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  • 23 January 2024 11:24 AM | Anonymous

    Financial Market Update from George Square Financial Management in Conjunction with Albemarle Street Partners.

    Some stronger returns lead us into 2024

    The past year has brought some relief for long-term investors with stronger returns emerging particularly in recent months from markets relieved that inflation is receding. Interest rate rises, whilst a blunt tool to cure inflation, have proven effective. Indeed, we can take some comfort that whilst high interest rates have imposed pain on the economy, this process has demonstrated to us that the policy which is supposed to keep the global economy working does in fact broadly work. 

    Many have spent much of the past year worrying that inflation would run away to 1970s levels and claiming central banks would fail in their efforts. The key lesson, though, is that a long-term perspective, faith in fundamentals, and transparency from policymakers ultimately pays off. 


             Portfolios have shown strong returns in the final quarter of the year as both bonds and equities rallied. Our allocation to US equities as well as government and corporate bonds helped portfolios outperform benchmarks over 2023.  

             World equities gained 16.63% last year, with US and European equities advancing 18.28% and 13.42% respectively. UK large caps lagged, with the FTSE 100 up just 6.47% last year. UK mid-caps have rallied 10.4% over the past 3 months. Asian indices lagged in 2023 as continued economic weakness impacted investor sentiment.  

             In fixed income, UK Government bonds finished 2023 roughly flat, with bond interest payments accounting for the bulk of the return last year. Falling inflationary pressures have fuelled market predictions that central banks will embark on interest rate cuts in 2024 which could help bond prices recover.  

             Global high yield debt was up 13.72% last year, aided by strong gains over the past quarter. High yield debt has rebounded as concerns surrounding a deep recession in the US have been allayed.  

             We rebalanced portfolios in the fourth quarter and used the opportunity to add to high yield debt and active funds in Asia and Japan. 

             We introduced an active fixed income allocation which alters its sensitivity to bond yields based on inflation signals.  

             We reduced portfolio allocations to gilts, global infrastructure, and Asian equity index funds.   

    The economic outlook remains a source of concern for investors as we enter 2024. Manufacturing surveys are pointing to slowing growth and labor markets are starting to weaken. However, monetary conditions are likely to continue to ease in the second half of the year. Still, corporate profits face growing risks in the interim.

    We remain optimistic that the backdrop provides opportunity for stronger recent returns to continue as bond yields settle and corporate profitability stabilize. 

    We are also excited by elevated expected returns while recognising risks remain. We take a balanced approach - keeping high quality anchors that participate in rallies, while gradually rotating into

    beaten-down assets as data improves. 

    © 2022 George Square Financial Management Ltd. All Rights Reserved The content of this material is a marketing communication, and not independent investment research. As such, the legal and regulatory requirements in relation to independent investment research do not apply to this material and it is not subject to any prohibition on dealing ahead of its dissemination. The material is for general information purposes only (whether or not it states any opinions). It does not take into account your personal circumstances or objectives. Nothing in this material is (or should be considered to be) legal, financial, investment or other advice on which reliance should be placed. No opinion given in the material constitutes a recommendation by George Square Financial Management Ltd that any particular investment, security, transaction, or investment strategy is suitable for any specific person. Although the information set out in this marketing communication is obtained from sources believed to be reliable, George Square Financial Management Ltd. makes no guarantee as to its accuracy or completeness. George Square Financial Management Ltd. shall not be responsible for any loss that you may incur, either directly or indirectly, arising from any investment based on any information contained herein. This material may include charts displaying financial instruments’ past performance as well as estimates and forecasts. Any information relating to past performance of an investment does not necessarily guarantee future performance. George Square Financial Management Ltd. is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority

  • 10 January 2024 10:15 AM | Anonymous

    Community Trustee Vacancy for Worthing Counselling Centre.

    An exciting opportunity has been made available to someone in the local area to take on a voluntary position of Community Trustee for Worthing Counselling Centre.

    We are seeking new Trustees with a general interest or understanding in our area of work to bring insights, networks and creativity to the role.

    Worthing Counselling Centre (WCC) formerly known as Offington Counselling Service was established as a registered charity in Worthing in 1983, we have helped support thousands of people in our community making changes to their lives and relationships to improve their emotional mental health and wellbeing.  The ethos of our service is to make counselling as widely available and affordable as possible, no one is excluded from counselling because of cost.

    For further information relating to Worthing Counselling Centre

    We are particularly keen to recruit members of the community who have skills/expertise in business management, fundraising and marketing and join our current experienced board of Trustees and staff, adding to and enhancing our dynamic approach to supporting our local community, could this be you? 

