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  • 06 October 2016 1:04 PM | Deleted user

    METALL #2 ‘takes innovation to market’

    Following the successful launch of the new Manufacturing, Engineering and Technology Alliance (METALL) in July, the latest event, METALL #2 also received a very good response from local manufacturing, engineering and technology businesses. They joined hosts Gatwick and South Coast based accountants and tax advisers Carpenter Box, solicitors asb law and recruitment agency CBSbutler for the event at the Roffey Park Institute near Horsham.

    The event gave a fascinating insight into the ways in which two very different local innovative manufacturing businesses have brought new products to market, as the attendees heard from Bruce Girvan of Horsham-based Ceres Power and Kevin Brown of Crawley-based Elekta.

    Elekta and Ceres Power may be in very different fields, but both demonstrated how innovation – the seed of an idea – could be developed from conception to market. With Elekta, the case study revolved around how the MR-linac - a brand new concept in radio-therapy was developed and commissioned, and with Ceres Power, how their new fuel cell technology has come to market and is set to revolutionise perceptions around home power generation.

    Elekta, with a team of around 900 at their expanding Manor Royal site in Crawley, is the world’s second largest supplier of radio-therapy equipment. Ceres Power is a relatively new company and  much smaller, but has already developed a production line capable of delivering around 8 million of their fuel cells a year.

    METALL #2 also heard from Professor Seamus Higson, Deputy Vice Chancellor at the University of Chichester. Seamus updated METALL attendees on the new Engineering and Digital Technology Park on the university's Bognor Regis Campus, where construction of a landmark building is about to commence which will open in 2018.

    METALL facilitator Chris Coopey, ex-engineer and Head of the Manufacturing Group at Carpenter Box, explained: “I am delighted to report that the first two meetings of METALL have proved to be very popular with many manufacturing and engineering businesses. The audiences have been keen to listen to our speakers as well as share their own thoughts and ideas with the group. Both Bruce and Kevin provided a number of thought-provoking ideas that the audience will hopefully be able to adapt for their own businesses. It was also great news to hear from Seamus that the new Technology Park is looking to deliver 500 new science, technology, engineering and mathematics students per annum in Bognor Regis by 2021 – this is just what the sector needs!”

    (Image of Bruce Girvan (left) of Ceres Power and Kevin Brown from Elekta)

  • 06 October 2016 11:04 AM | Deleted user

    Community Works building on the great work of our Voluntary & Community Sector Development in Adur and Worthing

    A strong and vibrant community voluntary sector is very important to Adur and Worthing Councils.  Our places are fortunate to have a great mix of voluntary and community organisations who provide an important service, from befriending and working with older residents, young people, families, those with disabilities, refugees, and so much more.

    Following a tendering process earlier in the year, Adur & Worthing Councils awarded a new contract to Community Works to provide sector leadership, networking and development support for the Community and Voluntary Sector locally.  This is jointly funded by West Sussex County Council.

    Community Works will build on the good work in place and are currently developing a number of new relationships with the voluntary and statutory sectors and local businesses.  Central to their offer will be the development of groups around key issues (starting with health, Wellbeing, and young people and families) and guidance and support for local groups to help them grow and thrive to meet the needs and wants of local communities.

    Community Works officially started in July 2016 and have since been busy in meeting local groups and recruiting key staff.

    Previously, both Voluntary Action Worthing and Adur Voluntary Action delivered this service on behalf of the Councils and we would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their efforts over the years.

    Community Works Chief Executive, Sally Polanski adds, “We are delighted to have this opportunity to work with the local community groups and voluntary organisations to support them in developing their plans and achieving their goals.

    We encourage anyone to get in touch to tell us what support they need; we will aim to shape our services in response.   There is already a wealth of information from the consultation the Council’s undertook last year on the sector’s support needs which we are using to inform our setup and priorities. To stay in touch and find more about what’s on offer, groups are invited to sign up to our newsletter where all our future activities will be advertised”

    Councillor David Simmons Adur District Council Executive Member for Wellbeing adds “I am pleased to say that Community Works have hit the ground running and are already providing essential support to some of our communities. I look forward to working alongside them as a local Councillor in developing a vibrant, inclusive and effective community across Adur.”

