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Worthing & Adur Chamber

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Regular news and updates from the Chamber, our members, local Councils and other relevant business news will be posted regularly here. 

Don't forget, as a member one of your many benefits is being able to submit your press releases and news for inclusion here as well as on either the members or business news emails and social media, for guidelines please click here. Please submit to 

  • 02 April 2015 9:21 PM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)

    The Worthing Borough Council Planning Committee Meeting scheduled for 15th April has been deferred to a later date, following a request from property developers, Roffey Homes.

    The future of the Aquarena site has ignited a large amount of debate in recent months, with both Worthing Borough Council and Roffey Homes receiving a great deal of correspondence on the subject.

    In light of the detailed feedback, including that received from the Coastal Design Panel, Roffey Homes have requested that the 15th April Planning Committee meeting be deferred until a later date. The Council have agreed, since both Members and Officers feel that it is important to ensure that the right solution is brought forward for this key regeneration site.

    As soon as the scheme is ready to be brought back to the Committee, the new date will be widely publicised. No other business was due to be discussed at this meeting.

    Neil Hopkins Head of Communications Adur and Worthing Councils


  • 24 March 2015 11:08 AM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)

    Are you a First Time Buyer ?

    If yes, would you be interested in attending a local seminar packed with free information and quality advice about purchasing a property?

    CSN Homes are planning to run such a seminar and would like your input.

    Please could you take the time to complete the following survey:

    Thank you
    CSN Homes

  • 24 March 2015 9:21 AM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)

    We in the Shoreham Slipways Group would like your support with a planning application for a much needed slipway at the Adur Recreation Ground. As you probably know, Shoreham has a long maritime history and had numerous public slipways and hards which have either been built on or had the car parking removed. It is now very difficult for owners of small boats, anglers, divers, etc to gain access to the river and the sea. Last year, WSCC commissioned a detailed study into slipways on the Adur which proposed a slipway at the Adur Rec. We have now submitted a planning application for a slipway.  

    The planning application is now open for comment and will remain open until Wednesday 25 March. You can respond directly on the planning website ( the site is best viewed using Internet Explorer)
    or by email to the planning officer: - include your name, address, and ( if relevant ) who you represent. You should write why you believe that a slipway is important e.g. to replace the ones that have been lost, for leisure purposes, to encourage visitors and tourism, to help boost the local economy, etc. Responses will not only help us with the planning application but also ensure that the various public bodies see the level of support which will encourage them to work together and push the project forward. Responding is quick and easy and will be very useful in pushing the matter forward.

    We now have a website which shows the planning application details and also provides links for people to make comments.

  • 23 March 2015 1:38 PM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)

    Adur Civic Centre’s starring role

    Adur Civic Centre has been transformed into the sets and production offices for a major new BBC One drama series, ‘Cuffs’ which focuses on South Sussex Police.   Shoreham-by-Sea will sit centre stage over the coming months.  The drama is being produced by London-based production company, Tiger Aspect (Credits include: Peaky Blinders, Ripper Street, Benidorm, Mr Bean, Bad Education, Restoration Man).        

    Much of the location filming will be taking place in and around Brighton and Shoreham.

    The majority of interiors are being filmed in Shoreham’s currently partially vacant Civic Centre, which is being transformed into the Police Station and sits at the very heart of the drama.  The production team will also operate from its base, also established in the Civic Centre.

    Series Producer, Trevor Hopkins, says:

    “The production team is delighted to be working in Shoreham.  The town will be put firmly on the map during production and especially during the period immediately prior to and during transmission later this year when much of the publicity will focus on promoting the town and the great experience the cast and crew have experienced whilst working there.”

    Scott Marshall, Director for the Economy at Adur and Worthing Councils, adds:

    “This is an incredibly exciting way to use the Civic Centre, the upper floors of which have been unused for some time.  Our part of the Sussex coast is a great place to film in, we have some stunning locations and the scenery is second to none.  I can’t wait for the series to start to see Shoreham, once the home of the English Film Industry, shown off to the world!”

    The filming is expected to last into the Summer and the series will air in the autumn.

  • 19 March 2015 12:28 PM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)

    Albion in the Community are seeking out cancer champion volunteers.

    Take a look at our poster and book a place on our training day

  • 19 March 2015 12:19 PM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)

    More grant funding success for Adur and Worthing

    Residents across Worthing and Adur will soon be offered the chance of gaining rewards to use in leisure facilities and Worthing Theatres, thanks to a £136,000 grant from the Department for Communities and Local Government. The grant is to be shared by both Councils and will be split over the year coinciding with dates the scheme will be running, 2015 – 2016.

    After realising that sending recyclable waste to landfill is expensive and damaging to the environment, the Government decided to work with local authorities and support initiatives that recognise and reward those who reduce, reuse and recycle their waste.

    The Government grant will enable Adur & Worthing Councils to work in partnership on an initiative in which the 65,000 households within these areas will be in with a chance of winning leisure vouchers and prizes.