    If you’re interested in applying for this role please email your CV or supporting statement to for the attention of the Chair of Trustees Debra Schneider

    Closing date: Wednesday 31st January 2024

  • 10 January 2024 10:07 AM | Anonymous

    Fully funded summer interns available from the University of Sussex

    The University of Sussex is pleased to offer the opportunity for organisations to benefit from full financial support to employ a University of Sussex undergraduate student. The Career Lab UK Summer Internship Programme is designed to offer:

    • relevant and meaningful work experience to second/penultimate year or third/final year undergraduate students.
    • additional support for your organisation to complete specific projects or tasks.
    • opportunities and targeted promotion for students who are from underrepresented groups (further details available in our Guidance, Terms and Conditions 2024).

    You are now invited to express interest in receiving full funding to pay a University of Sussex undergraduate student to undertake a 6- or 8-week summer internship.

    We particularly welcome internship opportunities that positively contribute to addressing environmental, economic and social sustainability issues, as outlined in the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.

    Internships should commence in June or July 2024. Part-time hours, over a longer duration, as well as remote-working positions, will be considered.

    1. Log into CareerHub employer portal
    1. Carefully read the Guidance, Terms and Conditions 2024
    1. Submit the Career Lab UK Summer Internship Expression of Interest 2024

    The deadline to submit your Expression of Interest is 1 March 2024, however early applications are advised.

    To support employers to create a positive, inclusive recruitment process and internship experience, all participating employers must attend free Disability Empowerment Training, provided by EmployAbility and the University of Sussex. This will be a 60-minute online session with dates available at the end of January or February 2024. An invitation will be shared after your submission has been reviewed. As these training sessions are taking place soon, we encourage you to submit your expression of interest as soon as possible.

    We also invite you to attend one of our optional, online University of Sussex Funded Internships Information Sessions to support your application and address any questions:

    Please register in advance for your chosen session above, everyone is welcome.

    We have also compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions and Essential Advice.

    Career Lab: Student Consultancy Programme

    The University of Sussex is also offering you the opportunity to explore a live challenge faced by your organisation whilst providing meaningful work experience to a small group of final-year undergraduate and postgraduate students. Students spend a combined 100 hours on a project brief set by you (the client) and provide a business-style presentation to showcase their findings.

    Applications are open now until 19 January 2024.

    Further information, including testimonials, project ideas, template briefs and how to register, is available at: 

    Student Consultancy Programme - Information for Organisations 2024

    If you have any questions, please email us at

    We thank you again for expressing an interest in providing meaningful work experience for our students and look forward to working with you.

    Kind regards,

    The Internships Team

  • 10 January 2024 9:23 AM | Anonymous

    Why Sports Massage Matters! 

    Check out Chamber Member Ingrid Sbongk-Sonderfeld's article in Sussex Local

    Physical benefits also promote emotional wellness, says Ingrid, a qualified Sports Massage Therapist, based in Worthing.

    She has always been passionate about massage as a part of our wellbeing, as well as a means to keeping fit and healthy. Ingrid has worked in Health Care for over 20 years with a focus on mental health and wellbeing. She realised that massage could play a vital part in reducing stress and tension and also in keeping soft tissues and muscles healthy. This lead Ingrid to specialise in Sports Massage and obtain her Level 4 qualification as a Sports Massage Therapist.

    We spoke to Ingrid about why Sports Massage is so important. Here are her top reasons:

    Sports Massage Reduces Stress: “Life’s demands can take a toll on both body and mind. A sports massage is a powerful stress-reliever, promoting relaxation and helping you unwind.”

    Gives Relief to Muscle Tension: “Whether you’re an athlete pushing your limits or someone experiencing day-to-day muscle tightness, my sports massages are tailored to release tension and improve flexibility.”

    Helps in Injury Prevention & Recovery: “Sports massage techniques can aid in preventing injuries by enhancing muscle flexibility and reducing the risk of strains. If you’re recovering from an injury, my targeted approach can expedite the healing process.”

    Helps to Enhance Circulation: “Improved blood flow is vital for overall health. Sports massage stimulates circulation, promoting better oxygen and nutrient delivery to tissues.”

    Benefits of Holistic Wellbeing: “Beyond the physical benefits, a sports massage nurtures your mental and emotional wellness, fostering a sense of balance and harmony.”

    Home visits can be offered. Call 07754 490182 or visit:

    You can read this plus loads more local news and articles on Sussex Local's website here 

  • 09 January 2024 11:03 AM | Anonymous

    Kreston Reeves advised Kondor AI on Aquis Stock Exchange listing

    Kreston Reeves has acted as reporting accountants to Kondor AI on its admission to the Aquis Stock Exchange. Kondor AI was admitted on 21 December raising £1.5 million.

    Kondor AI is a London-based developer of vision-based artificial intelligence products that analyses images and live photos responding to questions and challenges based on visual input. It is being offered to both business and consumers on a software-as-a-service model.

