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Worthing & Adur Chamber

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01903 203484

News & updates 

Regular news and updates from the Chamber, our members, local Councils and other relevant business news will be posted regularly here. 

Don't forget, as a member one of your many benefits is being able to submit your press releases and news for inclusion here as well as on either the members or business news emails and social media, for guidelines please click here. Please submit to 

  • 18 September 2015 12:17 PM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)

    Time is running out - make sure you get your nominations in for the Adur & Worthing Business Awards 2015

    Time to embrace the success of our businesses
    Don't miss this years deadline
    entries close on Wednesday 23rd September

    Held at the Worthing Pavilion Theatre on Friday November 13th, this year’s awards ceremony promises to be one of celebration for all involved, as businesses successfully complete their ride on the crest of the economic wave.

    Once again, Worthing & Adur Chamber of Commerce members will be out in force with many hoping to receive awards before automatically going straight into the running for the Southern Business Awards in 2016. Judging will be undertaken by an independent panel of judges representing the business community.

    Categories this year include:

    •     Overall Business of the Year
    •     Start-Up
    •     Small Business
    •     Medium Business (10 to 50)
    •     Manufacturing & Construction
    •     Business Personality
    •     Lifetime Achievement
    •     Outstanding Contribution to the Community
    •     Young Achiever
    •     Large Business (50+)
    •     Green Business
    •     Innovation
    •     Retailer
    •     Customer Service
    •     Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure
    •     Training & Development
    •     Place to Eat and/or Drink

    If you would like to experience winning an award and the benefits it can have on your business, or if you believe another business deserves this success then log on to and fill in a nomination form online. And remember this year you can only enter 3 categories so choose carefully and submit an entry for each one!!

    These are our top tips to consider when entering:

    • Read the category criteria you are entering
    • Explain why you believe you should be awarded the title of the category you are entering.
    • Explain what your company does and what it has achieved overall.
    • Describe: Your company objectives, How you achieved them, The problems you encountered, How you tackled these problems
    • Explain your core values and describe how these are reflected in your current and future vision for your business.
    • Can you demonstrate improvements in the quantity or quality of services offered during the last 12 months?
    • How does your business add value to the local community?
    • Any major contracts recently obtained, can you demonstrate evidence of turnover, growth, profit etc
    • Supporting Evidence and testimonials from Customers and suppliers, make it known you have been nominated and would appreciate your customers support. (maybe nominate them as well)

    Download our tips for entering here

  • 16 September 2015 12:51 PM | Deleted user
    Free PSA testing is now avaliable - organised and supported by Worthing Lions and PCaSO.

    Date: Saturday 24th October 2015 - 10am-4pm Age 45 to 75

    Booking Line: 08456502555

    Venue: Methold House, North Street, Worthing BN11 1DU

    *PSA stands for Prostate Specific Antigen. A simple blood sample from the thumb using the latest PSAwatchTM Bioscan Reader machines will give a PSA reading in 10 minutes.

  • 15 September 2015 3:57 PM | Deleted user

    Leading businesses call on University expertise to upskill employees

    A trio of leading West Sussex employers have called on the expertise of the University of Chichester’s Business School to identify which areas of their businesses require additional skills.

    The companies, URT Ltd and Heirlooms-Linens Ltd both from Bognor Regis and ADF Milking based in Slindon, joined together for a pioneering programme at the University’s Business School’s Bognor Regis campus aimed at upskilling their employees.

    URT, ADF and Heirlooms worked with the Business School to identify their main skills and development priorities and highlighted Operations Management as one key area. 

    The programme, which was delivered over four days was tailored to each of the employers, who were keen to ensure their employees could react to changing markets at home and abroad and maintain their long-term competitive position.

    Andrew Adams, Business Development Manager at the University’s Business School said:

     ” Firstly we work closely with you and your team to identify what is needed and how this fits with your organisation’s goals.

