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Worthing & Adur Chamber

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01903 203484

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Regular news and updates from the Chamber, our members, local Councils and other relevant business news will be posted regularly here. 

Don't forget, as a member one of your many benefits is being able to submit your press releases and news for inclusion here as well as on either the members or business news emails and social media, for guidelines please click here. Please submit to 

  • 15 March 2016 10:19 AM | Deleted user

  • 09 March 2016 10:57 AM | Deleted user

    Early concept drawings for development at Shoreham Beach Green have received a firm steer from local residents.

    Wilbo’s were awarded preferred developer status, allowing designs to be presented to the public at an early stage. This provided the developer an opportunity to take on board the views and ideas of local residents, prior to progressing his proposal.

    After gathering feedback at recent consultations, the Council has been able to adopt a firm stance over which area of the Green is available for development.  Whereas the idea of a cafe or restaurant with refurbished toilet facilities has been encouraged, further facilities outside the marketed boundaries such as a skate park and pitch and putt have been ruled out.

    Cllr Angus Dunn, Deputy Leader of Adur District Council, commented:

    “The developer’s original concept explored ideas to utilise a much wider part of the Green than we originally marketed. The Council’s initial stance was that this would only be considered with the expressed support of the community, which has not been the case.

    “Therefore, only the marketed area will be available.  There is no question of beach huts being moved or any form of development on the Local Nature Reserve.

    “We would like to reassure residents that we have made it very clear to the developer that any scheme must be much closer to the original specification, adhering to the specified boundaries. It is also imperative that this new development is of the highest quality and matches the local community’s aspirations for the future of Shoreham Beach Green.”

    More News from Adur & Worthing Councils

  • 08 March 2016 11:31 AM | Deleted user

    Sussex-based chartered accountants and chartered tax advisers, Carpenter Box, has been named ‘UK Accounting Partner of the Year’ at the recent high profile Xerocon Awards in London.

    Xerocon is an annual conference hosted by cloud accounting technology company Xero, and this year attracted more than 1,300 national leaders and innovators in cloud technology and accounting. The Xerocon Awards are the highlight of the two day conference which showcases Xero Partners.  

    Carpenter Box first became a Xero Partner back in 2010 and two years later became a Xero Gold Partner. The business continued to push for growth becoming a Xero Platinum Partner in 2014 – one of only eight companies in the UK at that time to be awarded this status. Carpenter Box didn’t rest on its laurels, but forged ahead in October 2015 with the Business; Innovation; Technology and Efficiency (BITE) Xero-based technology event, attracting more than 200 visitors to the AMEX Stadium in Brighton.

    The Accounting Partner of the Year Award was presented to the accounting partner who had used Xero to deliver the best value-added services to clients in 2015. Carpenter Box took home the award after being recognised for genuinely changing the landscape for accountants across the UK. What impressed the judges was that through iniatives such as the BITE event, regular seminars and client support, the firm demonstrated the benefits of the Xero accounting software to many small business clients, backed up by a regular flow of information through social media.

    Carpenter Box Partner Nathan Keeley was thrilled with the award win, commenting: “This is wonderful recognition for Carpenter Box and its clients, 688 of whom now use Xero, making us one of the largest providers of the software in the UK. Helping our clients to understand the benefits of Xero and cloud accounting plays a huge part in our plans for the future success of the practice and getting our employees Xero certified is central to our 2016 business plan. We increased the number of certified staff from 24 to 40 during 2015 and our target is to reach 60 certified Xero users by the end of 2016”.   

  • 07 March 2016 12:53 PM | Deleted user

    As part of the Council’s major refurbishment plans for parks and recs across the area, Victoria Park in Worthing is going to have an  outdoor gym  installed and the Council are keen to know what pieces of Outdoor Gym equipment its residents would like?

    The Parks department have posted a selection of different types of outdoor gym equipment available  to choose from on the Councils website,, along with a feedback form for residents to log their preferances.

    All of the equipment shown is already available and proving to be very popular with residents who use the Outdoor Gyms at Windsor Lawns, Esplanade, Worthing and at Pond Lane Recreation Ground in Durrington.

    Councillor Daniel Humphreys, Leader of Worthing Borough Council adds “The Council have invested over £244,000 over the past year in one of the largest park refurbishment projects it has ever undertaken.  

    The benefits of this Outdoor Gym in Victoria Park are many.  It will enable young and old, friends and family, to enjoy gym equipment together.  All year round (weather allowing) and for free.  It will provide the opportunity to enjoy regular exercise in a safe and convenient location and to embracing a more active and healthier lifestyle.”

    There will also be a display of the options on offer in the foyer of Worthing Town Hall, Chapel Road, Worthing from 9am on Monday 7th March, along with an opportunity to register favoured options on a paper form.

    All preferences must be submitted, online or in paper form by 5pm on Thursday 31st March 2016.

    The results will be published on the Council's website in April and the Council are hoping to have the Outdoor Gym in Victoria Park open to the public in time for the school Summer holidays this year.   