    Jonathan Bixby, Co-Founder and Executive Chairman at Kondor AI, said: “Kondor's debut on the AQUIS market is a major step in the company's development and provides a strong foundation to execute our long-term growth strategy. We are delighted with the strong support from a wide range of investors to build a global AI vision Company under the Kondor brand.

    “We are grateful to the Kreston Reeves team for their support in this significant milestone.”

    The Kreston Reeves team was led by Corporate Finance Director Craig Dallender, Corporate Finance Assistant Manager Lloyd Halliwell, Partner Anne Dwyer and Audit Manager Claire Faruque.

    Craig Dallender said: “We are delighted to have supported Kondor AI in its admission to the Aquis Stock Exchange as reporting accountants - it is an important step in its growth journey.

    “It is the second AI company that we have helped list on AQSE, having acted as reporting accountants to Cykel AI in November and shows the strengths we have to help businesses grow through listings, fundraising and mergers and acquisitions.”

    Kreston Reeves has in the past 12 months acted as reporting accountants to Cykel AI and Kondor AI on their admission to the Aquis Stock Exchange alongside deals with a combined value exceeding £120 million.

  • 05 January 2024 11:18 AM | Anonymous

    Carpenter Box raises £82,000 for local charities in centenary year

    Sussex-based Carpenter Box has raised £82,000 in the accountancy firm’s 100th year to support charities working with vulnerable people across the county.

    The practice, which has offices in Worthing, Brighton, Chichester, Crawley and London, smashed its original target of raising £50,000 for its Carpenter Box Charitable Foundation (CBCF) – and was delighted to hand over initial donations at an event bringing the centenary year to a close.

    Among the recipients who shared £30,000 in donations, were education charity Red Balloon, West Sussex MIND, homeless charity Turning Tides, all based in Worthing, and Crawley Open House, which provides a hostel for 55 people every night. In the coming months, the CBCF will also provide donations to more than 30 local community and voluntary groups supporting some of the most vulnerable people in society.

    John Billings, Senior Partner at Carpenter Box, was thrilled with the success of fundraising efforts, commenting: “My sincere thanks go out to all our people for their commitment and creativity in making 2023 a fitting celebration of our firm’s 100 years in business.

    “We were clear at the outset that in our centenary year we wanted to support the work of local charities focused on poverty, community and opportunity – and through the support from our sponsors and the endeavours of our staff in raising £82,000, far exceeding our initial target, we know that many disadvantaged people will now be helped to live their best possible lives.”

    The Carpenter Box fundraising activities ranged from lobbing sponges at Partners, a LGTBQIA+ gaymes day, sponsored walks and a book swap.

    Since its inception in 2009, the Carpenter Box Charitable Foundation has raised over £350,000 in support of local grass roots charities that often find fundraising challenging.

    Caption: Photo shows (l-r): Back row – John Billings, Carpenter Box Senior Partner; Alan Edwards, Managing Partner; Ian Wilkins, Crawley Open House; Front – Debbie Watkins, West Sussex MIND; Nick Munday, Red Balloon; Sue Harris, Turning Tides; and Robin Evans, Partner and CBCF Trustee.

  • 04 January 2024 9:22 AM | Anonymous

    Check out Pro-Actions Business Workshop Programme

    As a small business owner do you find it challenging to rise above everyday operations and focus on strategic planning and long-term growth? A Pro-actions Business Workshop Programme is like having your own board of directors; a pool of experienced colleagues there to help you, guide you and assist you in growing your business. It is a proven methodology consisting of strategies and techniques which will help you achieve more results in less time.

    The Pro-actions Mini MBA
    Our workshops are facilitated by experienced coaches who have learnt the lessons the hard way – in the school of real, practical business. The programme consists of 12, monthly sessions that provide a business owner and / or key team members with a complete understanding of core business disciplines. A workshop will have up to 10 non competing businesses and will involve presentation, group discussion, and both individual and group working.

    Key to success is the “homework”, with an expectation that attendees will begin to put the principles discussed at the workshops into practice between sessions. Each new workshop offers an opportunity for the sharing of experiences, successes and challenges from putting principle into practice.

    “ Our delegates typically find that during the programme they see a marked increase in revenue, growth and confidence"

    Seize the opportunity to improve results and grow your business now! Business Workshops are about driving results. You get continuous, accelerated, practical support & insights that you can put into practice immediately. Move quickly as places are limited.

    Just £250 + VAT per month or alternately £2500 + VAT if paid in advance for the year.

    For more information visit

  • 03 January 2024 11:45 AM | Anonymous

    SGN Gas Network Upgrades in the A24 Worthing

    Starting on Monday 8 January, our contractors DJ Utilities will begin work to replace the gas main along the A24 and Sompting Avenue in Worthing. This work will involve the replacement of old metal gas pipes with new plastic pipes to ensure we can continue to provide the local community with a safe and efficient gas supply. The section of gas main being replaced has a history of gas leaks that have resulted in disruptive emergency works. Replacing this pipe is the only option to provide a permanent solution. These works are essential. Due to the location of the gas main in the A24, for everyone’s safety, we'll need to use a variety of traffic management measures during our work.