    “Next comes how best this can be delivered: on-site, at the University, run over several months, or as an intense course, with or without a qualification”

    “Companies from different sectors working together can stimulate new ideas, identify different approaches and ways of working which can boost performance and maintain competitiveness.”

    The programme included to the development of skills which could be immediately applied in the workplace including inventory planning, planning and control, quality and project management as well as best practice in operations management. - Kevin Emmett Director URT Ltd 

    A highly interactive, innovative and engaging classroom training programme, supported with books and material for in-depth reading.

    The effective management skills developed throughout the modules will increase staff confidence and provide our organisation with immediate benefits.” 

    Robert Hogg, Laminating Supervisor URT Ltd

    “The course opened my eyes to approaching tasks and man management in an analytical and more productive manner, overall a very enjoyable and useful course. “

    - Harry Dixon, Trim & Assembly Shop Supervisor URT Ltd

    “I thoroughly enjoyed the course and found it be very informative.  I feel it let me understand how to better manage my time and the time of others and in doing so helped to make the workplace more efficient and smooth running.”

    - Ruth Douglas, General Manager, Heirlooms-Linens Ltd

    “We were delighted to be able to utilise the knowledge and experience of the University to assist us in developing our own staff on how best to increase our efficiency and optimising the resources we have. Training our own staff on up-to-date information will also help us to engage with the University’s students   to assist with implementing future specific projects.”

    - Niki Holcombe, Production Supervisor, Heirlooms-Linens Ltd

    “I thought the course was exceptionally helpful to enable me to further understand current manufacturing techniques and to get the best out of our current systems and processes. I am currently working on some of the plans created during the course which will improve our workflow and efficiency thereby saving on costs.”

    - Maureen Baxter, Production employee, ADF Milking

    “I could see where I could put things into practice. I would be interested in coming together later to see how everyone is getting on in implementing their systems.”

    All three companies plan to meet again together later in the year to discuss how they have each implemented the tools and techniques outlined in the programme.

    The University of Chichester’s Business School also offers programmes in other areas such as Coaching, Strategic Management, Team Building, Marketing, Supply Chain/Purchasing, and Performance Management on which other companies may like to work on staff development; individually or together. 

    If you feel your business could benefit from this exciting approach, or you would like to talk to any of the participating companies please contact: Andrew Adams at the University of Chichester’s Business School for an informal discussion.


  • 15 September 2015 2:24 PM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)

    Shoreham Airshow Crash

    Our thoughts are with those who have been lost or injured, their families and friends and all those who have been affected by the events. 

    Shoreham Airshow Community Events: 
    Shoreham Airshow JustGiving Fundraising Page:
    Shoreham Airshow Book Of Condolence:

  • 04 September 2015 4:08 PM | Deleted user

    Sussex based Digital Services company? Interested in selling to Local Government & UK Public Sector?…

    Sussex based Digital Services company? Interested in selling to Local Government & UK Public Sector?

    Brighton & Hove based Public Sector Procurement Specialists and G-Cloud Consultants Advice Cloud are delighted to host this event aimed at demystifying Public Sector procurement for local SME’s.

    Come and meet with the Director of Digital & Resources Paul Brewer & the Head of Digital & Design, Dave Briggs at Adur & Worthing Councils as they explain the current & future opportunities for Local SME Digital Services business within their authority and local government as a whole.

    Also speaking will be Warren Smith of the Government Digital Service (GDS) who will talk through the procurement opportunities at a national & local level, specifically around the redesigned Digital Services Framework (DS3).

    More information & Agenda below

    There is a revolution taking place within the UK Public Sector. The October 2015 spending review will devolve more powers upon Local Government, however these powers come at a cost. Less Central Government money available to spend on services.

    This means that an ever increasing number of services are having to be transformed using digital techniques. How can Local Government and the UK Public Sector as a whole do this quickly whilst reducing risk to the most vulnerable in our society and keeping services available?