    The installation of this Outdoor Gym in Victoria Park, Worthing is made possible by funding of £25,000 from Worthing Borough Council’s Capital Investment Programme.

    For further information please email

  • 07 March 2016 10:25 AM | Deleted user

    Adur & Worthing Councils win Gold at prestigious IESE Awards 2016

    Adur & Worthing Councils picked up two awards on Wednesday (2nd March 2016) evening at the Improvement and Efficiency Social Enterprise (IESE) Awards in Central London.

    Adur & Worthing Councils won the gold award in the Transforming Access to Services category in recognition of work by the Worthing & Adur Rough Sleepers Team (RST).  A multi-agency team who provide intensive personalised support to around 15 - 40 entrenched rough sleepers in the local area.

    In early 2015 the RST team secured a £10,000 grant from the Design Council to fund a project: Redesigning Services for the Street Community in Worthing.  As a result, a number of innovative prototype projects were initiated including a Street Market stall run by members of the street community.     

    The team are made up of the Adur & Worthing Council’s Housing Outreach Coordinator, Council Officers, Worthing Churches Homeless Project (WCHP) staff, Addiction Services and the Police.  

    The team were led by John Mitchell, Adur & Worthing Councils Director for Communities who adds It is wonderful to have our work formally recognised in this way: we are using Design Council thinking and Systems Leadership learning supported by the King's Fund to deliver really innovative services and interventions. More importantly the great team work by a wide range of partners in housing, health and community safety is achieving better outcomes for some of the most vulnerable members of our society.”

    John Holmstrom, Chief Executive of Worthing Churches Homeless Projects said “I am thrilled that we won this award.  It is very telling Adur and Worthing Councils invited  one of their third sector partners to  the awards evening.  This reflects the essence of the close multi agency partnership working that the Rough Sleepers Team has developed.  The innovations started continue to flourish and make a difference.  The national rough sleeper figures from November 2015 have just been published.  Over the last year there has been a 30% increase nationally, but in the local area there has been no increase.  We will continue to work hard together to bring the figures down further.”

    Councillor Dr Heather Mercer, Executive Member for Customer Services, Worthing Borough Council adds “I am very proud of the effective partnerships the RST team have formed, in working towards a better outcome for some of the most disadvantaged members of our community and I am delighted that their hard work and commitment has been recognised in this award.”

    In addition, Councillor Daniel Humphreys Leader of Worthing Borough Council witnessed Paul Brewer, Adur & Worthing Councils Director of Digital & Resources pick up the  Bronze Innovation Award on behalf of the Councils.  Councillor Humphreys added “This award is in recognition of the new cloud technology platforms that Paul and his team have  implemented across the Councils.  It has proved to be hugely beneficial to residents and staff alike, and has contributed to savings of approximately £208k to date.  I am delighted we have won this award.

    Paul Brewer said "I'm so delighted our digital programme has won this award.  We're at the beginning of a very exciting journey to help our services 'go digital' and to receive this recognition so soon is fantastic.  Being able to build great digital services ourselves is a powerful shift from having to rely on external suppliers.  That's the shift we've successfully made and I'm extremely excited about the work we will do over the next year."

  • 02 March 2016 3:21 PM | Deleted user

    BilliBiz Links Lunch Club will be meeting next Thursday 10th March

    The speaker this month is Lauren Smith, SEO copywriter from The Original Wordsmith.

    Come along to hear valuable tips that you can apply immediately to help increase your visibility on Google, and to discover:

    • Why website copy is the most important starting point for any business wishing to rank well
    • The common mistakes that most businesses are making (you are probably making them too)
    • How a few changes can have a tremendous impact
    • The importance (and ease) of monitoring what your competitors are up to – and being clever enough to outrank them…with visual examples and case studies showing local clients who have flown up the search rankings, that will leave you with the confidence that your website can do it too.

    Book for this months lunch club by Monday 7th March

    When: Thursday 10th March – 12.30- 2.00pm

    Where: Random Hall Hotel, Stane Street, Slinfold, West Sussex, RH13 0QX

    Bookings: Email

    Members: £10 Non-members and guests: £12

  • 02 March 2016 3:20 PM | Deleted user

    Clean for The Queen is a national campaign to clear up Britain in time for Her Majesty the Queen’s 90th birthday, which will be officially celebrated in June 2016.

    Date: Friday 4th March 2016

    Time: 3.00pm sharp!

    Venue: Worthing Town Hall (front entrance), Chapel Road, Worthing

    Attending:  Mr Tim Loughton, Worthing Mayor Councillor Michael Donin and Worthing Town Crier Councillor Robert Smytherman and staff.

    Event:  Launch Clean for the Queen Adur & Worthing Councils Flash mob litter clean up.  Photo at 3pm, then quick 30 minute little pick up, then at 3.30pm sharp ends.

    Ends: 3.30pm sharp!

    Please RSVP Ann Graville 01903 221323 or


  • 02 March 2016 3:18 PM | Deleted user

    Boosting new homes, employment and local economic growth are all the subject of new Place Plans for both Adur and Worthing.