    Councillor Val Turner Worthing Borough Council Executive Member for Wellbeing says  “I look forward to working closely with Community Works as the role of the voluntary and community sector is vital for Worthing and our role in helping communities to flourish.  We have made great efforts over the last few years to ensure that our support for the sector is strong and having a top class group to continue this work really matters.” 

  • 06 October 2016 9:56 AM | Deleted user

    Guildcare A Walk to Remember 

    Sunday 9th October 2016 - 10am

    Help us raise funds for dementia services

    Challenge yourself to walk, run or jog our 5km or 10km route along Goring Gap, Worthing and your steps will help raise funds for services our our vital dementia services.

    You can enter today online or download a registration form.

    Entry is just £10 per person, £25 per family of four (2 adults and 2 children under 16) or £40 per group of five and includes your fundraising pack, T-shirt, medal and refreshments.

    Dogs welcome! They can join in with the Woof to Remember. £1 per dog.

    Whether you’re walking to remember a loved one with dementia, to soak up the fun filled atmosphere, for a wonderful walk along Worthing seafront or simply want to make it a day to stand out, your sponsorship money will make a huge difference to local people with dementia.

    Once you have registered you will receive a fundraising pack which will include:

    • Your welcome letter  
    • On the day information  
    • A Walk to Remember registration leaflet for others to sign up  
    • Sponsorship form  
    • Fundraising hints and tips  
    • Volunteer application form 

    Read the event FAQs or contact the fundraising team for more details.

    Invite your friends and family to take part

    Once you’ve signed up, could you get your friends and family to Walk to Remember too? Help us spread the word and get your partner, friends and family involved, the more people who take part, the more people we will be able to help with our services.    

    Click here to

  • 04 October 2016 4:07 PM | Deleted user

    Southern Businesses Honored at Johnston Press South Business Awards

    Businesses across the South were honored on Friday during the Johnston Press South Business Awards in Brighton. The annual award ceremony, held this year at The Grand Hotel, Brighton, celebrates the best in business along the Sussex coast.

     Congratulations to all of the winners! 

    Young Achiever Winner Rachel Blair from Worthing Churches Homeless Project with sponsor Darren Hunter from Express Printing.

    Training & Development Award Winners Richard John Academy with sponsor (left) Denise Greaves from etc magazine.

    Innovation Award Winners ETI with sponsor Nigel Greaves from Nigel Greaves Gallery.

    Photos by Mark Dimmock 0044 7889 7750788.
    Click here to read more at Worthing Herald.

  • 04 October 2016 3:03 PM | Deleted user

    Gatwick and Bechtel partner to deliver second runway by 2025

    Gatwick Airport has today announced a strategic partnership with Bechtel – the firm that project managed the Channel Tunnel, HS1 and which is currently providing programme management services for the on-time, on-budget completion of Crossrail – to deliver a second runway at Gatwick by 2025.

    For the past two years Bechtel has been working with Gatwick Airport on developing a robust delivery programme, execution plan and logistics strategy to support the on-time delivery of a second runway and midfield terminal. As part of this planning work, Bechtel has confirmed that expansion at Gatwick Airport is low risk and benefits from minimal critical interfaces with existing infrastructure  - making it deliverable by 2025, with a government decision this year to expand Gatwick.

    Bechtel is one of the world’s most respected engineering, construction and project management companies and has delivered nearly 100 major airport projects over the last 50 years.  The new partnership will see Bechtel project manage Gatwick’s second runway programme should the Government give it the green light.

    Renowned architect Sir Terry Farrell has also been working on shaping Gatwick’s vision of a new runway and terminal facility for a number of years - and will work with Bechtel to bring the project to fruition.  Farrell led the design team for Incheon airport, which has been voted best airport in the world.