    Keith Dollemore, Executive Member for the Environment at Adur District Council said “As a seaside authority Adur is firmly committed to the principle of offering weekly refuse and fortnightly recycling collections. On behalf of the Council, I feel that this enables us to maintain a clean and safe environment as well as meeting the needs and desires of our local residents. The grant will be put towards funding our Recycling reward scheme known as Total Quality Recycling.”

    The project aims to encourage a better quality and  higher volume of recycling throughout Adur and Worthing, with the goal of reducing contamination , the amount of  waste sent to landfill and making communities and individuals more aware of how recycling can make a positive change.

    Clive Roberts, Executive Member for the Environment at Worthing Borough Council, added “This is a fantastic opportunity for us to make people aware of the impact they can have by recycling properly. Our aim is not only to reward those that do recycle but to equip residents with the knowledge of what, and how, to recycle successfully.”

    The project also corresponds with the increase of plastic materials deemed recyclable by Adur & Worthing Councils, as of Wednesday 1st April 2015 plastic tubs, pots and trays will be accepted providing they are washed and dried first. It’s projected this change alone will see recycling levels increase by 4000 tonnes per year, pushing West Sussex’s recycling rates to over 40%.

    To find out more information on what we can recycle and how you can get involved visit: 


  • 18 March 2015 3:52 PM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)

    Business Development Opportunities at StreetVelodrome

    On the 1st and 2nd August 2015, Worthing will host the fifth round of the UK StreetVelodrome series - which will then be aired on various global television networks as a 30 minute Worthing highlights show – and sponsorship opportunities are now available for businesses wanting to significantly raise their profile.

    With several thousand people expected to pack out Beach House grounds in Worthing on the first weekend of August, the StreetVelodrome event would be a good opportunity for any company to connect to more customers. The television highlights show extends this opportunity, with over 600,000 adults seeing the equivalent StreetVelodrome programme in 2014.

    Worthing Borough Council has been keen to keep the cost of sponsorship opportunities affordable, as Executive Member for Regeneration, Councillor Bryan Turner, explains:

    “There’s no point bringing a hugely exciting event like StreetVelodrome to Worthing, only to price local businesses out of the sponsorship opportunities.

    “We’ve already had incredibly strong interest and take up in our Gold, Silver and Bronze packages, with significant local companies investing in some high profile brand building.  However, there are still spaces, so interested businesses should move quickly to secure a sponsorship slot.”

    In addition to the main sponsorship packages, Worthing Borough Council are developing a filmed media package which will be both used as a marketing tool in the run up to the event, and as a celebration of a fantastic weekend of StreetVelodrome cycling afterwards.

    Businesses interested in finding out how to make the most of this opportunity should contact Jo Osborne, Worthing Borough Council’s Events Manager by email (

    More information about the exciting StreetVelodrome event, and its inaugural Worthing heat, can be found on their website –

  • 18 March 2015 3:51 PM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)

    Building Business Through Events

    Attending the right event can dramatically fuel a business’ growth - and no more so than when those events are held in the eyes of the world.  From the brand new Wildlife Festival in Shoreham or the StreetVelodrome event in Worthing, to the International Birdman and the Festival of Rugby, 2015 is going to bring global attention to Adur and Worthing.

    Event organisers are already looking for local companies to take up commercial opportunities including:

    •    Sponsorship opportunities
    •    Food and drink concessions
    •    Event related trade stands
    •    Entertainments and attractions (including children’s entertainments)
    •    Charity and community stands

    Pat Beresford, Adur District Council’s Executive Member for Regeneration, says:
    “I can’t think of a previous year with so many opportunities to get out and enjoy the Adur area.  From the growing Shoreham Riverfest to the Adur Festival, there’s going to be something for everyone.
    “It’s vitally important that businesses don’t miss out - I would encourage all local companies who think that they have something to offer festival goers to get involved early!”

    Executive Member for Regeneration on Worthing Borough Council, Councillor Bryan Turner, adds:
    “It’s not every area which can boast of so many large events packing into one summer season.  Our Food & Drink festival is going to be better than ever and the brand new StreetVelodrome event is going to be screened around the world, to name just two.
    “2015 will be a brilliant year for local businesses to get themselves in front of huge crowds, hopefully growing substantially as a result.”

    To get connected with all of the opportunities in the 2015 events programme, local businesses should contact Jo Osborne, Events Manager at Adur & Worthing Councils by email (

  • 03 March 2015 2:17 PM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)

    Worthing Digital Agency Fresh Egg is a finalist in

    Apprentice Employer of the Year Awards

    Local digital marketing agency announced as Apprenticeship4England ‘Small Business Employer of the Year’ finalist

    Digital Marketing Agency Fresh Egg is a finalist in a national apprentice employer of the year awards scheme after running a successful apprenticeship programme employing three young people from the area.

    The Apprenticeships4England 2015 Training Provider and Apprentice Employer Awards, announced last week, recognise the contribution of companies helping young people into the workforce.

    Worthing-based Fresh Egg is in the running for the Small Business Employer of the Year award category alongside the likes of leading healthcare service provider Medco Services.

