chamber

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01903 203484

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Regular news and updates from the Chamber, our members, local Councils and other relevant business news will be posted regularly here. 

Don't forget, as a member one of your many benefits is being able to submit your press releases and news for inclusion here as well as on either the members or business news emails and social media, for guidelines please click here. Please submit to 

  • 30 March 2016 9:45 AM | Deleted user

  • 21 March 2016 12:45 PM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)

    Sussex Learning Solutions



    Getting Started with Excel
    19th April, 3rd May 10.00—13.00 £45 pp

    Getting More from Excel
    10th May, 24th May 10.00—13.00 £45 pp

    Exceptional Excel
    7th June 10.00—13.00 £45 pp

    Preparing to use Power Point

    26th April 10.00—13.00 £45 pp

    Effective File Management (PC)
    26th April 10.00—13.00 £45 pp

    Food Safety

    How to Book
    For more information, and to book online visit our website

    To speak to us call 01903 204931 or email

    For companies interested in running any of these courses either on your own premises, or using our onsite training room, please contact
    Sussex Learning Solutions on 01903 204931

    Click here to download further information

  • 21 March 2016 12:10 PM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)

    Sphere Business Centre Officially Opened

    The new Sphere Business Centre was officially opened on Friday 11th March by local MP Tim Loughton. Billed as ‘Worthing’s most flexible business space’ the Centre offers a variety of serviced space options for smaller local companies alongside business development.

    The Centre is also the new home to Worthing and Adur Chamber of Commerce who has been instrumental in developing the offer for local companies. It was funded by a grant from Worthing and Adur Borough Council and is based within the Broadwater Campus of Northbrook College who has also fully supported the Sphere.

    “Small businesses looking to take those first steps into growth face many challenges,” says Chamber Chief Exec, Tina Tilley. “Going into your first office can be prohibitively expensive and dealing with all the factors of renting commercial property can be daunting. The Sphere has been set up to offer local companies a secure first step into growth and increased success. We’ve had so much interest already, there was obviously a gap to be filled.”

    The Sphere offers a variety of fully serviced office space including hot desking, part-time open plan desks and small private offices. The office space has been designed and fitted out by local award winning firms, Mocha Furniture, Warnes Projects and Subway.

    Prices start from just £12 a day and include all rates and rent, Wi-Fi, cleaning and tea and coffee.

    “I know it sounds strange but the minute companies take an office with us, we will be planning for when they leave,” says Tina. “The whole ethos of the Sphere is to help all those who join us become too big to stay. We will help them with targeted planning and business advice and look forward to seeing great success come from the Sphere over the next few years.

    Councillor Daniel Humphreys, Leader of Worthing Borough Council, attended the official opening.  He said:

    “Worthing Borough Council’s decision to invest £70,000 of section 106 money in this superb new facility has been well rewarded.  The town has lacked top grade space for start-ups and small businesses - and I’m certain that the Sphere will fill this niche perfectly.

    “The town’s economy is growing, and the SME sector is a key part of its increasing prosperity.  Through working in partnership with Northbrook College and the Chamber of Commerce, I’m delighted that we’ve been able to help provide a supportive platform for innovative, high-potential, businesses to take the next steps on their growth plans.”

  • 18 March 2016 11:23 AM | Deleted user

    For more information contact:

    Mags Bradley
    Festival Coordinator / Adur Festival


    Like us on Facebook Festival

    Follow us on Twitter @AdurFestival

    Adur Festival is run by The Ropetackle Trust, registered charity number 1109381 and a company limited by guarantee 05124613

  • 18 March 2016 11:12 AM | Deleted user

    West Sussex superfast connection gap-funding opportunity extended

    West Sussex business estates and clusters of business have until 17 April 2016

    to apply for a grant to enable superfast broadband connection

    Potential applicants are also invited to find out more about the Digital Connectivity Grant programme at a workshop to be held at the South Downs Centre in Midhurst in early March.


    To be eligible for the grant, businesses must not have access to superfast broadband and are not included in any commercial or publicly-funded rollout.

    The application can be made by a lead business representing a group of businesses in a common location, or by landowners, land agents, estate managers and facility managers, for example.

    Eligible groups of business include business parks, trading or industrial estates, farm diversification schemes, clusters of businesses in a common location and single business locations with high economic impact. The programme is not open to residential applicants, but clusters of home-based businesses in a common location potentially could apply.


    The maximum grant is 40% of the total project cost, with grant funding of between £10k and £25k. This can only be used for capital purchases. The applicant provides a minimum of 60% of the total cost, however this can include revenue costs. Full project costs must be incurred by 31 December 2016.

    Generally the applicant will select the best technology for their location. Fibre, wireless and hybrid solutions will be considered, but it must provide certified speeds of a minimum 30Mbps.


    Business estates or clusters in West Sussex have until midnight on 17 April 2016 to apply to second round of the Digital Connectivity Grant Programme. 

    To find out if your business is in an eligible location and to book a place at the Digital Connectivity Grant workshop, or if you have any questions, please email

    Find out more at                                                                                                   

    MORE About the grant

    £225,000 is being made available as part of a pilot grant project to improve connectivity for groups of businesses in West Sussex. 

    To be eligible, businesses must not have access to superfast broadband and are not included in the planned delivery of the publicly funded roll out by Better Connected, a partnership of West Sussex County Council, BT and BDUK (the government department responsible for broadband delivery).

    The funding comes from the Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership Local Growth Deal under their ‘Growth is Digital’ project.

    The programme has been developed by Rural West Sussex, Gatwick Diamond, Coastal West Sussex, West Sussex County Council and the South Downs National Park Authority.