    Gatwick Airport CEO Stewart Wingate said:

    “Bechtel is a global leader with a strong track record in delivering significant infrastructure projects and we look forward to working together to deliver the UK’s next runway.

    “Gatwick expansion can happen quickly because it is simple and low risk with a dramatically lower environmental impact.

    “A bigger Gatwick would generate the new long haul routes and the economic boost that Britain needs. It’s time for Gatwick to deliver the certainty and growth the UK needs.”

    Bechtel’s General Manager for Infrastructure – EAM, Amjad Bangash said:

    “We are delighted to be confirmed as Gatwick Airport’s partner for the second runway programme.

    “We have provided Gatwick with robust plans for a second runway and are confident that this low risk project can be built to the highest quality, safely and sustainably - and that it can be operational by 2025.”

    Click here to

  • 04 October 2016 1:38 PM | Deleted user

    Adur & Worthing Councils launch a new voluntary code of practice for Professional Dog Walkers

    There are just over 50 professional dog walkers in the Adur & Worthing district who provide a very popular and for some, essential service for dog owners across the area, but unlike Boarding Kennels and Pet shops, there is not a legal framework to support and guide on good practice for this profession and this does lead to the Councils’ occasionally receiving complaints from members of the public.

    To address this, and as has been successfully rolled out in many other local authorities all over the UK, the Council's Dog Warden team are launching a voluntary code of practice for professional dog walkers in the area.  They have also incorporated the views of local PDWs following a public meeting about this issue in June.

    The aim of the voluntary code of practice is to introduce a “Code of Conduct” that will encourage all PDW’s to follow best practice regarding the dogs under their care, as well as setting a good example to members of the public exercising their own dogs.

    In addition, all PDWs who sign up to the code will be added to a directory, via a special page on the Adur & Worthing Councils website, so the public are well informed when choosing a walker for their dog.  The walkers will also be issued with a special sticker to display on their vehicles to show they are signed up to this scheme.

    To launch this voluntary code of practice the Adur & Worthing Dogs warden team are inviting all PDWs in the area to meet up at 2pm on Tuesday 11th October at Charmandean Open Space, Worthing, where the team will be on hand to explain the code and sign up walkers.  As many as possible are invited to attend.  Dogs welcome too of course!

    Councillor Emma Evans, Adur District Council Executive Member for the Environment adds “I fully support the launch of this voluntary code of practice for professional dog walkers in Adur.  All professions benefit from clear guidelines and PDWs are no different.  As in other areas across the UK, where local authorities have introduced this voluntary code, the PDWs benefit from a code that guides and supports them in offering a good level of service and professionalism, resulting in good dog welfare also.”

    Councillor Clive Roberts, Worthing Borough Council Executive Member for the Environment said “Following a public meeting in June, very well attended by local PDWs, it was very clear that there was a demand for this voluntary code of practice to be introduced in Adur & Worthing, from the professionals and the public alike.  

    The Dog Wardens team have taken great care to incorporate the feedback from that meeting in this voluntary code of practice and believe, as do I, that it will result in a high level of service from PDWs in our area, a good standard of welfare for the dogs, and a reassurance for the dog owners and public alike that the Councils are offering a code to deliver best  practice.”

  • 30 September 2016 4:30 PM | Deleted user

    Six new Trainees recruited at ‘Platinum’ Accountancy Firm

    West Sussex and Gatwick-based chartered accountants, Carpenter Box, have appointed six new trainees, who have joined the firm’s Platinum Accredited programme on the road to the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants’ (ACCA) qualification.

    Joshua Roberts joined following graduation from the University of Sussex. Ruth Burrows from the University of Southampton and Jevan McCrae from the University of Chichester.  Jennifer Morton joined from Worthing College, Alaina Clarke from the University of Winchester and Katie Sanders from the Angmering School Sixth Form.