    Fresh Egg MD Adam Stafford said: “I am delighted that Fresh Egg is an apprentice employer of the year award finalist. We have always been passionate about offering young people the chance to progress their careers in the digital sector and the launch of our apprentice scheme has been really exciting.

    “Being shortlisted for this award is a reflection on the commitment everyone at Fresh Egg has given to the scheme.”

    Fresh Egg launched its first apprenticeship scheme last year in conjunction with the level three Social Media and Digital Marketing apprenticeship programme offered by Brighton-based apprenticeship provider, Dv8 Sussex.

    Dv8 Sussex is a specialist creative and digital training college that has been providing young people in Sussex with personalised, industry-led training for over a decade.

    Richard Freeman, Operations Manager for Dv8, said: “Fresh Egg has been a fantastic employer to work with, and has had a refreshing approach to taking on apprentices in the digital marketing world.

    We look forward to working with them, developing new pathways and employer-led training initiatives for many more years,” says Richard.

    Fresh Talent

    Fresh Egg’s commitment to the progression and future careers of young people in the local community led the company to establish an innovative and robust apprenticeship programme.

    Fresh Egg invests heavily in the personal development of all its apprentices and provides them with the opportunity to undertake meaningful, challenging work in an inspiring, motivational and exciting office environment.

    Innovative Apprenticeship Format

    Fresh Egg made the decision to split its 12-month apprenticeship programme into three sections, allowing each apprentice to spend four months immersed in three digital marketing disciplines: technical SEO, biddable media and inbound marketing.

    This structure has enabled Fresh Egg apprentices to gain knowledge and experience across the sector and to better inform their future careers in digital.

    Each of the Fresh Egg digital marketing apprentices has become very well integrated into the company, demonstrating a clear understanding of the company goals and culture. Each is becoming proficient in digital marketing, gaining industry-recognised qualifications and continually showing improvements in terms of initiative, knowledge and work output.

    Future Plans

    With robust induction, training plans and documentation in place, Fresh Egg is well placed to run the apprenticeship programme each year and is committed to its sustainability. We look forward to working with future apprentices, developing employer-led training initiatives for many more years.

  • 26 February 2015 11:56 AM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)


    During the start-up process entrepreneurs have to overcome many factors to get their business up and running; however business owners are now discovering that one of the biggest, and most important, challenges of starting a business happens once the business is trading – attracting and retaining customers!

    It sounds simple but this crucial factor, which often gets overlooked by more pressing problems, can make or break your business. If people don’t know about your business, how can they become customers? And if you don’t have any customers, then how is your business going to make money? And if it isn’t making money, how are you going to keep your business going? These issues are not unique to start-ups; existing businesses must have an adaptive marketing strategy too!

    In order to enter the marketplace, and stay there, successfully alongside the competition, SMEs have to get their name known – and for the right reasons.

    Marketing is essential when introducing and promoting a product, service or business to potential customers because without it customers would never know about you and what you have to offer; but marketing does so much more than just get the word out. Marketing can impact sales, it can create a healthy competition between businesses and it can positively influence a company’s reputation.

    Businesses need to promote themselves, as well as their current offers and promotions, to show how they match up next to the competition, which for SMEs is increasingly important. SMEs also have to work harder to grow within the market, being careful to not get bypassed by these well-known companies that already have a loyal customer base. Building a solid, positive, reputation is the key to this because the way customers view a company influences the way customers buy from them. An effective marketing strategy, with positive reinforcements, can build a business’ image and create a strong and credible reputation for them that allows them to compete with their competitors and get their name noticed; which in turn can help boost their customers and sales.

    However many SMEs overlook marketing and cut in from their budgets because they can’t afford something that isn’t a necessity– but it is! Marketing can be expensive but it is vital for attracting and keeping customers, and that is why the Growth Voucher programme is ideal for businesses that are in need of some professional, marketing advice.

    Growth Vouchers is a government research initiative that provides strategic business advice to England’s micro, small and medium businesses across 5 business categories: Marketing, attracting and keeping customers, Raising finance and managing cash flow, Making the most of digital technology, Improving leadership and management skills and Recruiting and developing staff. The programme looks to support SMEs by offering up to £2,000 match funding to be spent on strategic business advice to aid their growth and development.

    A marketing Growth Voucher cannot be spent on designing specific marketing campaigns, copywriting, building websites, undertaking social media campaigns or carrying out market research or training. The Growth Voucher is to be spent with an accredited supplier who will give advice on how to research existing and potential customers, establish crucial insights from business and customer data, develop and improve new products/services from customer’s needs, define communication plans for the target audience and establish a series of processes to help close a sale.

    Carolyn Burchell, founder of Composure Accounting, received a Growth Voucher for marketing and said “I implemented the marketing strategy in my first follow-up meeting; it was a great success and resulted in a new client very easily.”

    To find out more about the Growth Voucher programme, to read client case studies and to apply for your voucher, please visit


    Chloe Hodson – Marketing Coordinator


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