    This seminar will outline some of the progress made in transforming local government alongside explaining the future strategy. It will also clearly make the case for more local business involvement. Government procurement is no longer solely the preserve of Large Systems Integrators. With the success of G-Cloud (over £300m of business to SME’s in 3 years) and the redesign of the Digital Services framework on the horizon now is one of the best opportunities an SME business will have to do business with Government.

    –          2.00 doors open, welcome drinks & networking

    –          2.30 Welcome and introductions – Chris Farthing Director Advice Cloud

    –          2.45 Digital Marketplace (Digital Services & G-Cloud frameworks). Warren Smith (GDS)

    –          3.10 Being digital – progress at Adur & Worthing by Dave Briggs, (Adur & Worthing Councils)

    –          3.30 The local government Digital challenge inc Adur & Worthing digital strategy. Paul Brewer, (Adur & Worthing Councils)

    –          4.00 Q&A panel discussion

    –          4.30 Summary & Close – Chris Farthing (Advice Cloud)

               Networking till 5.15

    –          Maybe move to a local pub for more networking!

    Please note that priority will be given to local SME businesses for this event. If you are not an SME or located in the BN1, BN2, BN3, BN7, BN11 or BN41 postcode areas you are welcome to attend but we reserve the right to re-allocate your tickets to a company that is if there is demand.

    Book here:

  • 04 September 2015 9:29 AM | Deleted user

    The Picnic

    Sculpture by Tana Jackson on display in Worthing Museum & Art Gallery garden


    Exhibition of sculpture in the garden of Worthing Museum and Art Gallery from 8th September until 17th October


    Winner of one of the Adur & Worthing Arts Trust grants 2015, the sculpture has been made using shop mannequins covered in clothing that has been treated with Paverpol, a fabric hardener. The sculpture has also been covered with yacht varnish in order to protect it from the elements.


    The mannequins are weatherproof and have been strapped to plastic pallets that are covered with Astroturf.


    Tana Jackson is a local artist and sculptor belonging to the Sunny Worthing Arts Group (SWAG) and her studio and sculpture garden are a venue in the Worthing Art Trail each year.  Tana is also the creator of ‘The Flock of Seagulls’ previously exhibited in the Red Telephone Box on the corner of Steyne Gardens which was the smallest art gallery in Worthing.

    When creating ‘The Picnic’, Tana wanted to invoke the sense of a bygone era when life was somewhat simpler and people did not live with the demands of modern technology and a family picnic in the park, on the downs or on the beach was a regular summer family recreation.


    The launch of the sculpture will take place on Saturday 12th September, 13:00 to 16:00pm at Worthing Museum and Art Gallery, Chapel Road, Worthing where visitors will be invited to enjoy a free cup cake and take a seat next to the purple frisbee and have their photo taken with Alastair, Jan and little Susie Carter. Free postcards of the sculpture will also be available.


    The sculpture will be exhibited in the Worthing Museum and Art Gallery garden from 8th September to the 17th October. Entrance to The Museum and this exhibition is free and opening hours are Tuesday to Saturday 10am-5pm. This exhibition will be seeking a permanent indoor or outdoor home from the 17th of October onwards. Please contact Tana at on 07732 382513 or 01903 695593 if you have any ideas.

  • 02 September 2015 12:23 PM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)


    Enough is Enough

    Free conflict management training

    This 3 hour session will provide you with an introduction to:


    ·      Legislation

    ·      Self awareness

    ·      Assessing risk

    ·      Emotional Hijack

    ·      Signaling aggression

    ·      Communication skills

    ·      Defusing and calming situations


    Taking place on: 

    Wednesday 2nd September - 18.00 - 21.00 

     in Storrington, West Sussex


    To reserve a place on this workshop please contact 

    Sussex Leaning Solutions

    01903 204931

    or e-mail


    (Places are limited and they will be allocated on application)


    Sussex Learning Solutions Ltd. Registered in England No: 07628094

    Registered Office: Wiston House, 1 Wiston Avenue, Worthing, West Sussex. BN14 7QL

  • 01 September 2015 1:14 PM | Deleted user

    Starting off our #StartUpTuesday campaign leading up to the launch of The Innovation Hub on Broadwater Road, we are beginning with self-analysis! Are you really ready to start up your own business?.....