    Carpenter Box Practice Director, Chris Coopey, welcomed the trainees on board, commenting: “Training the next generation of accountants, tax and business advisers is a responsibility we take seriously. We have always invested heavily in emerging talent and our latest intake need look no further than our current Managing Partner for inspiration – Alan Edwards joined the firm as a trainee 23 years ago.

    “We have always aimed to give our students the best possible start to their careers which has been underlined by our accreditation as a Platinum employer, ACCA’s highest global standard of excellence.”

    The new trainees will undertake a comprehensive training programme working in the Business Services, Tax Services and Assurance and Advisory Groups at Carpenter Box. As well as on the job training, they will also be required to sit up to 14 exams over the next three to four years as they work towards their ACCA qualification. 

    (Image – Five of the six new trainees, from left to right: Joshua Roberts, Jennifer Morton, Ruth Burrows, Katie Sanders and Jevan McRae)

  • 30 September 2016 11:25 AM | Deleted user

    New Ideas for New Technologies

    A Hitch-Hikers Guide to Innovation

     Following on from the Opinions Debate: Innovate or Fail – your choice, Prof. Seamus Higson will be giving a public lecture with New Ideas for New Technologies: A Hitch-Hikers Guide to Innovation. He will share a personal account of how his research and commercialisation has led or contributed to the development of ‘smart’ wound dressings, technologies for sensors for use within the water sector, and biosensors for the early screening and detection of a number of life threatening conditions, including a number of cancers and strokes. 

    Join us for this free event on the 13th October 2016 at 6.30pm in The ShowRoom, Bishop Otter Campus, PO19 6PE. Click here to book.

    Full details about the talk can be found here. 

  • 28 September 2016 10:28 AM | Deleted user

    Highdown Gardens wins Gold at South & South East in Bloom awards 2016

    The team at Highdown Gardens have been awarded their third award of the year, Gold winner at the South & South East in Bloom ceremony 2016.

    Nestled amongst the idyllic South Downs, Highdown Gardens is spread over 8.5 acres of land, It’s a highly recommended place to visit particularly in spring or early summer, where the garden offer a succession of colour and variety.  Situated between Ferring and Goring, these stunningly beautiful chalk gardens on Downland countryside, overlook the sea and are a tranquil haven for all to enjoy.

    The gardens are also home to The National Plant Collection of the Plant Introductions of Sir Fredrick Stern - a unique collection of plants and trees, with many unusual plants to be discovered all year round.

    South & South East in Bloom judge remarked "From one's arrival at the entrance it is clear that here is a little hidden horticultural gem, tucked away on its chalky south facing slope. The garden established by Sir F Stern VMH in 1909, is a wonder. is, without a doubt, one of the most important gardens in the region."  

    Jo Hooper, Head Gardener Highdown Gardens adds  “All of the team at Highdown are thrilled to have won a gold award at South & South East in Bloom this year, the first in the Garden’s history.  It was only made possible by the hard work and dedication of all of the staff and our wonderful volunteers.   I would also like to personally thank everyone for their efforts in making Highdown Gardens the beautiful place that it is and many congratulations to you all."

    Councillor Clive Roberts, Worthing Borough Council Executive Member for Environment said “I am delighted, that once again, the hard work, expertise and commitment of the talented team at Highdown, along with the dedicated volunteers who together lavish such great care and attention at Highdown, has once again been recognised at such a high level.  Many congratulations to all involved.”

    Photo: Great British Gardens

  • 26 September 2016 12:02 PM | Deleted user

    Indigo Restaurant's Sumptuous Autumn Menu is Waiting For You

    Some delicious new dishes and divine treats

    Our head chef Richard Wood has been very busy in creating some fabulous dishes for your consumption. Equally, he has retained some of your favourites, because otherwise, we get grumpy clients, who just know what they like!

    Take a look at our fantastic fixed menu, and try not to dribble too much.

    Put your pinky here!

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    We take great pride in bringing you a wide range of events and special evenings.

    Click through to our website to see all the events.

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