    Each Plan identifies key priorities to encourage economic growth. The Plans will act as a tool to help secure investment to enable the delivery of these priorities, whilst protecting the special qualities and character of the environment in the County.

    Using research from the emerging Local Plans as well as the Worthing’s Investment Prospectus, they explore key areas of regeneration in Worthing Town Centre and potential sites in Adur. Other key priorities include delivering skills, digital connectivity and health and wellbeing services.

    The population of West Sussex is expected to increase by more than 100,000 people in the next 20 years, with approximately 9,500 in Adur and Worthing combined. The Place Plans will signal a proactive approach from all Councils involved to ensure that the right facilities and infrastructure are in place to facilitate this growth.

    Cllr Pat Beresford, Executive Member for Regeneration at Adur District Council, commented: 

    The new plans will provide a tool to use when competing for investment. As our region is uniquely situated between the South Downs and the coast, it makes Adur a very desirable place to live and work but also limits the amount of land we have. Therefore, we must find the best ways to efficiently use what land we have available.

    Cllr Bryan Turner, Executive Member for Regeneration at Worthing Borough Council, said:

    The Place Plan strengthens our evidence base to help drive the regeneration of important sites across Worthing. We have identified these important priorities which are aimed at improving our town’s offer for businesses, visitors and residents.

    Cllr Louise Goldsmith, Leader of West Sussex County Council, commented:

    Investing in the growth of the West Sussex economy is one of WSCC’s three corporate priorities. We are pleased to be working closely with our partners at Adur & Worthing councils to present a robust Place Plan that provides a strong foundation on which to support and encourage economic growth across Adur and Worthing.

  • 29 February 2016 1:36 PM | Deleted user

    Upcoming St Barnabas House Fundraising Events

    Clarins Evening at Richard John

    Tuesday 1 March 6.15pm

    Richard John Hair Salon, 1 The Arcade, Worthing, BN11 3AY

    Richard John are hosting a fun, beauty evening with skincare demonstrations and a chance to try out Clarins products. There will be a talk by a Clarins representative along with GHD styling, hot stone massage and spring make-up demos. Tickets are just £10, of which £5 is donated to St Barnabas House and £5 is redeemable against purchase on the evening. For tickets call The Fundraising Team on 01903 254777.

    An evening with Adele Parks

    Wednesday 2 March 7pm

    The Denton Lounge, Marine Parade, Worthing, BN11 3PX

    Adele has written 15 best-selling books in 15 years and is giving her time to support St Barnabas House with a fun evening of chat, quizzing, book signing and general merriment! Enjoy a welcome glass of prosecco, browse quality local craft stalls and get lucky with our raffle as you could win a brilliant piece of jewellery donated by Pressleys! Tickets are just £10 and include a copy of her latest book. For tickets and information call 07790 527787.

    Quiz night with fish and chip supper

    Friday 18 March 7pm

    Durrington Community Centre, 2 Romany Road, Worthing, BN13 3ED

    Join the Northbrook Friends of St Barnabas House for a quiz evening with fish and chip supper. BYO drinks. Tickets £10 from Maggie Zarins on 01903 532403 or 07790 527787 or email:

    Mad March BBQ & Quiz Night

    Thursday 24 March

    The Wheatsheaf, Richmond Road, Worthing, BN11 1PP

    Come along for some a fun family with a BBQ in the garden from 5.30pm.  Quiz starts at 7.30/8pm, raffle. Raising funds for St Barnabas House.  For further details please call the Fundraising team on 01903 254777.

  • 24 February 2016 4:54 PM | Deleted user

    The contract is now being drawn up for Community Works to provide support to the community and voluntary sector throughout Adur and Worthing from 1st April 2016 - a move which will help local groups access the skills, funding and growth opportunities they need to help communities thrive.

    Following a procurement process, and without a Call In made by the deadline of 5pm on Friday 18 February, the decision made by Adur & Worthing Councils’ Director for Communities, John Mitchell, can now be implemented.

    Councillor Val Turner, Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing at Worthing Borough Council, says:

    “I am pleased that we have now reached the end of this process and can get moving positively on letting the contract to Community Works.

    “The work undertaken by all of the community and voluntary groups throughout the Worthing Borough is vital in making our places so vibrant and welcoming.  When we began this process in June 2015, it was to ensure that the CVS sector received the best possible support and maximised the value of the investment made by the Borough and County Councils.  I look forward to seeing progress in the next few months.”

    Councillor David Simmons, Adur District Council’s Executive Member for Wellbeing, adds:

    “Adur is home to many different voluntary and charitable organisations, and as a council, we have a duty to ensure that they receive the best support possible in order to thrive and grow. They are an essential part of our future in delivering key services to our community, and from the outset, we were determined that whichever organisation was selected would be  able to develop a model of excellence at a fundamental level. I feel that following the comprehensive and robust process we have undertaken prior to letting this contract, we have the right organisation in place to deal with a challenging agenda and further improve life for our residents throughout the Adur District.”

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