    Phase one – A24 lane closures From Monday 8 January 2024 for approximately six weeks.

    Engineers will be working along the A24 in the centre two lanes from the junction of Queen Street to opposite Bohunt School. For everyone's safety, we'll need to close one lane southbound and one lane northbound. We will also need to close Queen Street and Georgia Avenue at their junction with the A24. This will mean no access in or out of these roads onto the A24.

    Phase two – A24 lane closures
    From Monday 19 February for approximately six weeks.

    We will continue to work on the A24 in the centre two lanes from the junction of the Bohunt School entrance to the junction of Sompting Avenue and Carnegie Road. For everyone's safety, we will need to close one lane southbound and one lane northbound. During this phase, Sompting Avenue will be made one-way eastbound only between the junctions of A24 and Beaumont Road. Traffic from Carnegie Road will only be able to turn left onto the A24.

    Phase three – Sompting Avenue
    From approximately Tuesday 2 April for approximately ten weeks.

    We will be working on Sompting Avenue from the junctions of the A24 to Beaumont Road. Sompting Avenue will remain one-way eastbound only between the junctions of the A24 and Beaumont Road.

    We appreciate our work will be disruptive for road users and the local community and we're sorry for the inconvenience these essential works may cause. Thank you for your patience and understanding

    You can find the latest updates on our project page at

    A regular weekly update will also be given to local Councillors and local authorities to share with their networks.

    If you have any questions, please contact our Customer Service team at or by calling 0800 912 1700 – they will direct your enquiry to a member of the team for a response

  • 03 January 2024 11:23 AM | Anonymous

    Introducing Chichester College's new Employer Guide 2024/25

    In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, the core asset of any successful enterprise is undoubtedly its people. At the Chichester College Group, we recognise this and we are committed to ensuring we are responsive to the needs of local, regional, and national employers.

    As a group, we are renowned for our wide range of vocational and academic programmes, and employer engagement initiatives, we take pride in shaping individuals who possess the skills, knowledge, and attitudes required to excel in a dynamic and fiercely competitive job market.

    Our distinct approach, as outlined in our new Employer Guide, revolves around our commitment to employers.

    We believe the partnership between education and industry is pivotal for fostering innovation, spurring growth, and enhancing productivity. Through close collaboration with employers, we tailor our programmes to meet the evolving demands of the job market, ensuring alignment with the specific needs of your industry.

    Our commitment extends beyond the classroom. Our colleges are equipped with cutting-edge facilities, state-of-the-art resources, and industry-standard equipment. Our learning environments include modern workshops, simulation labs, digital innovation hubs, and dedicated employer suites – providing a dynamic setting where students translate theory into practice.

    What sets the Chichester College Group apart is not just our infrastructure but also our exceptional team of highly qualified and dedicated tutors and support staff. Their passion for empowering learners and meeting the needs of employers, ensures that our students receive an education that thoroughly prepares them for the challenges awaiting them in the workplace.

    In essence, we don't just educate; we empower, ensuring our students are not just jobseekers but invaluable contributors to the ever-changing professional landscape.

    Paul Rolfe - Associate Principal Employers & Stakeholders

    To view the guide, please visit:

    CCG Training | Chichester College Group (

  • 03 January 2024 10:50 AM | Anonymous

    Mindworks Pop Up Escape Rooms!

    What do you get if you take four strangers, a dark tent, a pair of handcuffs and a stopwatch?

    Team ‘Operation Chamber’ taking on the Mindworks pop-up Escape Room at the Better Business show recently, that’s what!  (What were you thinking??)

    Chay Took, Marnie Williams, Matt Marchant and Nick Tompkin – four business leaders who hadn’t worked together before – kindly agreed to let me observe and give feedback on how they performed as a team during this 15-minute escape challenge (or perhaps Tracie Davey is just very persuasive).

    We had a great conversation afterwards, reflecting on how their team dynamics evolved in that short time, from being polite and measured at the outset, to each stepping into their natural styles and roles towards the end.

    Thanks Chay, Marnie, Matt and Nick for being such good sports.

    Without giving away any game spoilers, here are some of my favourite lines:

    “Who did that?”

    “Are we missing something really obvious?”

    “I was over-engineering it.”

    “Check his pockets!”

    “And you know what, that matches as well... It's like they were giving us a clue!”

    “Shall we wait and get some suspense?”

    If you’re looking for a fun activity for your business event, Mindworks have three different Escape Rooms in Worthing, or can bring this pop-up experience to your venue.

Get in touch

Tel: 01903 203484   


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