    Grant applications will be assessed by the programme panel, who will assess value-for-money, economic impact and deliverability. 

  • 18 March 2016 11:08 AM | Deleted user

  • 18 March 2016 10:54 AM | Deleted user

    Giving at Xmas

    A big thank you to all those Chamber members who have given so generously to our various charity appeals over the last year- here’s just some of the things you achieved -

    £600 was raised at the Xmas do at the Ardington for the Safe in Sussex Crisis at Christmas appeal which helps them to offer a safe place for women and children fleeing domestic abuse this Christmas.

    Your local Chamber supported Charity,The Worthing & Adur Fund, met recently and awarded a total of   £3838  to the following local groups -  

    SUPERSTAR ARTS CIC   which offers social activities (days out and holidays) in a supported environment for people with learning disabilities.

    Maybridge Keystone Club - a youth group who offer a safe and secure environment for young people, in Castle Ward, Worthing which has significant deprivation and a high number of single parent families. Funding is to help create an area where they can cultivate vegetables.

    HEENE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION - For their project aimed at keeping young people safe from crime and anti-social behaviour by recruiting them in a series of workshops in dance, music, crime prevention and community safety.

    The Friends of Oak Grove College (your local secondary and sixth form College for pupils with special educational needs) to support the signing choir( yes signing not singing!) with personalised t-shirts for choir members, transport costs to events and promotion of the service.

    Cruse Bereavement Care – West Sussex (Worthing, Chichester & West Sussex )to promote the well being of bereaved people. Funding is to help with a range of core costs including staffing, rent, training and phones.

    Electric Storm Youth - a youth work charity, needing basic camping equipment for young people to be able to join ESY-run camping trips and those as part of the Duke of Edinburgh scheme, irrespective of income. Funding is for 8 2-person tents.

    Circusseen which provides affordable circus skills training to Worthing. Funding is for venue hire and to purchase tents.

    More on these projects in the New Year!

    Thanks again to everyone who contributed and a special thanks to Peter Webb of ETI ltd who handed me a cheque for £2000 for the Worthing & Adur Fund on Monday! It will make a difference!

    - Karen Simporis, Chairperson Worthing & Adur Fund

  • 18 March 2016 9:34 AM | Deleted user

    Was The Budget a “Sweet Surprise” for you?  Well maybe not if you like sugary drinks.                       

    But how did businesses fair?  A reduction in corporation tax, a widening of small business rates relief and a freeze in fuel duty.  Some welcome announcements, which we look at in more detail below.

    The Economy

    The Office for Budget Responsibility (“OBR”) have revised the gross domestic product (“GDP”) growth forecast for this year down to 2% from 2.4%.  However, according to Mr Osborne the UK is still set to grow faster than any other major advanced economy in the world and pointed to record levels of employment.

    Even with the growth forecast above, in order to balance the books, the chancellor has asked Treasury ministers to take further action to achieve “efficiency and value for money” to reach the budget surplus goal in 2019/20.


    The reduction in corporation tax will reach 17% by 2020, from its current level of 20%.  This is timely announcement for many businesses, particularly with the 7.5% increased dividend rates coming into effect from 6th April this year.

    Small business rate relief is an important relief for many business owners.  100% relief is currently available for premises which have a rateable value of £6,000 or less.  However, from April next year, this relief is being extended permanently to £15,000, meaning that 600,000 small businesses will pay no business rates.

    Fuel duty has been frozen for the sixth year, which is an important step for many business with high fuel costs.  However, it is not all good news as insurance premium tax is increasing.

    Many people still think of Insurance Premium Tax (“IPT”) as being 6%, however, this is not the case.  From November 1st 2015 the standard rate of IPT was increased to 9.5% and a higher rate band exists for travel insurance, some car insurance and appliance insurance.

    The standard rate of IPT will increase to 10% from October 2016, which is better than some pre budget speculation pointing to a 12.5% rate.


    How did individuals fair? The personal allowance and higher rate tax band are set to increase to £11,500 and £45,000 respectively in April 2017.  Other measures are the introduction of lifetime ISAS for those under 40 and confirmation that class 2 national insurance contributions will be abolished from April 2018.

    There is also a reduction in capital gains tax (“CGT”) coming into effect from next month, reduced to 20% for higher rate taxpayers and to 10% for basic rate taxpayers.

    It is clear that the government is keen to tax individuals who own more than one residential property, with the reduction in CGT not applying to gains made on these assets.  This is in addition to the additional 3% stamp duty coming into effect from 1 April 2016 for the purchase of second homes and the restriction on interest rate relief to be gradually introduced from 6th April 2017.


    As usual there was a focus on tax evasion and avoidance with further measures to counteract these.  There was a particularly interesting announcement regarding personal service companies (“PSC”) contracting in the public sector.  Rather than being able to accept the assurance of the PSCs tax status the onus is going to be put on the state engagers.  This will certainly have an effect on some contractors using a PSC within the public sector.

    With the Brexit vote now less than 100 days away these are uncertain times ahead and the chancellor clearly wants to show Britain as being open for business.  Has he achieved this and will this budget change the way people choose to vote. . .  Only time will tell!

    If you would like to discuss any of the points raised in the budget or any other accountancy or taxation matter please do get in contact on 01903 300230.

  • 15 March 2016 12:48 PM | Deleted user

    Night to Remember 2016 - Midnight Saturday 14 May 2016 EASTBOURNE- Early bird discount ends 11 March 2016

    Together we can make every step count for every child being cared for by Chestnut Tree House.

    Register now to walk 4 or 10 miles with us.

    Or volunteer to support our ladies on the night.


Get in touch

Tel: 01903 203484   


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