    Here are 2 self-analysis quizzes for you to take a look at and fill out to see whether you have got what it takes to start your own business...

    © Anthony Candler & Associates 2000

    © Business Link

    Click here to view the PDF version

    © Young Biz Uk

    Click here to view the full PDF version

    See you next Tuesday for another #StartUpTuesday!!

  • 01 September 2015 12:35 PM | Deleted user
  • 26 August 2015 4:29 PM | Deleted user

    Entries Rolling in for 27th Sussex Business Awards

    Entries are rolling in from across the county for the 27th Sussex Business Awards.


    Open to businesses of all sizes and sectors, these prestigious Awards are the longest established scheme of its kind in Sussex and widely considered to be ‘the one to win’.


    Past winners have included inspirational entrepreneurs such as Gary Peters,; Alan Margetts, The Kitchen Store and Kevin Byrne of As well as established international companies Qualifa, Cash Bases and Aspen Pumps Ltd and successful public sector departments such as the RSPCA and Chichester College.


    Last year Burgess Hill-based International Logistics Group Ltd, a leading provider of fulfilment services, international couriers and outsourced warehousing solutions, was named Responsible Business of the Year - and managing director Mike Stephenson has no doubts about the value of the award.


    Mike said: “Winning the award for Responsible Business gave our managers and staff the recognition that they deserved and a reason to celebrate what we had achieved as a team.”


    Other winners from 2014 include Tracy Smith of Homes Partnership in Crawley who has gone from strength to strength, proving just how much clout being an award winner can bring.


    Tracy comments: “Winning Sussex Businessperson of the Year was such an honour and has helped my business in so many ways with the use of timely and appropriate promotion of the Award. The response from customers and industry colleagues has been amazing and it has reinforced our credibility as a great company to work with.”


    Brighton-based Preston Insurance Brokers, a specialist commercial insurance broker, was also named Most Promising New Business - and managing partner Noel Preston has no doubts about the value of the award.


    Noel said: “Winning a Sussex Business Award confirmed our credentials with local businesses, our clients and staff alike. Our client retention levels are over 98% and new enquiries have been rolling in ever since, helping to grow our business to the next stage.”


    Caraline Brown, organiser of the Sussex Business Awards, commented: “The quality of businesses that have entered so far is outstanding, and the standard of entries is very high. The aim is to make this year’s Awards the best yet, and we are certainly on target for that. To anyone considering entering, my advice is to take the plunge – as soon as possible.”


    There are fifteen trophies up for grabs this year so there is sure to be something for everyone – from the prestigious Sussex Company of the Year and the award for the Most Promising New Business, along with special awards to recognise innovation, customer service and hospitality.


    There is a small admin fee of £50 (ex vat) to enter one award or £100 (ex vat) for up to three entries. You can also make nominations for the Healthiest Workplace, Best Boss and Outstanding Contribution to Sussex Charity free of charge. 


    To enter simply go online at to review all of the categories available and determine which are appropriate for your business.


    The deadline for entries is 9 September, with winners announced at a prestigious ceremony at The Grand Brighton, on Thursday 3 December, 2015.


    The Awards are sponsored by Morgan Sindall, HSBC, Domestic & General, Mazars, Sussex Innovation Centre,, Wealden District Council, Thomas Eggar, Vantage Professional Risks,, Sussex Chamber of Commerce and Basepoint Business Centres. Media partners include The Argus, Heart FM, Title Sussex and Sussex Business Times.


Get in touch

Tel: 01903 203484   


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